Old Random Events

Below you can see an overview of all the different random event's you can receive while surfing around Neopia. This page is divided into different categories, so click on the category of your choice and random events with explanations will appear.

If you receive any random events that are not shown on this page, or if you have any extra information about the random events listed on this page please take a screenshot and save the source of the page, then contact us. Extra information could be for example, that you have a number of neopoints that got stolen from you outside the range listed on this page. Before you contact us, please make sure the random event is not listed in any of the other categories.

This guide has been archived and might no longer be maintained. These are all of the old random events, and most have been migrated in 2014 to the new Random Events system. Please see our new guide to view the latest information.


While you are visiting Terror Mountain (Including the Ice Caves and Happy Valley) you can get special Winter events. These events are shown on this page.

Ice Treasure:
If you are really lucky you might find the Ice Treasure. If this happens you will receive some neopoints.

Winter Random Event!!!
You have stumbled upon the great Ice Treasure of 393 Neopoints!!!

Terror Mountain is a place filled with ice and snow, so nobody would be surprised if you found an Ice Negg while visiting. There are two Negg events; one has an 'Ice Negg' the other a 'Super Ice Negg'.

Winter Random Event!!!
You pick an Ice Negg from a nearby bush

Winter Random Event!!!
You pick an Super Ice Negg from a nearby bush!

Christmas Paint Brush:
One of the more rare events on Terror Mountain is that you find a Christmas Paint Brush.

Winter Random Event!!!
Wow! You have found a Christmas Paint Brush!

On Terror Mountain, a snowball might get thrown at you. If you are lucky you will be able to pick up the snowball and then you get to keep it. There are different versions of the random event, each of the battle magic snowballs have their own version, examples are Evil Snowball, Exploding Snowball, Icy Snowball, Peach Snowball, Poison Snowball, Snow Mudball, Stone Snowball, Sticky Snowball, Wet Snowball and Yellow Snowball.

Winter Random Event!!!
Somebody from high up throws a Yellow Snowball at you! You pick it up!

Snowball Attack:
If you get a snowball thrown at you and you do not manage to pick it up, your pet will lose 1 hit point.

Winter Random Event!!!
SNOWBALL ATTACK! - Petname gets hit by a snowball from above and takes 1 damage!

Ice Devil:
Did you know that the Pant Devil had a brother? Well he does! His name is the Ice Devil and he lives on Terror Mountain. Like the Pant Devil he likes to steal an item from you. This can be any of the items in your inventory, from the cheapest to the most expensive one. Which one is picked, is random.

Winter Random Event!!!
The ice devil attacks!!! He steals 'Sausage and Pepperoni Omelette'

Chilly Wind:
It's cold on Terror Mountain, so sometimes a wind may be blown at you. If this happens, nothing will happen.

Winter Random Event!!!
A gust of icy cold wind blows past you, chilling you to the bone.

Snow Faerie:
There are many different events in which the Snow Faerie visits you to talk to you. Nothing happens if you get such a random event.

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'I hope your pets wrap up warm'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'Brrr... im glad I have this warm coat on!'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'Have you looked at the Advent Calendar lately?'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'I must get some more Ice Neggs for tea!'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'All my sisters hate the Ice World, they say its too cold. I love it here.'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'I wish I could play Snow Wars as well as you :('

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'Hey, did you know its Donna's Birthday on the 10th December! :)'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'They say an evil old man lives in a castle at the top of the mountain... I dont believe them!''

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'It's toasty warm in this coat!'

There are many different events in which a passing Bruce talks to you. The Bruces often have a different colour, they might be Blue, Green, Red or Yellow. Nothing happens if you get such a random event.

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'Have you tried the slushies? I hear they are awfully good!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'Brrr! Im freezing! Im going home!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'Apparently there is something going on at the top of the mountain!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'Tally ho!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'Hi there!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'The Ice Caves are great... but watch out for the Frost Beast'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'I used to be a game show host once'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'Who is throwing snowballs at me?!?!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'You must be freezing!'