Mood Indicators
What are they?
Mood Indicators are images that are used to show your current mood, you can stick them on your userlookup for example and show them to the world. You can also use the mood indicators for your pets, to show everyone which mood your pet has, in this case you can put them on your Pet Lookup for example.
How does it work?
Each mood indicator consists of four different moods: happy, sad, angry and sick. If you want to change the mood on the indicator, follow the following steps:
The Mood Indicators
Below you can see all our mood indicators. Copy the code below the indicator you wish to use.
Total Number of Mood Indicators: 232
Last Updated: October 05, 2021
Baby Acara |
Faerie Acara |
Maraquan Acara |
Baby Aisha |
Darigan Aisha |
Blue Blumaroo |
Fire Blumaroo |
Green Blumaroo |
Mutant Blumaroo |
Red Blumaroo |
Baby Bori |
Christmas Bori |
Ghost Bori |
Snow Bori |
Baby Bruce |
Christmas Bruce |
Baby Buzz |
Plushie Buzz |
Asparagus Chia |
Baby Chia |
Lemon Chia |
Orange Chia |
Pea Chia |
Baby Chomby |
Island Chomby |
Female Royal Cybunny |
Male Royal Cybunny |
Desert Draik |
Faerie Draik |
Ghost Draik |
Male Royal Draik |
Maraquan Draik |
Plushie Draik |
Baby Elephante |
Plushie Elephante |
Darigan Eyrie |
Maraquan Eyrie |
Baby Flotsam |
Royalgirl Flotsam |
Starry Flotsam |
Baby Gelert |
Darigan Gelert |
Glowing Gelert |
Grey Gelert |
Maraquan Gelert |
Rainbow Gnorbu |
Starry Gnorbu |
Disco Grarrl |
Robot Grarrl |
Faerie Grundo |
Mallow Grundo |
Mutant Grundo |
Purple Grundo |
Darigan Hissi |
Faerie Hissi |
Shadow Hissi |
Christmas Ixi |
Faerie Ixi |
Maraquan Ixi |
Plushie Ixi |
Ghost Jetsam |
Mutant Jetsam |
Cloud Jubjub |
Pirate Jubjub |
Plushie Jubjub |
Baby Kacheek |
Chocolate Kacheek |
Ghost Kacheek |
Island Kacheek |
Jelly Kacheek |
Brown Kau |
Striped Kau |
Baby Kiko |
Island Kiko |
Purple Koi |
Spotted Koi |
Pirate Korbat |
Baby Kougra |
Darigan Kougra |
Royal Boy Kougra |
Royal Girl Kougra |
Pirate Krawk |
Starry Krawk |
Tyrannian Krawk |
Royal Boy Kyrii |
Royal Girl Kyrii |
Lab Rat |
Cloud Lenny |
Polka Dot Lenny |
Striped Lenny |
Yellow Lenny |
Baby Lupe |
Fire Lupe |
Halloween Lupe |
Maraqun Lupe |
Red Lupe |
Shadow Lupe |
Island Lutari |
Maraquan Meerca |
Faerie Moehog |
Halloween Mynci |
Royal Girl Mynci |
Faerie Nimmo |
Baby Ogrin |
Red Ogrin |
Faerie Peophin |
Island Peophin |
Tyrannian Peophin |
Jelly Poogle |
MSP Poogle |
Baby Pteri |
Faerie Pteri |
Maraquan Pteri |
Island Quiggle |
Baby Ruki |
Desert Ruki |
Faerie Ruki |
Darigan Scorchio |
Grey Scorchio |
Baby Shoyru |
Darigan Shoyru |
Faerie Shoyru |
Ghost Shoyru |
Maraquan Shoyru |
Pirate Shoyru |
Plushie Shoyru |
Blue Skeith |
Darigan Skeith |
Faerie Techo |
Fire Techo |
Mutant Techo |
Faerie Tonu |
Blue Tuskaninny |
Faerie Tuskaninny |
Baby Uni |
Darigan Uni |
Halloween Uni |
Island Uni |
Maraquan Uni |
Royal Boy Uni |
Royal Girl Uni |
Chocolate Usul |
Faerie Usul |
Fire Usul |
Ghost Usul |
Blue Vandagyre |
Red Vandagyre |
Baby Wocky |
Darigan Wocky |
Fire Wocky |
Baby Xweetok |
Blue Xweetok |
Cloud Xweetok |
Faerie Xweetok |
Fire Xweetok |
Ghost Xweetok |
Green Xweetok |
Island Xweetok |
Pink Xweetok |
Pirate Xweetok |
Purple Xweetok |
Starry Xweetok |
Striped Xweetok |
Faerie Yurble |
Halloween Yurble |
Baby Zafara |
Christmas Zafara |
Darigan Zafara |
Rainbow Zafara |