Keyquest is not longer active on Neopets. The game has been removed from the site.

Key Quest


Keyquest is a brand new multiplayer board game that you can play against other people. By doing so you can earn neopoints and items. On this page you will find everything that is currently known about Keyquest. Because the game is still in beta-testing we will continue to update this page as new updates in the game appear.

Below you can see an overview of all the information we have collected, divided into smaller easy to read pieces. Click on a topic to make this information appear.




Guide Content


There are many different boards you can play Keyquest on. Each board has its own theme and set up. Click an image in the table below to have a look at the different boards.

Most boards are available at the regular version of Keyquest, some are only available at Keyquest Beta, while others may appear randomly and cannot be selected from the dropdown menu where you create a new game.

Beta Only

The boards of Keyquest

Haunted Woods

Haunted Woods 2

Ice Caves


Neopia Central



Springtime 2

Springtime 3

Sweet 1

Sweet 2

Sweet 3

Terror Mountain

Terror Mountain 2


Ti-Key 2

Ti-Key 3

Premium Beta Test Boards

When TNT started to make the game of Keyquest, they made a lot of boards to help test bugs and glitches. You can read more about these special test boards in this section.

Sweet 3 Board

In February 2011, the third Sweet board was released. The setup is very different from previous boards; you can see an impression of it in the image below.

Setup of the board
The Sweet 3 has a unique setup unlike any of the other boards. You can view the setup in the image below.

Click for a larger image

Portal connections
The Sweet 3 board is very different in the way its portals connect: they don't connect directly to each other, but rather connect in a loop. You can see below how they connect.

Big thanks to dsurion for help with mapping!

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