Keyquest is not longer active on Neopets. The game has been removed from the site.

Key Quest


Keyquest is a brand new multiplayer board game that you can play against other people. By doing so you can earn neopoints and items. On this page you will find everything that is currently known about Keyquest. Because the game is still in beta-testing we will continue to update this page as new updates in the game appear.

Below you can see an overview of all the information we have collected, divided into smaller easy to read pieces. Click on a topic to make this information appear.




Guide Content

Key Quest Tokens

To play Key Quest you'll need to have collected one or more of the Key Quest tokens. With these tokens you will be able to explore the Key Quest world. You can collect a token either by redeeming a virtual Key Quest code or participating in events on the Neopets site, it is not known what events those will be. As stated in the Editorial Issue 328, everyone will be able to play Key Quest without having to purchase merchandise.

There is an overview of all tokens further down the page.

I just read and saw on Neopets that you are going to be creating Key Quest. Apparently, you get the Keycodes off of merchandise and then you can play the game. You are not going to get rid of the site as we know it now, are you? I hope this will just be a new game in the Games Room. ~princezuda

This must be rumour day. No, we're not going to replace the site we've spent nearly a decade building up with a single game. :) We have no idea how people jumped to this conclusion. We have a page about Keyquest here. Also, as stated on the page you will not be forced to purchase merchandise in order to play. Please forgive any 404s linked to the info page; we're still in early beta and it is a work in progress.

Question #5,105, archived from Editorial Issue 328 · Published 2008-02-01

All available tokens
The table below shows all the tokens that have been made available through plushies, trading cards, special events or free starter packs. Bonus Tokens can be obtained by collecting all tokens from one series. The tokens indicated with a * do not count towards the bonus. If you want to get the bonus token from series 3 for example, you must collect all tokens from series 3, except for the ones indicated with a star. Clicking on one of the images will give you a popup with a larger image.


Click the image of a token to see a larger version of it.


Alignment: air
AAA token
Games Master Challenge 2008

Alignment: air
Baby Aisha token
Series 7

Alignment: light
Baby Bruce token
Series 7

Alignment: fire
Baby Gelert token
Series 7

Alignment: water
Blue Acara token
Series 7

Alignment: water
Blue Acara token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: light
Blue Bruce token

Alignment: light
Blue Chomby * token
Series 3

Alignment: earth
Blue Elephante token
Series 2

Alignment: water
Blue Koi token
Series 5

Alignment: water
Blue Koi token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: unknown
Blue Yurble token

Alignment: air
Brown Uni token
Series 1

Alignment: fire
Camouflage Kougra token
Series 5

Alignment: earth
Camouflage Poogle token
Series 2

Alignment: earth
Camouflage Poogle token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: earth
Camouflage Wocky token
Series 6

Alignment: fire
Chocolate Scorchio * token
Series 7

Alignment: earth
Chocolate Usul * token
Series 7

Alignment: earth
Chocolate Xweetok * token
Series 7

Alignment: light
Christmas Bruce token
Series 5

Alignment: water
Christmas Quiggle token
Series 5

Alignment: fire
Christmas Wocky token
Series 5

Alignment: water
Cloud Flotsam token
Series 5

Alignment: water
Cloud Flotsam token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: air
Cloud Kougra token
Series 1

Alignment: earth
Cloud Meerca token
Series 2

Alignment: earth
Cloud Meerca token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: air
Cloud Moehog token
Series 7

Alignment: air
Cloud Moehog token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: air
Cloud Uni token
Series 3

Alignment: unknown
Cool Negg token (bonus)

Alignment: air
Cupid Shoyru token
NC Mall (450 NC)

Alignment: darkness
Dark Nova token (bonus)
Series 4

Alignment: light
Disco Chomby token
Series 5

Alignment: air
Disco Elephante token
Series 5

Alignment: water
Disco Kiko token
Series 5

Alignment: water
Disco Kiko token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: darkness
Electric Cybunny * token
Series 3

Alignment: darkness
Electric Gelert token
Series 4

Alignment: darkness
Electric Lupe token
Series 5

Alignment: darkness
Electric Lupe token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: darkness
Electric Shoyru * token
Series 3

Alignment: darkness
Electric Wocky * token
Series 3

Alignment: darkness
Eliv Thade token
NC Mall (500 NC)

Alignment: air
Faerie Acara token
Series 3

Alignment: air
Faerie Acara token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: air
Faerie Aisha token
Series 3

Alignment: air
Faerie Ixi token
Series 3

Alignment: air
Faerie Ixi token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: darkness
Ferocious Negg token
NC Mall (400 NC)

Alignment: light
Gold Aisha token
Series 1

Alignment: fire
Gold Blumaroo token
Series 6

Alignment: fire
Gold Gelert token
Series 1

Alignment: fire
Gold Kyrii token
Series 6

Alignment: air
Gold Shoyru token
Series 1

Alignment: fire
Gold Usul token
Series 6

Alignment: earth
Green Cybunny token

Alignment: light
Green Grundo token
Series 7

Alignment: light
Green Grundo token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: earth
Green Kacheek token
Series 3

Alignment: earth
Green Kau token
Series 5

Alignment: earth
Green Kau token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: earth
Green Shoyru * token
Series 4

Alignment: earth
Grey Nova token (bonus)
Series 5

Alignment: darkness
Halloween Acara token
Series 4

Alignment: darkness
Halloween JubJub token
Series 4

Alignment: darkness
Halloween Kacheek token
Series 4

Alignment: earth
Hannah token
NC Mall (500 NC)

Alignment: water
Isca token
NC Mall (500 NC)

Alignment: earth
Island Bruce token
Series 2

Alignment: earth
Island JubJub token
Series 2

Alignment: earth
Island JubJub token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: earth
Island Kacheek token
Series 2

Alignment: air
Jeran token
Trading Card Fun Pack

Alignment: earth
Kauvara token
NC Mall (450 NC)

Alignment: water
Limited Edition Christmas Quiggle token
NC Mall (400 NC)

Alignment: fire
Limited Edition Gold Blumaroo Key Quest Token token
NC Mall (400 NC)

Alignment: fire
Limited Edition Gold Kyrii Key Quest Token token
NC Mall (400 NC)

Alignment: darkness
Limited Edition Halloween Acara token
NC Mall (400 NC)

Alignment: darkness
Limited Edition Halloween JubJub Key Quest Token token
NC Mall (400 NC)

Alignment: earth
Limited Edition Silver Lupe token
NC Mall (400 NC)

Alignment: unknown
Limited Edition Silver Poogle token
NC Mall (400 NC)

Alignment: earth
Limited Edition Strawberry JubJub Key Quest Token token
NC Mall (400 NC)

Alignment: unknown
Limited Edition Strawberry Poogle token
NC Mall (400 NC)

Alignment: air
Negg Faerie token
NC Mall (500 NC)

Alignment: air
Nova token
Series 1

Alignment: air
Orange Aisha * token
Series 4

Alignment: earth
Orange Kougra token
Series 2

Alignment: earth
Orange Lupe token
Series 6

Alignment: earth
Orange Lupe token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: air
Orange Meerca * token
Series 3

Alignment: light
Pink Bruce token
Series 1

Alignment: light
Pink Chomby token
Series 7

Alignment: earth
Pink Cybunny token
Series 2

Alignment: air
Pink Elephante token
Series 6

Alignment: darkness
Pink Korbat token
Series 4

Alignment: darkness
Pink Korbat token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: unknown
Pink Moehog token

Alignment: water
Pink Quiggle token
Series 3

Alignment: water
Pink Quiggle token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: air
Plushie JubJub token
Series 1

Alignment: air
Plushie JubJub token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: earth
Plushie Mynci token
Series 1

Alignment: fire
Plushie Wocky token
Series 1

Alignment: air
Princess Amira token
Trading Card Fun Pack

Alignment: earth
Purple Kau token
Series 4

Alignment: earth
Purple Kau token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: water
Purple Kiko token
Series 6

Alignment: water
Purple Kiko token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: fire
Purple Scorchio token
Series 3

Alignment: light
Rainbow Blumaroo token
Series 4

Alignment: light
Rainbow Blumaroo token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: air
Rainbow Chomby token
Series 4

Alignment: light
Rainbow Wocky token
Series 4

Alignment: water
Red Acara token
Series 5

Alignment: water
Red Acara token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: earth
Red Ixi token
Series 4

Alignment: earth
Red Ixi token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: air
Red Meerca token

Alignment: air
Red Pteri token
Series 6

Alignment: air
Red Pteri token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: fire
Red Scorchio token
Series 1

Alignment: unknown
Red Tuskaninny token

Alignment: air
Red Uni token
Series 7

Alignment: air
Robot JubJub token
Series 6

Alignment: air
Robot JubJub Key Quest Token token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: fire
Robot Kacheek token
Series 6

Alignment: earth
Robot Mynci token
Series 6

Alignment: water
Roxton Colchester III token
NC Mall (500 NC)

Alignment: fire
Royal Boy Gelert token

Alignment: fire
Royal Boy Scorchio token

Alignment: air
Royal Boy Uni token

Alignment: fire
Royal Girl Gelert token

Alignment: fire
Royal Girl Scorchio token

Alignment: air
Royal Girl Uni token

Alignment: darkness
Shadow Shoyru token
Series 7

Alignment: earth
Silver Aisha token
Series 2

Alignment: earth
Silver Cybunny token
Series 7

Alignment: earth
Silver Gelert token
Series 2

Alignment: earth
Silver Lupe token
Series 7

Alignment: water
Silver Poogle token
Series 7

Alignment: earth
Silver Shoyru token
Series 2

Alignment: light
Smiley Negg token (bonus)
Series 6

Alignment: air
Snowbeast token
NC Mall (500 NC)

Alignment: water
Speckled Acara token
Series 1

Alignment: water
Speckled Acara token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: light
Speckled Bruce token
Series 3

Alignment: air
Speckled Elephante * token
Series 4

Alignment: water
Speckled Kiko * token
Series 4

Alignment: water
Speckled Quiggle * token
Series 4

Alignment: fire
Speckled Scorchio token
Series 6

Alignment: earth
Speckled Uni token
Series 2

Alignment: light
Split Grundo token
Series 4

Alignment: light
Split Grundo token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: air
Spotted Aisha token
Series 5

Alignment: earth
Spotted Cybunny token
Series 6

Alignment: earth
Spotted Kau token
Series 2

Alignment: earth
Spotted Kau token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: earth
Spotted Mynci token
Series 4

Alignment: light
Starry Acara token
Series 6

Alignment: air
Starry Elephante token
Series 3

Alignment: light
Starry Flotsam token
Series 7

Alignment: light
Starry Flotsam token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: light
Starry Grundo token
Series 1

Alignment: light
Starry Grundo token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: light
Starry Kau token
Series 6

Alignment: light
Starry Poogle token
Series 6

Alignment: earth
Strawberry JubJub token
Series 3

Alignment: earth
Strawberry Poogle token
Series 3

Alignment: earth
Strawberry Usul token
Series 3

Alignment: unknown
Striped Blumaroo token

Alignment: earth
Striped Cybunny token
Series 1

Alignment: unknown
Striped Gelert token

Alignment: earth
Striped Ixi token
Series 6

Alignment: earth
Striped Ixi token
NC Mall (300 NC)

Alignment: light
Striped Kacheek token
Series 7

Alignment: unknown
Striped Korbat token

Alignment: earth
Striped Usul token
Series 4

Alignment: earth
Striped Xweetok token
Series 3

Alignment: fire
Super Nova token (bonus)
Series 2

Alignment: darkness
The Darkest Faerie token
Trading Card Fun Pack

Alignment: light
Ultra Nova token (bonus)
Series 3

Alignment: water
Yelllow Flotsam token
Series 4

Alignment: water
Yellow Flotsam token
NC Mall (250 NC)

Alignment: light
Yellow Kacheek token
Series 1

Alignment: fire
Yellow Kougra token
Series 3

Alignment: water
Yellow Poogle token

Alignment: earth
Yellow Usul token
Series 5

Alignment: earth
Yellow Xweetok token
Series 2

Alignment: darkness
Ylana Skyfire token
Advent Calendar 2008

Alignment: air
Yooyu token
Altador Cup 2009

There has also been a secret token discovered, a jelly jubjub. It can be found by going into collection three, and clicking on the empty space in the bottom right corner You will see this:

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