TNT Staff Tournament
Sometimes during the Altador Cup, TNT holds a staff tournament, where members of the staff compete against eachother. There were no staff tournaments during Altador Cup II, III and IV.

Altador Cup XVI Staff Information

Team: Altador
Position: Forward
Strength: Creativity & Strawberry Milk
Weakness: Identifying a weakness
"We can't let the other teams beat us at our own sport! Let's go team ALTADOR! "

Team: Moltara
Position: Forward
Strength: Gusts of wind
Weakness: Dandruff
"My magma level's over 10,000!"

Team: Haunted Woods
Position: Forward
Strength: Unbeatable at night!
Weakness: Halloween candy
"It's tough practicing in the Haunted Woods, what with the Brain Tree and the Esophagor always stealing the yooyuballs."

Team: Faerieland
Position: Forward
Strength: Patience
Weakness: Cute snuggly things
"We may be the underdogs here in this tournament, but we are loyal to the core! Besides who doesn't love the tale of the underdogs?"

Team: Mystery Island
Position: Forward
Strength: I am like a stream of water, immune to permanence.
Weakness: My strength and my weakness are twins
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. Agog I aim to win!"

Team: Shenkuu
Position: Forward
Strength: Trash Talk
Weakness: Trash Pandas
Gutterfoot's inner rage helps her dominate the battlefield-I mean, Yooyuball field-and sweep the floor with her enemies-I mean, opponents..."

Team: Krawk Island
Position: Forward
Strength: Attack. ATTACK! ATTACK!!
Weakness: Words without the letter R.
"Arr! Who's better at stealing treasure? And the treasure we has our sights on? THE ALTADOR CUP!"

Team: Roo Island
Position: Defender
Strength: Getting a million things done at once
Weakness: Obsession with Kougras
"Wow these Roo Island players are such tricksters, I'll fit in great here..."

Team: Lost Desert
Position: Defender
Strength: Poogle power!
Weakness: Shiny objects!
"With our heads held high and our trophies in hand, we will march to victory over fields of slushies!!"

Team: Brightvale
Position: Defender
Strength: Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken
Weakness: Poison
"I end up breaking things = ( Meanwhile a angry Elephante stares at me and the Charity Corner Perk Shop "

Team: Tyrannia
Position: Defender
Strength: Solving problems
Weakness: Creating problems
"an Doodle has emerged from the Lair of the Beast to lead Tyrannia to victory."

Team: Kiko Lake
Position: Defender
Strength: My grip is MIGHTY!
Weakness: Hands are so clammy! slip slip!
"Water can be soothing and relaxing, or come crushing down like a wave! The other teams better watch out! Wait....lakes are still..."

Team: Virtupets
Position: Defender
Strength: Still searching, can you help me ???????
Weakness: A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands....
"Enough Talk, Lets Play!!!!"

Team: Kreludor
Position: Defender
Strength: Making up excuses to miss practice
Weakness: Easily distra
"Come on Kreludor let's shoot for the moon! On second thought, we should probably aim for the other team's net."

Team: Darigan Citadel
Position: Goalie
Strength: Knowing the code...
Weakness: Flaming strawberry poptarts
"Binary_Supagoo is here to fix bugs and play ball! And he's all out of - no, hold on a sec, he'll be right back!"

Team: Maraqua
Position: Goalie
Strength: Slinging Froyo with giant frozen fruit UwU
Weakness: Sporks
"Wait... what's that???? ......Oh...... it's us winning"

Team: Terror Mountain
Position: Goalie
Strength: Ascerbic wit
Weakness: Tendancy to Over-Share
"Denizen of Room 101"

Team: Meridell
Position: Goalie
Strength: Tenacious
Weakness: Butter-caramel-chocolate sandwich, mmm!
"If you think you can read my moves, you have another thing coming!"