TNT Staff Tournament

Sometimes during the Altador Cup, TNT holds a staff tournament, where members of the staff compete against eachother. There were no staff tournaments during Altador Cup II, III and IV.



Altador Cup I

After a nostalgic moment? Here is some information from ACI's Staff Tournament. Here is a bit of background information on the previous tournament.

Sixteen members of the Neopets staff had been assigned a team, and each competed in a mini Altador Cup tournament! People could choose who they would think would take first, second and third place, and if you were right, you could win a prize!

Staff tournament rounds coincided with regular tournament rounds but no staff scores were counted towards the real tournament. That would be cheating. ;) They tallied up staff scores individually, and those scores would determine who stayed and who went in each round.

Scores were displayed as Wins/Losses/Ties. In the event of a tie, goal differential was used to determine the winner! (Basically, the person with the best record for that round wins.)

Participating Staff in during ACI
During the staff tournament of Altador Cup I, 16 staffmembers participated. You can see them in the table below.

El Picklesaur - Altador

Lawyerbot - Brightvale

Snowbunny - Darigan Citadel

Soupfaerie - Faerieland

DJ Skellington - Haunted Woods

Mr. Insane - Kiko Lake

Viola - Krawk Island

Mr. Roboto - Kreludor

Dirigibles - Lost Desert

Jimmy James - Maraqua

Tiger Catcher - Meridell

Subordinate Prime - Mystery Island

TPOSG - Roo Island

Dragona - Terror Mountain

Dom Dread - Tyrannia

Snarkie - Virtupets

Staff Tournament Finals
The screenshot below shows an overview of what the finals looked like.

The Final Standings were as follows:

1st Place

TPOSG - Roo Island
2nd Place

Snarkie - Virtupets
3rd Place

DJ Skellington - Haunted Woods
4th Place

El Picklesaur - Altador
5th Place

Mr. Insane - Kiko Lake
Joint 6th-7th Place

Jimmy James - Maraqua
Joint 6th-7th Place

Dragona - Terror Mountain
8th Place

Subordinate Prime - Mystery Island
Joint 9th-10th Place

Lawyerbot - Brightvale
Joint 9th-10th Place

Dirigibles - Lost Desert
Joint 11th-12th Place

Dom Dread - Tyrannia
Joint 11th-12th Place

Soupfaerie - Faerieland
13th Place

Tiger Catcher - Meridell
14th Place

Mr. Roboto - Kreludor
15th Place

Snowbunny - Darigan Citadel
16th Place

Viola - Krawk Island

An avatar was awarded if you guessed the winning staff member correctly.

Altador Cup - Staff Tourney

Visit the Altador Staff Tournament page if voted correctly for atleast one staff member. This competition ran during Altador Cup I (2006).