Collectable Cards

What are Collectable Cards?
Collectable Cards are one of Neopia's oldest relics. These cards can be purchased from the Collectable Card Shop in the Neopian Bazaar. You can add duplicates of any card to your Neodeck, which is viewable from your userlookup. Previously, the neodeck was designed similar to a shop, where it costed neopoints to expand its size. Later on, TNT decided to make Neodeck space free and infinite. There are three other methods of obtaining collectable cards other then purchasing them from shops.

There are a variety of booster packs available that come from the Toy Shop that distribute cards. These booster packs are listed below:

Acara Booster Pack Blumaroo Booster Pack
Bruce Booster Pack Buzz Booster Pack
Count von Roo Booster Pack Kauvara Booster Pack
Kiosk Wocky Booster Pack Kougra Booster Pack
Kyrii Booster Pack Lupe Booster Pack
Peophin Booster Pack Uni Booster Pack

Cards have also been known to be awarded by completing the regular treasure map. Although this is rare, the treasure map prize has been known to include expensive Gold Rarity cards. The completed treasure map price is estimated to be at 300,000np.

Theres also a random event that can give you a neodeck card.

Something has happened!
Wow! The Collectable Card 'Kasuki Lu' has magically found its way into your NeoDeck!

Collectable Cards serve three main purposes. First most, they are a collectable item, much like avatars or stamps. There are many card collectors who seek out and save towards obtaining rare cards. There is a high score table so you can earn a trophy from collecting. The cards are also useful for obtaining a variety of secret avatars. We've listed which avatars are obtainable from cards below. Finally, the cards are often sought after by the light faerie for faerie quests. She generally likes to ask for cards of blue, red and green rarities. Jhudora and Illusen like to ask for rare cards in their quests as well.

Collectable Card Rarities
The cards rarity is what determines the colour the card is. Below is a list of rarities and their corresponding card colours.

Holo: > R100Green: R61 - R70
Gold: R91 - R99Pink: R51 - R60
Black: R81 - R90Red: R40 - R50
Purple: R71 - R80Blue: < R39

Related Avatars
There are 3 avatars that you need a certain collectable card to obtain.

View the Niten Hiroru Article at the Neopedia, while you have the 'Niten Hiroru' collectable card in your inventory.

✯ ✯ ✯
NINJA ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ

Put a 'Fire Paw' (collectable card) into your Neodeck.


Kasuki Lu - Heeyah!

Beat Kasuki Lu in the 1 Player Battledome.

Tip: Visit's Battledome Challengers page to see how you can get this challenger.


Collectable Cards Counter
You can use this counter to keep track of the amount of cards you have. It works very easily, you can copy the code from the textarea below, where it says ### in the code, fill in the number of cards you have collected for that type of card.

12 60 23 4 15 31 17 20

Collectable Cards
Below you will find all the different collectable cards there are. You can click on the specific card colour to see the cards in each colour set, or you can click Show All Cards to see all the cards at once.

Cards And Totals
24 - holo Cards
69 - gold Cards
52 - black Cards
37 - purple Cards
36 - green Cards
27 - pink Cards
56 - red Cards
65 - blue Cards
Unknown Cards There are 3 Unknown Rarity cards. Unknown Cards
All Cards Show All Cards - 369 All Cards

Premium Collectable Cards
Along with normal collectable cards there are also premium collectable cards if you are a premium user. These cards cannot be sold or traded. For every month you have premium you get a premium collectable card added to your collection. There also special yearly anniversary collectable cards that you can possibly get, but not everyone gets these cards even if they have premium for the whole year. To see a premium member's cards, click on the link under their regular neodeck on their user lookup. When you cancel premium, you'll lose all your premium cards.

Click the year in the table below to see all the cards for that year.

Premium Cards

CardCard Information

Brucey B
holo CardName: Brucey B
Species: Bruce
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: Brucey B is a bingo caller by nature, but in his nights off he likes to play the odd game of Cheat.

Dr. Frank Sloth
holo CardName: Dr. Frank Sloth
Species: Monster
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: Following his failed attempt to take over Neopia not much has been heard of this criminal mastermind. One thing is for sure, Neopia has not seen the last of him.

Fyora The Faerie Queen
holo CardName: Fyora The Faerie Queen
Species: Faerie
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: Fyora is the ruler of all Faeries. Living in topmost room in the tower at the center of Faerieland, she wisely rules over her subjects, both Neopet and Faerie alike.

Gargon IV
holo CardName: Gargon IV
Species: Aisha
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: Gargon is an Alien Aisha explorer, he roams the galaxy in his endless search to find new ingredients for the vending machine recipes.

Arlhox VII
holo CardName: Arlhox VII
Species: Aisha
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: When decisions need to be made, the Alien Aishas turn to their supreme commander Arlhox VII. This quick witted leader hasnt failed them yet.

Shreegla VI
holo CardName: Shreegla VI
Species: Aisha
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: Shreeglas research means he often has to venture into the unknown. Sadly what he finds is not always pleasant.

Captain Astounding (H)
holo CardName: Captain Astounding (H)
Species: Grarrl
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: This Grarrl was captured by Dr Sloth along with his four friends. Sloths ray gun left them all with special powers which they use to fight evil and bring justice to Neopia.

The Incredible Grarrl (H)
holo CardName: The Incredible Grarrl (H)
Species: Grarrl
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: This Grarrl was captured by Dr Sloth along with his four friends. Sloths ray gun left them all with special powers which they use to fight evil and bring justice to Neopia.

Electro-Boy (H)
holo CardName: Electro-Boy (H)
Species: Grarrl
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: This Grarrl was captured by Dr Sloth along with his four friends. Sloths ray gun left them all with special powers which they use to fight evil and bring justice to Neopia.

The Wall (H)
holo CardName: The Wall (H)
Species: Grarrl
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: This Grarrl was captured by Dr Sloth along with his four friends. Sloths ray gun left them all with special powers which they use to fight evil and bring justice to Neopia.

The Hairy Tongue Beast
holo CardName: The Hairy Tongue Beast
Species: Monster
Rarity: 100
Note: This holographic card can be purchased from the Collectible Card Shop.
Description: ... whats that noise behind us? Oh, what else could it be in this old, dark, deserted mineshaft... its just some water dripping...

Balthazar the Bounty Hunter
holo CardName: Balthazar the Bounty Hunter
Species: Lupe
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: Balthazar makes an evil profit by capturing the beautiful Faeries of Neopia and bottling them into jars. They are held helpless until he sells them for a profit.

Jasper Gen
holo CardName: Jasper Gen
Species: Wocky
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: Prowling the streets of Neopia Central at night this shadow Wocky is notorious for getting into mischief, but he has a good heart.

The Monocerous
holo CardName: The Monocerous
Species: Monster
Rarity: 110
Note: Reason for retirement unknown
Description: The Monocerous is a fearsome looking creature. It paralyzes its victims with its terrifying bellow before attacking.

The Monoceraptor
holo CardName: The Monoceraptor
Species: Monster
Rarity: 110
Note: Reason for retirement unknown.
Description: Never has Neopia seen such a fearsome beast. His thick leathery hide is a maze of scars from all the battles he has won.

Orig the Great
holo CardName: Orig the Great
Species: Lupe
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: Not content with leading his pack, Orig set off to travel Neopia rescuing damsels in distress.

Little Timmy
holo CardName: Little Timmy
Species: Tuskaninny
Rarity: 100
Note: This holographic card can be purchased from the Collectible Card Shop.
Description: Timmy is very young and inexperienced. He started playing cheat as he thought it would make him look cool... however he is pretty useless at it, to be honest.

Alstaf Poogle
holo CardName: Alstaf Poogle
Species: Poogle
Rarity: 110
Note: Alstaf Poogle is given out to the winners of every 100th Poetry Competition.
Description: Alstaf is a veteran of fine poetry. He spends his days judging the Neopian Poetry Contest, and also penning a few of his own works.

Calabrus the Cloud Aisha
holo CardName: Calabrus the Cloud Aisha
Species: Aisha
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: Whenever she is happy the skies are clear, however with her anger storms arrive.

The Storyteller
holo CardName: The Storyteller
Species: Aisha
Rarity: 180
Note: The Storyteller is given out to the winners of every 100th Storytelling Competition.
Description: Good evening, settle down now, and I shall begin... Argh! Sold out already?

Snow Wars Collectable Card
holo CardName: Snow Wars Collectable Card
Species: Mynci
Rarity: 180
Note: Snow Wars Collectable Card was given out by the Advent Calendar on December 4th 2002.
Description: This super rare card was given out as an advent calendar prize.

The Marvellous Stretchy Chia
holo CardName: The Marvellous Stretchy Chia
Species: Chia
Rarity: 101
Note: This card has never been released and therefore is currently unobtainable.
Description: Daring flames, explosions and almost certain death is all in a days work for this flexible freedom fighter.

Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop Card
holo CardName: Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop Card
Species: Lenny
Rarity: 180
Note: Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop Card was given out by the Advent Calendar on December 18th 2003
Description: The place to get all your frozen treats! This was given out by the advent calendar in year 5.

Neopian Times 200th Anniversary Card
holo CardName: Neopian Times 200th Anniversary Card
Species: Mixed
Rarity: 101
Note: Origin of this card is unknown.
Description: This special card was designed to commemorate the 200th issue of the Neopian Times.

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