Team Interviews
To really get into the Altador Cup spirits we have asked one supporter of each team to do an interview with us. In this interview they were asked several questions about the famous cup. Here you can read the questions and their answers.
Altador Cup XII

How many times have you participated in the AC and during which AC did you start playing?
I've been playing in the AC from the very start. Unfortunately, I lost the account I used during AC1.
What is the reason you play in the AC every year? Or, if you have not always played the AC, or not on a yearly base, why not?
I enjoy it. Although sometimes it can feel like a slog, especially when the caps were higher, being in TOGA helped make that manageable. The community there is worth returning for. Also, I like to collect the yooyu petpets.
If you are a Lifer (ALWAYS on that team), why did you you choose this team to support every year? If you are one that moves around, how do you go about choosing which team to support every year?
I chose Altador at first because I really liked mythology, especially ancient Greek myths. I stayed for the friends I made on the neoboards.
If you had to choose another team to support, which would be your second choice and why?
I guess it would be Moltara, I like their steampunky vibe.
Who is your favorite player on your team?
Has to be Winberto Seliz. Always been a wocky fan, and I love the way his tail is animated in game.
What is your favorite AC game and why?
Yooyuball. I love the challenge of trying to improve my GPG each year.
What is your least favorite AC game and why?
Slushie Slinger. I have neither the patience nor the reactions for that game. I claim no part in those years my team absolutely rocked that game. Proud of them.
Besides playing the AC games, are you doing other things which involve the AC as well such as in chatting on the (team) boards, AC themed guilds, customising your Pet for the AC, or having AC themed look-ups? If so, what do you do?
I used to chat on the TOGA board, but fell away from there. I am still a member of the TOGA guild, and have taken over the running of the TOGA Hall of Heroes (which is open to all Altadorians, not just guild members) for the past couple of years.
As for customisation, my look up is Winberto themed all year round and Bronwellian is dressed up for the AC every year.
How obsessed are you with the Altador Cup? Is there something AC related you do during the off-season? Or is the AC something you do once a year and when it's over, it's over?
I can be found in the TOGA guild all year round, and my look up stays AC themed permanently...
How are you thinking (or hoping) your team will do during this AC?
I think we'll end up mid-table, but I hope we can do even better than that. I'm quietly optimistic. As long as everyone does their best and has fun, that's the main thing.

How many times have you participated in the AC and during which AC did you start playing?
I've been doing the AC since the very first one, so I guess this is the 12th time now? Wow, time flies.
What is the reason you play in the AC every year? Or, if you have not always played the AC, or not on a yearly base, why not?
I don't know, I guess it's the community. If it wasn't for that I don't think I would've lasted this long.
If you are a Lifer (ALWAYS on that team), why did you you choose this team to support every year? If you are one that moves around, how do you go about choosing which team to support every year?
I guess I'm somewhere in between, I've been on Brightvale for 8 years but at the same time I wouldn't be against switching either. I like rejoining Brightvale because the people there are a lot of fun, plus I tend to be more motivated to play when winning isn't as much of a certainty because it makes each win so much sweeter.
If you had to choose another team to support, which would be your second choice and why?
Easily Krawk Island, I've made so many friends there over the years that if I ever did decide to leave Brightvale, they're my next pick.
Who is your favorite player on your team?
It was Squeaky, but I'll have to give it to Gordo now.
What is your favorite AC game and why?
I guess context matters on this one, I think Slushie Slinger is the best game, but in the context of the AC it's so slow when you're trying to score points quickly for your team. Shootout Showdown is such a boring game but it's great to play for the AC because it's quick, and easy to multitask watching something to.
What is your least favorite AC game and why?
Yooyuball, after the update it got so much more stressful.
Besides playing the AC games, are you doing other things which involve the AC as well such as in chatting on the (team) boards, AC themed guilds, customising your Pet for the AC, or having AC themed look-ups? If so, what do you do?
Ever since AC II I've been running a page off and on, whether it was Predictions, Standings, or Power Rankings. That's a lot of fun when I'm motivated to do it. I'm also just generally pretty active on Board 7 during AC time.
How obsessed are you with the Altador Cup? Is there something AC related you do during the off-season? Or is the AC something you do once a year and when it's over, it's over?
Once the AC is done, it's done. I still talk to a lot of the AC folks but it usually switches gears to sports or other things.
How are you thinking (or hoping) your team will do during this AC?
I'm not expecting too much in the way of standings. We have a lot of great players on our team, but we had an ACG and ASG last year, and usually the year after for those teams that had them tends to be a bit down in performance compared to their normal. Still, hopefully this year will be a fun year for everyone.

How many times have you participated in the AC and during which AC did you start playing?
I have been participating in the AC every year since AC II.
What is the reason you play in the AC every year? Or, if you have not always played the AC, or not on a yearly base, why not?
I play in the AC every year because it is one of my top two favorite annual Neo events, besides the Advent Calendar.
If you are a Lifer (ALWAYS on that team), why did you you choose this team to support every year? If you are one that moves around, how do you go about choosing which team to support every year?
I had missed out on the first AC because I was still new to Neopets and learning what it was all about. After a year, when AC II rolled around, I knew my chance had finally come! All of the teams then available were a little overwhelming so I just chose Altador. The next year, AC III, I chose Darigan Citadel because of their colors and Tandrak Shaye being a Gelert, my favorite species. I didn't choose team Faerieland until three years later, in AC V. While I loved DC, I decided to switch it up to Faerieland because as time had worn on, FL had become my favorite land in Neopia. I've stayed with Faerieland since then because I'm not a competitive person and-until recently-there was no push to win. I was just playing in the AC because I loved it.
If you had to choose another team to support, which would be your second choice and why?
If I had to choose another team, my second choice would be Darigan Citadel. I have fond memories from the two years I spent with DC and I'm still a Tandrak Shaye fangirl at heart.
Who is your favorite player on your team?
My favorite player on team Faerieland is currently Elbin Kroe. I think he's adorable and I really felt bad for him as he was previously on teams Terror Mountain and then Tyrannia. He joined Faerieland the year after I did. After six years on the team, he seems to be here to stay and I just love the plucky little Shoyru.
What is your favorite AC game and why?
My favorite AC game is Yooyuball. Its my mainstay during the AC because its easiest to rank up with. I play it the most out of all four games currently available.
What is your least favorite AC game and why?
My least favorite AC game is Slushie Slinger, hands down. It is the one AC game I just can't get the hang of. Its part of the reason why I will never become a waitress or work in the food service industry. I just don't have the patience for it.
Besides playing the AC games, are you doing other things which involve the AC as well such as in chatting on the (team) boards, AC themed guilds, customising your Pet for the AC, or having AC themed look-ups? If so, what do you do?
Yes, since it is one of my favorite Neo events, I do my best to go all out every year. I dress my Neopets up for the teams that they support (my Gelert is the only one that supports Faerieland with me). I change my userlookup with a Faerieland theme, usually one that shows the entire team. I change my avatar to a faerie themed one, my favorite faerie being the Library Faerie so hers is the one I most often use. With my avatar, I change my Neoboard font to match and show my support for my team. I also change my shield for the AC with the Faerieland symbol. I don't really chat it up on the boards but I will talk with my Guildies about it sometimes, since not all of them participate.
How obsessed are you with the Altador Cup? Is there something AC related you do during the off-season? Or is the AC something you do once a year and when it's over, it's over?
I would not consider myself obsessed with the AC. I have never been driven to reach All-Star nor do I ever see myself ever reaching that rank. Rank 7 is plenty high enough for me. For me, it symbolizes the start of summer, which is a big part of why I love it so much. Once its over, its over and I only get back into the AC spirit when it returns the next year.
How are you thinking (or hoping) your team will do during this AC?
Faerieland has been a traditionally low-ranking team. I've stuck it out with them and I saw the results of that last year, when we placed 4th in the Cup. It is the highest Faerieland has ever ranked and I'm excited about our prospects this year. My hope is that we will power through and reach the podium! Go Faerieland!
Haunted Woods

How many times have you participated in the AC and during which AC did you start playing?
I've played in the AC every year since the beginning. I\'ve been Team Haunted Woods from day one.
What is the reason you play in the AC every year? Or, if you have not always played the AC, or not on a yearly base, why not?
I always say to myself I'll take a break this year, but every time it rolls around my HW teammates get me super excited to play.
If you are a Lifer (ALWAYS on that team), why did you you choose this team to support every year? If you are one that moves around, how do you go about choosing which team to support every year?
Neopia has a ton of great places to hang out in, but none are more friendly than the Haunted Woods. Haunties are just very encouraging, they really want you to do well during the tournament and cheer you on the whole way.
If you had to choose another team to support, which would be your second choice and why?
I really can't imagine being on another team. The year HW isn't in the AC is probably the year I stop playing.
Who is your favorite player on your team?
It's a tough choice but I'd have to say Krell Vitor. He's a great leader, hopefully he never retires.
What is your favorite AC game and why?
I primarily play yyb, it's really the only game I'm good at.
What is your least favorite AC game and why?
I\'m equally terrible at all the side games but Make Some Noise is the worst.
Besides playing the AC games, are you doing other things which involve the AC as well such as in chatting on the (team) boards, AC themed guilds, customising your Pet for the AC, or having AC themed look-ups? If so, what do you do?
I have a year round charter board to celebrate our team. Stop on by we love visitors.
How obsessed are you with the Altador Cup? Is there something AC related you do during the off-season? Or is the AC something you do once a year and when it's over, it's over?
We keep our AC board going so that we can all stay in touch. Haunties spirit doesn\'t just stop when the AC ends.
How are you thinking (or hoping) your team will do during this AC?
This is the year we turn it around our team will sit atop the winners podium again in the near future.
Kiko Lake

How many times have you participated in the AC and during which AC did you start playing?
This is my 5th AC: My first was AC I (I'm an old neopian!), then AC V, with my old main; since this is my main account, I entered AC VIII and AC XI.
What is the reason you play in the AC every year? Or, if you have not always played the AC, or not on a yearly base, why not?
I didn't play always basically because I sucks at playing games, so, I preferred just to look and support a team, most of the time.
If you are a Lifer (ALWAYS on that team), why did you you choose this team to support every year? If you are one that moves around, how do you go about choosing which team to support every year?
With my old main, I joined Mystery Island in first cup, then Lost Desert in the fifth, I don't have the slightest idea why, to be honest!
When this account became my main, with my Kiko on it, I fell in love with Kiko Lake (how can't you love those big green eyes in the logo?), and I joined them in AC VIII; in AC IX and X I would have joined KL, but I was enjoying honeymoon during the former and moving in another city during the latter, so I was on hiatus... When I came back I found out that my team had won AC X, so, for AC XI, I joined Kreludor to make my Grundo happy too. But this year I'm back to my favourite team!
If you had to choose another team to support, which would be your second choice and why?
Definitely Mystery Island and Kreludor!
Mystery Island because it's where my old main had neohome and where my first pet ever, Oz the Aisha, come from; Kreludor because I love my Grundos (I have 3) and I'm very grateful to the neopian moon for giving us those lovely little critters!
Who is your favorite player on your team?
Ditan Colb looks sooooo cool in his Disco color! XD
What is your favorite AC game and why?
Make Some Noise! The only one where I can reach decent scores!
What is your least favorite AC game and why?
Slushie Slinger. I'm a total failure at it.
Besides playing the AC games, are you doing other things which involve the AC as well such as in chatting on the (team) boards, AC themed guilds, customising your Pet for the AC, or having AC themed look-ups? If so, what do you do?
I customize my pets, yes. My Kiko is showing her support to our team and also my Grundo is showing her support to Kreludor. My Shoyru and Vandagyre are not interested in any team, so they're not dressed up for the AC. My Gnorbu is claiming her Shenkuu outfit (she's a huge fan of Mirsha Grelinek) but, since I'm not a big Shenkuu fan, I haven't done any customization for her, yet... I'll work on it next year!
How obsessed are you with the Altador Cup? Is there something AC related you do during the off-season? Or is the AC something you do once a year and when it's over, it's over?
Not obsessed. Definitely, when it's over it's over.
How are you thinking (or hoping) your team will do during this AC?
Well, of course I hope we'll do great! *lol*
But I really don't know: Kiko Lake won AC X and placed third last year and the TNT keeps talking about a Winner's Curse... I just hope they are wrong!
Mystery Island

How many times have you participated in the AC and during which AC did you start playing?
This year is my fifth year in taking part in the Altador Cup. I started playing in the Altador Cup VIII.
What is the reason you play in the AC every year? Or, if you have not always played the AC, or not on a yearly base, why not?
I just enjoy playing in the Altador Cup. Especially Yooyuball. Altador Cup VIII was my first Altador Cup. A little more then six months before the cup started in 2013, I had been on hiatus but had come back to take part in the 2012 Advent Calendar like I normally did during my hiatus. It was shortly after the Advent Calendar had ended that TNT started hinting at the War of the Obelisk plot.. so I decided to stick around since I have never taken part in a plot before. And I'm glad I did.. because it got me interested in Neopets again and I have been active since then. And I've also been a huge fan of the Thieves Guild, Kanrik and Hannah since that plot. (I did a lot of research before picking a faction to fight for.)
If you are a Lifer (ALWAYS on that team), why did you you choose this team to support every year? If you are one that moves around, how do you go about choosing which team to support every year?
I have eight pets.. and each of them has one or two lands they call home.. so I pick from those lands each year. My first two years, I chose teams from the lands two of my side pets call home. The past two years, I chose teams from the lands two of my main pets call home. This year, I chose a team from a land one of my side pets call home. Next year, I will be choosing a team from my side again.
If you had to choose another team to support, which would be your second choice and why?
This year, at first, it was a decision between four different teams. If I had not chosen Mystery Island, I probably would have played for Faerieland because that land is the main land my Water Uni calls home.
Who is your favorite player on your team?
I don't have a favorite player on Team Mystery Island.. but I do like players for other teams I have played for. Like Vickles from Team Darigan Citadel.
What is your favorite AC game and why?
Yooyuball. I just like playing it.
What is your least favorite AC game and why?
Slushie Slinger. I just can't play that game.
Besides playing the AC games, are you doing other things which involve the AC as well such as in chatting on the (team) boards, AC themed guilds, customising your Pet for the AC, or having AC themed look-ups? If so, what do you do?
All I do for the Altador Cup besides play the games is dress up my pets for the Cup. All of them are themed around the land they call home. From the backgrounds, to the clothes, all the way down to foregrounds and I also use the Altador Cup Team frames, glitter face paints, some of the scarves and team cuffs.
How obsessed are you with the Altador Cup? Is there something AC related you do during the off-season? Or is the AC something you do once a year and when it's over, it's over?
I don't do anything during the off season that is Altador Cup related but use the outfits from my Altador Cup customizations in different ways during the year, especially during New Years because I use my NY Land BGs during the week leading up to the new year. I collect all of the team gear I'm interested in during the Cup. Since that is the easiest time to get the team gear.
How are you thinking (or hoping) your team will do during this AC?
I'm not sure. Mystery Island did well last year but it varies from year to year.
Terror Mountain

How many times have you participated in the AC and during which AC did you start playing?
I've participated in AC for 7 years now and this year will be my 8th time and AC V was the first AC that I participated in.
What is the reason you play in the AC every year? Or, if you have not always played the AC, or not on a yearly base, why not?
I've always been a fan of soccer in real life and yooyuball reminded me of that so thats why I started playing AC and been doing so each year. Some years I've been playing more then others becaus of real life reasons but I do enjoy it every year.
If you are a Lifer (ALWAYS on that team), why did you you choose this team to support every year? If you are one that moves around, how do you go about choosing which team to support every year?
I actally used to always be on team LD but I then decided I wanted to switch to TM which will be my 4th year now with TM. The reason why I'm with TM is becaus of my love for winter and the I love the team colors too! I don't know if I will ever change team but for now I will definitely stay with TM.
If you had to choose another team to support, which would be your second choice and why?
I would have to go with my old team LD. It's a cool team with nice players.
Who is your favorite player on your team?
Prytariel is my favorite player. I think she is really cool and she is the captain of my team.
What is your favorite AC game and why?
Yooyuball for sure! Like I said before it reminds me soccer and I love soccer!
What is your least favorite AC game and why?
Slushie Slinger. Never been a big fan of it and mostly becaus it's so slow in the beginning.
Besides playing the AC games, are you doing other things which involve the AC as well such as in chatting on the (team) boards, AC themed guilds, customising your Pet for the AC, or having AC themed look-ups? If so, what do you do?
Yes I love customizing my pets so they are always dressed up for the AC! Sometimes they are dressed up as a TM supporter and sometimes just AC themed. I do chat sometimes on the boards but not much, maybe this year I will be more active.
How obsessed are you with the Altador Cup? Is there something AC related you do during the off-season? Or is the AC something you do once a year and when it's over, it's over?
Not really but I do tend to get more obsessed with the the AC whenever the world cup or european cup is in season for soccer.
How are you thinking (or hoping) your team will do during this AC?
Well my team has never reached the podium so ofcourse that would be awesome! Winning the cup would be even more awesome!

How many times have you participated in the AC and during which AC did you start playing?
My first Altador Cup was the first one in 2006. I've participated in each one. This will be my 12th.
What is the reason you play in the AC every year? Or, if you have not always played the AC, or not on a yearly base, why not?
I play for the community.
If you are a Lifer (ALWAYS on that team), why did you you choose this team to support every year? If you are one that moves around, how do you go about choosing which team to support every year?
I've been on several teams.
At first I was on Terror Mountain from AC1-ACIII. Then I was on Virtupets from ACIV-ACIX. I loved VP but wanted to experience other teams for a bit. I went to Altador and then Kiko Lake since I had friends there and knew people I got along with on those teams. Now I'm back home with Virtupets.
If you had to choose another team to support, which would be your second choice and why?
I would choose Altador because of TOGA.
Who is your favorite player on your team?
Sela Pretore
What is your favorite AC game and why?
Yooyuball because it is the original game.
What is your least favorite AC game and why?
Make Some Noise because it makes my fingers hurt.
Besides playing the AC games, are you doing other things which involve the AC as well such as in chatting on the (team) boards, AC themed guilds, customising your Pet for the AC, or having AC themed look-ups? If so, what do you do?
I chat on the team boards a lot throughout the cup as well as the other AC related boards. I keep my pets customized and user lookup Virtupets themed year-round.
How obsessed are you with the Altador Cup? Is there something AC related you do during the off-season? Or is the AC something you do once a year and when it's over, it's over?
I chat on the team boards throughout the off-season but that's it.
How are you thinking (or hoping) your team will do during this AC?
I'd love to see VP make it on the podium (legitimately) this year but I'm not expecting anything near that. I'd be pretty content with finishing in the top half of the standings. Shout-out to my friends and teammates at ViPZ! ♥