Key Quest

Keyquest is a brand new multiplayer board game that you can play against other people. By doing so you can earn neopoints and items. On this page you will find everything that is currently known about Keyquest. Because the game is still in beta-testing we will continue to update this page as new updates in the game appear.
Below you can see an overview of all the information we have collected, divided into smaller easy to read pieces. Click on a topic to make this information appear.
Guide Content
Mini Games
Below are the different mini games that appear during game play at KeyQuest. Click an image to view the guide for tips and how to play the mini games. When you win a mini game you will be given the option to either pick a key of your choice, or to pick a powerup out of a seclection of three. Whether you get to pick a key or a powerup is random.
Flower Frenzy
*Sniff, sniff* Do you smell the Stars of Paradise? Well, here you have to watch a sequence and then copy it.

When you click the correct flower in the sequence it will light up. When you finish one sequence, the same will repeat, but with an additional flower added to it.

If you miss a flower or click on the wrong flower, the rocks surrounding the flower will turn red and you will have to try again. Whomever has the most points when time runs out wins the game!

Each correct flower you click gives 50 points. If you can click quickly enough, you can get up to completing an 8 flower sequence before running out of time, meaning you can earn up to 1800 points.
Tips and Strategies
Remember, the first flower in any sequence will always be the purple flower on the far left. In addition, the next flower in a sequence will always be touching the flower prior to it. This is nice to know if you miss the last flower in a sequence, since you can usually guess which flower was added.
It can also be helpful to play with the sound on, (if you've turned it off to avoid the rather irritating music). Each flower has its own unique sound, which is helpful if you miss which flower lights up.
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