Stuff a Stocking Community Challenge
Stocking Community Challenge is a challenge to hang as many stockings as possible. You can participate in this community challenge by hanging at least one stocking during the whole Stocking Stufftacular event. If the max goal of hung stockings, Full of Cheer, is reached by the end of the event, at January 1st, everyone who has hung a stocking will get a bonus NC prize. This prize is the same for everyone and you will receive it once the event is over, on January 5th.
This item contains flashing and/or strobing lights or effects. This item might trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. If you are sensitive please close this window.
This item might be unreleased or part of a current/ongoing event, and may contains spoilers. If you do not want to reveal these spoilers, please close this window.
{{ loadingMessage || 'Loading, one moment please'}}
Compatible with all pets except:
{{ search.petSpecies.filter(p => {
return !item.compat_species.split(",").includes(p.species_id);
}).map(p=>p.species).join(', ') }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ item.outfit_name }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
About This Item:
This item will change your pet's style. If you own this item, you can apply it to your pet in the Styling Studio.
This specific item can only be applied to {{item.pet_style.species_name}} and can be painted any colour.