Orion's Side Quest
On August 2nd, Orion O. Ophiuchus appears at the Altador Cup XIX. He is given the newsroom by newsanchors, Sigmir and Sweet, to make a public announcement. Orion asks Neopians to help him figure out his distorted visions. We learn that his visions are stronger where there are large groups of people coming together, which is why he appears at the Altador Cup.
Orion's side quests are only available to those who have signed up for the Altador Cup XIX. By completing the side quests, you will earn prizes and a clue to a mystery. There are no points given
when completing Orion's side quests.
Orion's Side Quest Walkthrough
Side Quest #1
This side quest was released on August 2nd. Orion is seen on the newsanchor panel of the Altador Cup look frazzled and needing help from fellow Neopians.
Orion states the following: Hello there... sorry I'm not very good at talking to crowds... b-but Sigmir and Sweet have graciously allowed me on today as I have big news. F-for those who don't know me, I am Orion O. Ophiuchus, and I have recently been, let's say gifted, with terrible visions that s-seem to be at their strongest when many Neopians gather together. If I w-wasn't able to make your acquaintance during the Festival of Neggs then this must seem very strange to you, but nevertheless, I am h-here to ask for your assistance once again. M-my visions are still not very strong, but this time I can at least see pieces of them, however, they appear very distorted now. So... as a possible solution I...I thought perhaps the fans of the Altador Cup could help me with this predicament! I will share my visions here as they come to me and, hopefully, some of you may be able to recognise something from them! I'll be doing my best to search too, so if you find any place that seems to match my visions, just wait for me there and I'll make my way over to you soon! This is most definitely the location from my first vision!
Thank you for leading me here! I looked around and found this strange stone with writing on it, embedded near the top of the tree this store is built into! It must have been placed there so long ago that the tree grew around it! How old do you think it must be then? It seems to be part of something bigger though... perhaps my other visions will lead us to the missing pieces? For now, keep cheering on your team at the Colosseum, and keep an eye out for me in the news there! Oh and here is a reward for helping me find this!
Answer: Tyrannian Furniture
Mystery Item
Fluffy Gruslen Rug WearableSee Preview
Side Quest #2
This side quest was released on August 7th. Orion is seen on the newsanchor panel of the Altador Cup look frazzled and needing help from fellow Neopians.
Orion states the following: H-hello again! I am back to share another of my distorted visions! For those of you watching from home, p-please if you recognise anything I would greatly appreciate your help! And for those who may have missed my earlier announcement, feel free to go back and catch up on what you missed at any time! Th-thank you all for your help! *off screen* Did... did that sound okay? Did I come off announcery enough? This is most definitely the location from my second vision! Thank you for leading me here! Once I arrived I was immediately drawn to the Deserted Tomb, It seems to be part of something bigger though... perhaps my other visions will lead us to the missing pieces? For now, keep cheering on your team at the Colosseum, and keep an eye out for me in the news there!
Answer: The Lost City of Geraptiku
but didn't even need to enter as I found this strange stone as one of the many used to build it.
Hidden in plain sight I suppose...but based on the erosion of it being the same as the others from the tomb,
this must have been here from the beginning. Who even knows how long ago that must have been...who could have placed it there?
Mystery Item
Skull Punch HandheldSee Preview
Side Quest #3
This side quest was released on August 13th. Orion is seen on the newsanchor panel of the Altador Cup look frazzled and needing help from fellow Neopians.
Orion states the following: W-welcome back! I am here once more to ask you all... S-sorry, I was trying to remain chipper and fun as Sigmir and Sweet recommended, but I am simply too drained from the visions. I don't want to scare off any potential help. So, I am doing my best to remain optimistic but I must admit this one seems very difficult compared to the rest! O-on happier news, though. There has been some real headway from my last two visions! I don't want to cause any preconceived notions to get in the way, so I won't share too many details. However, if you want to help with those please feel free to go check out my last two announcements to see if you can glean anything from them as well! This is most definitely the location from my third vision! Thank you for leading me here! It took some work, but I found this strange stone deep inside the ice of the chasm next to this shop. It seems to be part of something bigger though... perhaps my other visions will lead us to the missing pieces? For now, keep cheering on your team at the Colosseum, and keep an eye out for me in the news there! Here is a reward for helping me find this!
Answer: Ice Crystal Shop
I...I'm not sure how it got there. Due to the distance in the ice, it must have been there when this cave formed.
Which must have been long before... well, I don't even know!
Probably before recorded history!
Mystery Item
Frozen PendantSee Preview
Side Quest #4
This side quest was released on August 20th. Orion is seen on the newsanchor panel of the Altador Cup look frazzled and needing help from fellow Neopians.
Orion states the following: Hello, I am back to show another distorted vision. It may be the visions getting to me, but I think we are close to the end! Or perhaps, I am getting close to all I can take... I do have to admit, the crowd has become less daunting the more I appear. However, I'm starting to feel very strange. Almost as if my very being is affected by the mere amount of individuals with a shared affinity all converging in one place together... It feels... almost harmonious. *Ahem* Apologies, back to what's important. If you come across anything that may match this vision, please be sure to call me over to check it out! And as always, if you wish to assist with any of my past visions you can go back to my past announcements to help out! This is most definitely the location from my fourth vision! Thank you for leading me here! There is tons of rubble here... If it wasn't for me being drawn to it I would never have thought to pick up this particular stone. It seems to be part of something bigger though... perhaps my other visions will lead us to the missing pieces? For now, keep cheering on your team at the Colosseum, and keep an eye out for me in the news there! Here is a reward for helping me find this!
Answer: The Ruins of Maraqua
I had to dig through the debris, but I somehow knew this was what I was meant to find here.
My main questions now are how long must this have been here, and why was it here to begin with?
Mystery Item
Kelp Forest TrinketSee Preview
On August 20th, the side quest activity ended. Prizes were given out to those who completed all four side quests. A trophy was also given out. It will replace the first trophy received by Orion.

Orion states the following:
I've Got it!
I've put all the pieces together and they created this stone tablet with, and I couldn't believe my eyes, sheet music on it! These pieces were scattered across the globe in some of the most ancient parts of Neopia and somehow had modern-day, Neopian music on them! I couldn't even begin to speculate how this is possible or who or what could have put them there...
For now, all that I could do was play the music. When I did, it caused the wind to pick up and swirl around. The velocity of the current caused leaves and other debris to become projectiles that tore and slashed at me. It was as if all of the air was being pulled into one concentrated mass before me to form something. I kept playing even as the air from my own lungs was slowly drawn out of me. With my final breath, I was able to complete the melody, but before I could witness what materialised in front of me I passed out. When I awoke the stone tablet with the sheet music had shattered once again, but beside it lay another musical cylinder. It is made of air, yet I can hold it as if it is a solid material!
I no longer sense any visions and I'm not drawn to stones like I was before. This must be all that was meant for me here. But I can feel we are one step closer to something big! For now, I will study all that we have learned, but I hope to be able to meet up with you again at the next big event!
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Additional Info
Around August 25th, Orion came to visit the Altador Cup again to remind others that there was still time to look back and help him.

Orion Visits the AC
I have not had any new visions for some time now. I suppose I have been given all that was supposed to be. However, my plea for help is not over!
If you have not already, please go back and check my last announcements in order to help find the locations of my other visions! I fear that once all those who have gathered for these battles of sport disperse, my visions will become fruitless--and any hope of discovering their meaning shall rot away... So uh, sorry I-I mean please help if you can. Time is of the essence! For those who have helped all that they can already, I thank thee and I should have already given my gratitude to you in person!
If this is the case then please feel no pressure to help more. Yet, if possible, please urge any friends amongst the crowd to help out as well!
As of August 28th, Orion visits the Altador Cup once more a little more frazzled and sharing that this is not the last of him needing help with these visions. He is aware that they have been happening in crowded places where Neopians join together. We have suspicion that he will be back for the upcoming event, Faerie Festival.

Orion Visits the AC
This year's tourney is soon coming to a close. Please heed my warning from before! If all who have assembled in this Colosseum scatter away amongst the leaves, there will be not but a vestige of hope to ever solving the mystery of my visions! I implore those, who have not already been granted my everlasting thanks, to seek out adventure through my past invocations of help and put this conundrum of mine to bed at last! Th-that is to say... if you haven't already helped with my past announcements I urge you to do so soon. Just as before, my visions won't be helpful once the need for Neopians to gather is over, so once this year's Altador Cup tournament ends, I-I don't know if we'll be able to fully solve what is going on here... Thank you again to all who have helped so far! If you have talked in person about all the visions already there is no need for you to keep searching. But, if you have any f-friends with you in the crowd I would very much appreciate it if you could talk with them about helping out soon as well! W-whatever, is going on here... Whatever is going on with me... I think these visions caused by these large gatherings will be key to finding out more!