Featured Protagonist Characters
This is a list of featured-- main or reoccurring-- protagonist characters that appear so far throughout The Void Within plot.

Nyx is a blue Aisha who is the main protagonist of the plot. From the logo on her outfit, she is from Virtupets. She is introduced as someone who found themselves stranded in space and infected by the void. We learn that Nyx is from the past who either jumped 20 years into the future or was stranded for that long during her mission. She has a brother, Ozzy, who lives in Neopia, and is considered "The Grey Painter," weilding the mysterious paint brush.

Juni is a Faellie petpet who is Nyx's partner on their space mission. Juni is a skilled mechanical engineer who was able to create a device to save Nyx, sacrificing their health. Juni is heavily infected by the void.

Orion O. Ophiuchus
Orion was first introduced in Neopia in 2023 during the Festival of Neggs. He has a family legacy in the "business of the stars" and using tarot cards. Months later, he discovers a magical lyre in the snow which has some unknown magic. The lyre allows him to see visions, however, he was told by Fyora not to play it. Curiosity bested Orion, and he played the lyre only to find strange figures scattered around Neopia. He realizes that his visions are strongest whenever Neopians gather together. In the summer of 2024, Orion is needing help figuring out distorted images from Neopians at the Altador Cup and uses the media to reach out to Neopians. Over the course of a year and a half, Orion's appearance has changed from relaxed to manic. What could these visions mean and how does it relate to the void?

Baelia the Grey Faerie
A grey curse has been infecting Neopia. Baelia enters the plot as Naia the Fountain Faerie approaches her about why Neopians are turning grey. Baelia learns that the grey curse cannot be cured with the Rainbow Fountain or any other form of changing color. Baelia has no answer. Her friend, Tavi, urges Baelia to figure out the mystery together. Baelia, having no self-esteem in herself and living in a poorly refurbished and kept home, pushed back. With some persuasion, Baelia agrees and goes with Tavi. During her travel, she meets Nyx and Juni. Baelia helps Nyx and Juni by showing them the way to Altador where the Council of Leaders are located.

Tavi is a mountain climber from Terror Mountain who befriended Baelia the Grey Faerie after rescuing her from a cage during a climbing trip many years ago. Tavi is aware of the grey curse and wants to help as much as he can. He becomes a part of the heroic group who travels Neopia together to find answers.

Fyora the Queen Faerie
Fyora assembles the Council of Leaders at Altador after experiencing some odd encounters throughout the year. Odd encounters include the pollution, the grey curse, Orion and his visions from a lyre, and now the void rift in the sky. When she meets Nyx and Juni, she brings in Luxinia, a light faerie who possesses the skill to explore alternate realities through dreams to determine Nyx and June's intentions. Fyora makes a specific mention to the fact that all faeries have their own special abilities aside from the type of faerie they are.

Dr. Landelbrot
Dr. Landelbrot, a well-known scientist in Neopia, is heading the scientific investigation of the grey curse and the Void. He asks Neopians to help collect Void Essence so that he can continue to figure out a cure. He does create a Void Dampener device to help Juni and Nyx from the void spreading in their bodies. He also has his own daily game as a part of the plot called Dr. Landelbrot's Voidworks.

Summoned by Queen Fyora, Luxinia enters the Council of leaders in Altador. Fyora shares that Luxinia, although a light faerie, has a specific talent, or skill, to connect herself with others using emotional waves. She is able to experience and feel other people's thoughts and memories. She becomes a part of the heroic group who travels Neopia together to find answers.

Council of Leaders
Council of Leaders consisted of all Kings and Queens around Neopia coming together to discuss the grey curse and the rift in the sky. Some of the council's leaders have been infected with the grey curse. The Council of Leaders consist of Queen Nabile, Queen Amira, Queen Fyora, King Altador, King Hagan, King Skarl, King Kelpbeard, King Jazan, and Lord Darigan.

Seshatias the Library Faerie
Seshatias enters the plot having found done research and finding an ancient book that may be useful to help with finding a cure and stopping the void. She shares this with Dr. Landelbrot, showing a specific code to try and figure out. This is the first time that the Library Faerie is given a name, and is shown as someone who has a disability. As of September 24th, she becomes a big part of Faerie Quests in the Faerie Festivals, helping to fill-in for Baelia. She also conducts a lot of research and helps Orion deal with his visions and his body being possessed.
Featured Antagonist Characters
This is a list of featured-- main or reoccurring-- antagonist characters that appear so far throughout The Void Within plot.

Vira, an Acara who focuses on her vanity, has been reappearing in the plot as one of the main villains. She is first seen looking into a cauldron with another villain at Illusen and Jhudora during the Faerie Festival 2023 comic. She is featured once more as having the ability to control the Voidlings and Void Prowlers in Brightvale that attacked Tavi.

Darkest Faerie
The Darkest Faerie, also known as the Betrayer or the Sleeper, has been featured in a comic and often hinted as being one of the villains working with Vira and another mysterious villain. Other than being a reoccurring character, it is still unknown how she is involved in the plot.

Ozzy the Grey Painter
Ozzy, also known as "The Grey Painter", is a sad, grey Yurble who makes a full appearance in chapter 5 of the plot after seeing glimpses of him throughout Neopia's tourist posters. Ozzy holds and uses the mysterious paintbrush. Going further into Chapter 5, we learn that Ozzy and Nyx are siblings and he had grown sad and depressed when she disappeared 20 years ago. We are uncertain of what their pure intentions are but currently we see him side with Vira.

One of the first creatures of the void to arrive in Neopia-- specifically in Brightvale. This smaller creature shares a resemblance to a miniature Faellie. When battling the Voidling at the Battledome, their intentions often shift from wanting to battle to then being confused about what they are doing. According to a comic, Vira hints the ability to control them.

Void Prowler
One of the first creatures of the void to arrive in Neopia-- specifically in Brightvale. This larger creature shares a resemblance to a Faellie. When battling the Void Prowler at the Battledome, their intentions often shift from wanting to battle to then being confused about what they are doing. According to a comic, Vira hints the ability to control them.

Void Wyrm
Another creature to arrive-- specifically in Kiko Lake. This large creature shares a resemblance to the Snowager. During battle, it calls out "Retribution will come..." and is known to throw items at their opponent in the Battledome.

Festering Void Remnant
Another creature to arrive-- specifically in Neopia Central. A strange odor fills the air, like static and ozone and rot. Bubbling and undulating, a creature peers out at you from behind wriggling tentacles. "Don't look..."
Mysterious Characters
This is a list of mysterious characters that appear so far throughout The Void Within plot but we have no clue of their involvement.

Mysterious Character
This mysterious character is featured in a comic to be traveling to Brightvale with an unknown paintbrush. We are uncertain of who the character is and what type or color the paintbrush is. We believe that the character is a Yurble that has been featured in a lot of posters that were spread and drawn on around Neopia.

Tentacle Creature
This creature was introduced as the first part of the story. Located somewhere in space, the Tentacle creature attacks Nyx and Juni when they are stranded from their mission. It is unknown if Juni's full-body or Nyx's hand discoloration is because of the tentacle creature. It is also unknown if this creature will return back into the story.

Lord Kass
Lord Kass' sword is featured within the background of a comic. It is stuck in a rock in space. It is unknown whether or not this will feature the presence of Lord Kass in the story.
Past or Episodic Characters
This is a list of character's who have been a part of the story and are no longer relevant. These characters either had a large or minimal role in the past and helped move along the plot.

Mira the Space Faerie
She mentioned at the end of the event that there is a pollution problem in Neopia. (This sets the scene for the Faerie Festival 2023.)

Hosted their version of the Faerie Festival in 2023, where she was able to use their magic to clean up Neopia from pollution. The pollution affected their magic, making her weak. Illusen reappears to host the Faerie Festival in 2024 as asked by Fyora to keep the hope alive throughout Neopia.

Hosted their version of the Faerie Festival 2023, where she was able to use their magic to clean up Neopia from pollution. Jhudora reappears to host the Faerie Festival in 2024 as asked by Fyora to keep the hope alive throughout Neopia.

Malkus Vile
He is a secret and major investor in Monty's mining company. He hired Balthazar to bottle up Illusen. Malkus also mentioned that the plan that came from someone above was to weaken all faeries with the pollution.

Monty McTaggart
He is the CEO of the Obsidian Mining Company. Rather than using sustainable energy, his company burned obsidian and produced a lot of pollution in Neopia.