On April 10th, the Neopets News made note of a discovery by the Neggery's assistant Zaira:
The Festival of Neggs is still going strong, so don't forget to visit Kari to receive your clue for the day! If you find a Mini Negg during your search, you might also want to visit the "Real" Negg Faerie for a Negg Enlarger. You never know what you might get! Meanwhile, at the Neggery, Zaira has made a rather odd discovery...
April 23st - The final prizes have been released. Find out about them in ourPrizes Guide.
April 21st - The dark matter has cleared and there is a new Battledome Challenger waiting to challenge you. Read our guide about it in Chapter 10.
April 19th - The cave of the Clockwork negg has been found and there is a new puzzle waiting to be solved. Read our guide about it in Chapter 9.
April 18th - The correct answer has been released. The solution to the puzzle and the prizes for guessing, can be found in Chapter 8. Keep an eye out for the next portion of the Negg Journey plot! In the meantime, check out our Background page for some more interesting things.
April 17th - The final journal entry has been released. Our theories about it and our solution to the puzzle, can be found in Chapter 7. Don't forget to submit your answer to the puzzle by midnight tonight!
April 16th - Another journal entry has been released. Our theories about it and our solution to the puzzle, can be found in Chapter 6.
April 15th - Today's clue has been released as well. Our theories about it, can be found in Chapter 5. We've also added a Blank Logic Puzzle for everyone who wants to fill it in themselves.
April 14th - Another important clue has been released. Read about it in Chapter 4.
April 13th - The third entry of the journal is now live. Also, you can now solve the puzzle and make your guess who will take clockwork negg to which location. You can find the clues we've gathered from this entry in Chapter 3.
April 12th - The second entry of the journal is released. you can find the clues we've gathered from this entry in Chapter 2.
April 11th - Plot begins, the SunnyNeo guide is released. The plot begins with Chapter 1. You can find some more interesting things on our Background page.
This item contains flashing and/or strobing lights or effects. This item might trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. If you are sensitive please close this window.
This item might be unreleased or part of a current/ongoing event, and may contains spoilers. If you do not want to reveal these spoilers, please close this window.
{{ loadingMessage || 'Loading, one moment please'}}
Compatible with all pets except:
{{ search.petSpecies.filter(p => {
return !item.compat_species.split(",").includes(p.species_id);
}).map(p=>p.species).join(', ') }}
{{ parent.name }}
{{ child.name }}
{{ item.outfit_name }}
{{ outfitItem.name }}
{{ pbItem.name }}
About This Item:
This item will change your pet's style. If you own this item, you can apply it to your pet in the Styling Studio.
This specific item can only be applied to {{item.pet_style.species_name}} and can be painted any colour.