Daily Dare

What is Daily Dare?
Daily Dare is a recurring Neopets site event that takes place in the Games Room. It was first introduced in March of 2007, when it ran for one month. If you did not participate in previous years Daily Dare challenges, don't worry! This new round of Daily Dare is independent of the one that took place previously, and it is very fun and easy to participate in. In 2007 Daily Dare was mainly hosted by sponsoring companies, while in 2008 Daily Dare was themed off of a more intricate story (read the story or watch the video).

The event is mock-hosted by Aristotle A. Avinroo, better known as AAA and his little sister Abigail. Daily Dare takes place in the form of challenges that run 30 days in a row. Starting on the first day, a Neopets flash game is chosen daily to be in the challenge. Much like in the game Better Than You, you must then play the game and send a specified score set by TNT. This event is unique though, as there are two different scores that you can choose to try and beat. The preferable score to beat is AAA's. He is better at games than his little sister, so his score will be set higher. Beating his score is a little difficult though, so you can also chose to beat Abigail's score, which is considerably easier. You get to decide each day if you want to challenge AAA or Abigail for the different games. You can only challenge one of them for each game, so chose wisely!

If you want a prize, whichever opponent you challenge is the one you need to beat. However, unlike the 2007 Daily Dare, if you accidentally challenge AAA but are unable to beat his score, you can still get credited for beating Abigail! If you send a score that is higher than Abigail's while trying to beat AAA, it will automatically count as a win over Abigail unless you eventually are able to beat AAA's score for that game. If you challenge AAA but only beat Abigail you will not get your prize until the end of the event. You have unlimited tries for the day, even if you already send your score three times that day, you can still complete a daily dare challenge, you will not rewarded any more neopoints though.

Remember that the cutoff time for sending scores is 12:40AM NST. If open your game window before 12:40, then you won't be able to send your score after 12:40- you'll just get an error message. To prevent this, make sure to close your game window before 12:40 and then reopen it after 12:40. TNT put this cutoff time in place so that people can't just keep the same game window open for days at a time. This cutoff time effects every game, every day, all year round.

SunnyNeo Daily Dare Goodies
We have created some cool Daily Dare goodies for you to use. If you're into Daily Dare, be sure to check out this page for sweet stuff such as adoptables, a userlookup, icons, and a challenge completion counter.

Winning Prizes
Of course, this event wouldn't be as awesome without the prizes. This challenge rewards you generously with different game related items. You can obtain a item prize each day by beating either AAA or Abigail. Beating AAA gets you a better item prize than from beating Abigail. Aside from that, the prizes are the same for everyone for each game. Everyone gets the same prizes though, depending on who you beat. Once you beat either AAA's or Abigail's scores, you have to manually go back to the main Daily Dare page to manually collect your reward. Simply click the little image of the giftbox adjacent to where the score you just beat is listed, and a prize will be rewarded to you. If you send a score and the gift is still faded and therefore you can't click it, you've done something wrong. Make sure you didn't forget to click the button to challenge either AAA or Abigail for the day, and also make sure you sent the right score. At the end of the challenge, extra prizes are also awarded depending on the manner in which you completed the event.

Double Dare
In 2009 a new type of challenge was added to Daily Dare called Double Dare. Each week on a random day there would be such a challenge with the total of five. Basically Double Dare means all or nothing. If you choose to do a Double Dare Challenge you will win both AAA and Abigail's prizes if you are able to beat AAA. Should you fail, you receive nothing.

The Extra Prizes
If you're truly elite gamer, there is an extra prize that you can win at the end of March when the event ends. Don't fret if you're not that good at games though, as long as you at least beat Abigail at every game you will get something. Depending on how you did overall, you will be given one of the following trophies:

  • Grandultimate Scoretacular - Beat or match AAA's score on the launch day of all the games and complete all Double Dares.

  • Ultimate Scoretacular - Beat or match AAA's score and complete at least one Double Dare on the launch day of all the games.

  • Ultimate - Beat or match AAA's score on the launch day of all the games.

  • Super Uberiffic - Beat or match all of Abigail's scores or a combination of AAA's and Abigail's scores (including at least one Double Dare) on the launch day of every game.

  • Uberiffic - Beat or match all of Abigail's scores or a combination of AAA's and Abigail's on the launch day of every game.

  • Super Megasuperb - Beat or match all of AAA's scores by the end of the event and complete at least one Double Dare.

  • Megasuperb - Beat or match AAA's scores for all of the games by the end of Daily Dare.

  • Super Spifftastic - Beat or match all of AAA's or Abigail's scores and complete at least one Double Dare by the end of the event.

  • Spifftastic - Beat or match Abigail's scores and at least one AAA score by the end of the event.

  • Spiffcredible - Beat or match all of Abigail's scores by the end of the event.

  • Participant - Beat or match at least one Abigail score by the end of the event.

Mainly, your goal is to beat AAA's score the day the game is released, for Grandultimate Scoretacular, Ultimate Scoretacular or The Ultimate Prize. If you can't beat his score for every game, you can at least beat his score for some and then Abigail's for others to get the Super Uberiffic or Uberiffic prize, or just all of Abigail's. If you miss a day, you'll automatically only be eligible for the Megasuperb or Spifftastic prizes, even if you can beat AAA at every challenge. Try to get on Neopets every day! Remember, to get a better extra prize, it's better to beat Abigail's score at every game the day it is released rather than skipping a day but still beating every one of AAA's scores.

Important Tip:
If you're not sure if you can get the AAA score, do not challenge either Abigail or AAA right away. Play the game first and then if you do manage to get AAA's score, minimize the game window, click the button to challenge him, and then send the score.

NC Mall Challenges
In 2009 another new type of challenges was introduced, they were NC Mall Challenges. These challenges will allow you to play against Lulu, the cousin of AAA and Abigail. In order to participate you must buy game tickets from the NC Mall. These tickets will cost neocash (paid for with real money not neopoints). If you have a game ticket, you must activate it in your inventory. Once you've done so you may select a game to play from the game menu on the NC Challenge main page. Clicking on a game will prompt you to confirm that you would like to use your Game Ticket to "Challenge Lulu." Each game challenge requires one Game Ticket. Game Tickets are sold individually and in packs of 5, 10, and 32 as shown below. If you win an NC Mall Challenge you receive an item, if you win all of them you win a special NC Mall item. You don't have to do the NC Mall Challenge the day it is released, you can do them anywhere during the time Daily Dare runs.

Staff Tournament
In 2011, the Staff Tournament was changed compared to 2010, in order to promote the team challenges new in 2011. The Staff Tournament will run during the regular Daily Dare. Sixteen Members will team up in pairs to form 8 teams. Starting March 4th, 2011, every Friday during Daily Dare, you'll have the opportunity to pick which team will win each match-up. If you've chosen well, you'll receive special prizes at the end of Daily Dare! And if you haven't chosen well, that's what booby prizes are for! Visit the Staff Tournament Page to participate.

Team Challenge
In 2011, a new feature was added to the Daily Dare, Team Challenges. To complete the Team Challenge, you'll need to visit the Team Challenge hub. Team Challenges will be made available each Friday through Sunday, beginning Friday. From the Team Challenge hub, follow the prompts to choose your opponent, pick your Neofriend partner, and send an invitation. You must challenge AAA or Abigail from the Team Challenge hub in order to accept the Team Challenge. You might also be asked to accept an invitation from a Neofriend. Once you and your partner beat or match AAA's or Abigail's score (depending upon whom each of you has agreed to challenge), you will be awarded a Team Challenge bonus prize in addition to the regular AAA or Abigail prize for that day. You and your Neofriend will have to best AAA's or Abigail's score prior to midnight the following Monday in order to qualify for the Team Challenge bonus prize. You can visit the Team Challenge Rules or FAQ for more details.

What are the Prizes and Challenges?
By using the navigation below you can view the challenges and prizes of the different Daily Dare events that Neopets has hosted. For the current Daily Dare, if you need help with getting a score to beat either challenger this section also contains tips and game codes if there are any for each day's game. If you are looking for game related items for your gallery or good items worth investing in due to retirement, be sure to check out previous years for the prizes.

[ 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 l 2012 l 2013 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 ]
[ NC 2012 | NC 2013 | NC 2016 | NC 2017| NC 2018| NC 2019 ]

New Features for 2011:
  • Bonus items can be awarded for beating either challenger on the day a challenge is released.
  • "Retro Tuesday" NC Challenge.
  • Team Challenges.
March 31st 2011
Score 3450 points on


Smiling Spinacles Mask

(Click to Preview)
Score 450 points on


Smiley Spinacle Ball Lollypop
Score 600 points on


Bonus Prize:

Fun Games
  • Stay on the lower levels as long as possible to rack up points. The level will end if you clear all the spheres, so avoid doing this. Just keep building up spheres and making more points instead of beating the level.
  • The bomb and the item that looks like a dreamcatcher may end your level too quickly. To avoid this, shoot them horizontally; this will cause them to bounce back and forth for a while until they disappear.
  • If you make several matches in a row, the score you get for each cleared sphere will multiply. For your first match, all cleared spheres are worth one point each; for your second match in a row, each sphere is worth two points; for your third in a row, each sphere gives you three points; and so on. So try to make several matches in a row to gain points more quickly.
  • On the top of the screen, towards the right, there's a meter showing several grayed-out balls. Every time you shoot a sphere without making a match, one of the balls is taken away. When you reach zero balls, more spheres will fly in from the sides of the screen. If your spheres build up so much that they reach the edge of the screen, your game will be over, so be aware of this and make sure not to lose.
  • If your spheres are getting dangerously close to the edge, you can use the bomb or the dreamcatcher-like item to clear several spheres at a time. The bomb clears less spheres than the dreamcatcher. Make sure to shoot the bomb towards the area where the spheres are getting close to the edge.
  • The rainbow sphere will change to the same color as whatever sphere it touches.
  • Your shooter shows the next two spheres that are coming up. Hit the space bar to switch the spheres if the second sphere is better for your purposes than the first one.
March 30th 2011
Score 500 points on
Ugga Smash


Lava Puddle

Click to preview)
Score 100 points on
Ugga Smash


Turbo Steak Meat
Score 175 points on
Ugga Smash


Smoke Cloud

(Click to preview)

Bonus Prize:

Ugga Ugg Times
  • You should score the most points of any level on level one. Go all out.
  • On the first levels, try get all the other cars together in one corner, this will make it easier to hit them.
  • Try to stick to a certain car, and keep ramming it as much as you can until it gets away from you. Then go to the next nearest car and repeat.
  • If the Grarrl comes and destroys too many enemy cars, restart the game because those cars were a lot of potential points.
  • If you're having trouble with the controls, the arrow keys are the easiest ones to use.
  • Sometimes a power-up will appear, either a piece of meat (gives more speed), rock (makes you invincible for a short while), bone (will restore your health) or lava (will make you slide so you can move easier around). Make use of them if you can.
March 29th 2011
Score 150 points on
Extreme Herder


Looming Balthazar Shadow

(Click to preview)
Score 50 points on
Extreme Herder


Frozen Balthazar Plushie
Score 70 points on
Extreme Herder


Mini Petpet Plushies

(Click to preview)

Bonus Prize:

Babaa Tales
March 28th 2011
Score 7,000 points on

Score 1,000 points on


Goparokko Crunch Cereal
Score 1,300 points on


Bonus Prize:

Reject Goparokko Plushie
  • Play the game on the hardest mode you feel comfortable with. It's possible to beat AAA on the easier settings, it just takes much longer.
  • Try to combine the 4x and 2x blocks together for extra points.
  • The dynamite block destroys all other blocks of the same colour, the timer block will give you more time. Use the dynamite block as often as you can, not only does this give more points, with one colour less for a short time, it's easier making combo's.
  • Combining a dynamite block with one or more 2x or 4x blocks will give you more extra points. Combo's with a dynamite block and at least two times a 4x block or more are rare to make but very much more with!
  • Try to form the squares in the least amount of time possible, saving you time.
  • If a block with a lock on it appears, try to get rid of it as soon as you can, as more will appear, and you don't want to be stuck with multiple locked blocks later on in the game.
  • Always look for new block squares you can form. If you're about to solve an easy combination, first look around for a few seconds for some combinations. In easy mode, the timer refills itself basically all the way to the top every time you solve a puzzle, so there's really no rush.
March 27th 2011
Score 90,000 points on
Neopian Battlefield Legends

Score 3,200 points on
Neopian Battlefield Legends


Neopian Battlefield Legends Tarts
Score 4,000 points on
Neopian Battlefield Legends


Bonus Prize:

Battle Ready!

Keep in mind that Neopian Battlefield Legends also awards extra prizes for beating certain scores. This has nothing to do with Daily Dare. They are:

Battlefield Legends String Lights (10K+)
Battlefield Legends The Board Game (80k+)
Battlefield Legends Hat (100k+)
  • Play the game on hard mode (Map: Meridell's counterattack). If you've practised a bit, it's not much harder than the easier levels, while those don't give out enough points for beating AAA
  • This game has several NeoCash features. However, you don't need to use these, since you can win the game and beat AAA with the default towers and the Meridell's Counterattack map. The Courtyard Ambush map is the only NC map you can get AAA's score with. This map is hard to play however and not recommended.
  • On the map you see some rocks, try to set your machines in an S shape around the rocks.
  • Don't spend all your points on new weapons, but be sure to leave some points in case the attacker comes and tries to destroy your machine. That way you can quickly upgrade before it gets destroyed.
  • If your tower does get destroyed, you can sell the burning hole that's left (you won't get any points from it though) and rebuild another tower.
  • Don't buy too many wooden towers, they don't do much damage.
  • Rapid Fire and Catapult towers are the best towers to use. The catapult ones have a small range, but do lots of damage. Best to place them close next to the track your enemies are running on.
  • Place a couple of catapult towers at the start of the game and you won't have to worry about the attacker on the later levels.
  • Once you have your machines set in the S-shape, be sure to keep upgrading them for a wider range.
  • This game can take long, so make use of the fast forward button. You'll find this one on the same place as the 'play' button once the game is in play.
  • The Eyrie Guard (Meridell) and Quiggle scouts (Darigan) are flying enemies and will follow a different path than the walking ones. Make sure you have a couple of towers hitting their track as well.
March 26th 2011
Score 875 points on
Kass Basher


Kass Hand Sock Puppet

(Click for preview)
Score 125 points on
Kass Basher


Kass Basher Game Set
Score 220 points on
Kass Basher


Magical Stick of Bread

(Click for preview)

Bonus Prize:

Lord Kass Scooter
Today is a Double Dare!

  • The highest wind speed is 9. If you wait for the wind speed to be 9, you can hit the Kass further.
  • Try to hit the Kass when it's near the top of the bat.
  • Hold down the left mouse button as the Kass is rising, then release it when the Kass starts falling.
  • Click the mouse button each time the Kass hits the ground to make it bounce and go further.
  • You must play with the bat in order to get AAA's score. If you don't have the bat, you can unlock it by getting good scores with the bread and then the stick. Follow the tips above when using the bread and the stick, and you should be able to unlock the bat.
March 25th 2011
Score 750 points on
Turmac Roll


Turmac Hat

(Click for preview)
Score 100 points on
Turmac Roll


Chocolate Covered Unguberry
Score 180 points on
Turmac Roll


Turmac Hoodie

(Click for preview)

Bonus Prize:

Voidberry Pudding
AAA Team Challenge prize:

AAA Host Shoes

(Click for preview)
Abigail Team Challenge prize:

Abigail Sock Puppet
Today is a Team Challenge!

  • Play on hard mode. It's not really any harder than medium mode, and the points are much better.
  • The beginning of the game is always the same. After that, the same obstacles repeat over and over (though not in the same order.) With practice, you can figure out how to clear each of the obstacles, and then the game becomes quite easy.
  • The hardest obstacle to clear is the one where there are three stumps in a row- a big one with a small one on each side. Try jumping right before the first small stump, and then continuing to hold the up arrow key until you've passed all the stumps.
  • If you're not very good at the game, just keep playing until you get an aqua berry (the blue one shaped like a tear drop.) A single aqua berry in hard mode will give you 600 points, and you'll only be needing 150 more points to beat AAA.
  • Check out the instructions to see the point values of all the berries (on hard mode, the points for each berry is tripled.) When you're playing the game and you see one of the higher-scoring berries, such as the aqua berry, unguberry, or juicy berry, make sure to try to collect it.
March 24th 2011
Score 450 points on
Petpet Cannonball


Petpet Cannonball Cannon

(Click for preview)
Score 30 points on
Petpet Cannonball


Pirate Angelpuss Plushie
Score 40 points on
Petpet Cannonball


Bonus Prize:

Green Frost Cannon
Battle Magic
  • Snowbunny and Angelpuss are the heaviest petpets. They'll give out the most points. Buzzer and Slorg give out the least points.
  • If you've got enough tries left, you might want to miss with the Buzzer and Slorg (and possibly Babaa) on purpose. In that way, you'll get more points for a shot. Don't do this if you've less than three tries left.
  • Sometimes, a Tenna will appear. Always try to shoot right with this one, since it'll give you around 20 bonus points (more on higher levels)
  • To aim, draw an mental line between the cannon and the bucket to calculate the angle.
  • Don't use too much power to fire. Keep the power around half.
  • Keep an eye on when you level up (a message will appear). You might need to change the angle you're aiming for slightly when you've gone up a level.
March 23rd 2011
Score 600,000 points on
Wrath of the Snowager


Snowager Bobblehead
Score 13,000 points on
Wrath of the Snowager


Snowager Doughnut
Score 19,000 points on
Wrath of the Snowager


Snowager Arm Cuff

(Click to preview)

Bonus Prize:

Snowager Ice Centerpiece
  • Play the game on hard to get more points.
  • You can only use the left and right arrow keys to move the Snowager around, not the up and down keys.
  • The green powerups are good, while the red powerups are bad. Read the instructions for the game and try to familiarize yourself with what each powerup does. Some of the green powerups aren't particularly useful.
  • The most important powerup is the green heart, which gives an extra life. Make sure to get it whenever you can.
  • You can hit the space bar to shoot ice, but it's pretty useless and you shouldn't need to use it. Just use the head of the Snowager to hit the thief and make him drop items.
  • Turning off your sound may help you concentrate.
  • If you bump into a wall or an obstacle, you lose a life.
  • You'll unlock any level you've played, so you can play it again later on without having to do the previous levels first.
  • If you're having trouble beating the game normally, then hang out in level one for a while until you've collected a lot of extra lives. (You can stay in a level for longer by hitting the -4 powerup, which will make you drop 4 of your items.) Once you've got a lot of lives, go on to level 2. Then play level 2 over and over, killing yourself on purpose once you've collected 19 items. Keep doing that until you're on your last life; then pass the level and progress through the game. If you collected enough extra lives in level one, you can beat AAA without ever having to pass level 2.
March 22nd 2011
Score 50,000 points on
Jumpin' Gem Heist


Sandan Scarf

(Click to preview)
Score 18,000 points on
Jumpin' Gem Heist


Heists that Jump
Score 22,000 points on
Jumpin' Gem Heist


Jumpin Gem Heist Garland

(Click to preview)

Bonus Prize:

Gummy Gem Cupcake
  • Many people find it helpful to play the game in a larger size in its own window. This gets rid of some glitches and also helps you to see objects better. Use this link to play the game in a larger size in its own window.
  • If two baskets are close together, you can hit them both by throwing you stone right in between them.
  • Catching 5 gems in a row without letting any shatter on the ground gives you a combo bonus. The combo bonus is worth 1000 points (more than anything else in the game) so this is a major source of points. As a general rule, don't throw your stone at a basket unless you're sure you can catch all of the gems before they fall to the ground.
  • You start the game with 3 stones. If you don't catch the stone that you threw at a basket, you lose a stone and you will also be stunned for a few seconds. If you lose all 3 of your stones, your game is over.
  • Some baskets have extra stones. The maximum amount of stones you can have in reserve is three. If you already have 3 stones, and you catch an extra stone from a basket, you get 750 bonus points, which is worth more than any of the single gems. To get a high score, make sure not to lose any of your stones and to then target the baskets that contain extra stones.
  • Getting extra time is really important, so make sure to target the baskets with the clocks. Catching a clock will give you five extra seconds.
  • You can't hit every basket, so go for the ones worth the most points. The larger gems are worth the most points, while the smaller gems are worth the least points. Green gems are worth more than any other gem (500 points each) so try to hit the baskets that contain green gems.
  • Collecting stones, green gems and clocks are the most helpful things aside from getting combos. So hitting baskets that contain green gems, a stone or a clock should be a priority.
March 21st 2011
Score 550 points on
Trouble at the National Neopian


Comfortable Muumuu

(Click for preview)
Score 200 points on
Trouble at the National Neopian


Wind-Up Techo Thief
Score 300 points on
Trouble at the National Neopian


Shiny Bag of Gold Coins

(Click for preview)

Bonus Prize:

Ownow Bank
Today is a Double Dare!

  • If a thief gets away before you can jail him, the thief will steal points from you, and you'll also lose a life. Points are also subtracted if you hit a key corresponding to a door where there is no thief, or if you try to convert your points into a bar of gold when you have less than 100 points.
  • Every time you get 100 points, hit the space bar to convert your points into a bar of gold. Once you convert your points into a bar of gold, those points are "safe" and can't be subtracted from your total if you make a mistake.
  • Once you reach 550 points (5 bars of gold and 50 points), hit Q to end your game. Otherwise, you're in danger of falling below 550 points when you make mistakes and points are subtracted.
  • Alternatively, keep playing until you've got 6 bars of gold (worth 600 points.) That way, when your game ends, you can't possibly have less than 600 points.
  • This game is based largely on visual recognition, so playing the game on a larger size may make it easier to see and recognize everything.
  • Occasionally, a guy in an orange shirt holding money bags (known as The Phantom Orange Shirt Guy, or TPOSG) will appear. Let him pass and he'll give you 25 points.
March 20th 2011
Score 3100 points on
Sutek's Tomb


Suteks Tomb Garland

(Click for preview)
Score 300 points on
Sutek's Tomb


Wind-Up Geb
Score 400 points on
Sutek's Tomb


Bonus Prize:

Gebmid Jellies
  • The game code pyramibread displays next possible move. Multiple use per game.
  • The game code plzsutekcanihavemoretime gives you 30 seconds extra time. One use per game.
  • Play on hard mode to get more points in a quicker time.
  • Try to get 4 or more tiles in a row; this increases the points you make.
  • There are various special tiles throughout the game which act as bonuses.
    • bomb tile - when this tile drops down three or more spaces it will detonate and it knocks out all the tiles ABOVE the bomb in that column. Handy for sneaky points.
    • golden coin tile - is a wild card. Can be used in any combo.
    • ankh tile - when this tile reaches the bottom of the game screen it will knock out the entire column it is sitting in and the entire row it is sitting in. So it will launch a horizontal and vertical attack - knocking out twice as many!
    • scarab tile - When this tile reaches the bottom of the game screen it will knock out the column it is in.
    • TPOSG tile - a VERY RARE tile. If you happen to see this during the game try your hardest to make it go to the bottom. When it does it will knock out every single tile on the screen and you'll be awarded 500 points. Also your timer will be refilled.
  • With the special tiles, if the game board is reshuffled, the special tiles will disappear
  • If you absolutely feel like you can only play zen mode to obtain this score heed this warning, if the board is reshuffled your score will be reset to 0
  • Try to create your combos at the bottom of the game screen. It makes it easier for tiles to fall from above and gives a greater chance of more combos being made available.
  • Clicking the hourglass pauses the game. While the game is paused you can type in plzsutekcanihavemoretim, and then when you unpause the game, type the final e. This way, you don't have to waste time typing the entire code while the timer is going. The game can only be paused up to 3 times so save those pauses for when you really need them. Also, pausing the game just to give yourself extra time to find combos won't work. The screen will be hidden with an anubis sitting on top.
  • Sometimes there are several possible matches close to each other. If you make the "wrong" match first, then the tiles may be moved in away that ruins your chance of making the other possible matches. Try to make the matches in the "right" order so that you can actually make all the matches without ruining any of them. Also try to make matches that will cause other tiles to fall and automatically make mathes for a chain.
  • Try to make vertical matches as opposed to horizontal ones, because they give you a better possibilty for chains.
March 19th 2011
Score 900 points on
Dubloon Disaster


Boat Lantern

Image is broken
(Click for preview)
Score 45 points on
Dubloon Disaster


The Art of Avoiding Mines
Score 65 points on
Dubloon Disaster


Doraks Boat

(Click for preview)

Bonus Prize:

Skeith Chocolate Dubloon

Homemade Polarchuck Costume

You get this when beating AAA.
This was a prize from two years ago and gets rewarded every year due to a coding glitch. We don't know about this year, but last year, tnt allowed you to keep this item as an extra prize.
Today is a Double Dare!

  • The game code scallywags creates a whirlpool. One use per game.
  • This whirlpool might suddenly appear when you're playing as well. This can happen once per game. If the whirlpool appears or you're using the 'scallywags' code, place you boat in one of the corners and press the up arrow key to avoid getting sucked in.
  • Once the first nine mines appear, do not do anything that could cause them to explode. If there are not 9 mines, new mines appear after every dubloon you get in random spots, and they might even appear on top of you.
  • Don't use the scallywags code unless you are cornered by the mines and will die otherwise.
  • Try to herd the mines into a circle by rowing constant circles around all the mines. This makes them easier to deal with.
  • If a dubloon's close to your group of mines, go to another part where no mines are and keep floating around there to lure the mines away from the dubloon.
  • The dubloons that appear are:
    Two Dubloon Coin: 10 points
    Five Dubloon Coin: 25 points
    Ten Dubloon Coin: 50 points
    Twenty Dubloon Coin: 100 points
    Fifty Dubloon Coin: 250 points
    One Hundred Dubloon Coin: 500 points
    Two Hundred Dubloon Coin: 1000 points
    When the higher ones appear, try to get them without taking too much risk with the mines, since the higher point dubloons are a great help to you.
  • You can win the game right away with a Two Hundred Dubloon Coin (worth 1000 points); however, they are very rare.
  • If you're having trouble, try restarting the game until you start out with at least a Ten Dubloon Coin (worth 50 points.)
  • Another strategy is to get two dubloons and cause the first two mines that appear to collide. You can get two mines to collide by positioning your boat between them and then slowly moving away, so that they both move towards you but blow up before they hit you. This is a fairly safe strategy, as there will never be more than two mines, but be prepared to be playing for a long time. Using this method also means that a mine could pop up right on top of you and instantly end your game, so it's risky in that way.
  • Turn off the water effects in the game options. They're pretty, but cause a lot of lag. If you're having trouble spotting the dubloons, play on large size.
March 18th 2011
Score 825 points on


Eerie Gnome Hat

(Click for preview
Score 250 points on


Stack A Gnome
Score 350 points on


Wingoball Heart Tree

(Click for preview)
AAA Team Challenge prize:

AAA Host Trousers

(Preview coming soon)
Abigail Team Challenge prize:

Gaming Fuel

Bonus Prize:

Chomby Gnome Collectable Charm
Today is a Team Challenge!

  • Practice the game until you learn the levels. Figure out where you need to click in each level in order to get the ball to go across the finish line. Look for "landmarks" in the level (the tip of a blade of grass, the corner of a block, etc.) that you can use to help you remember where to click. Once you've memorized where to click in order to get the ball across the finish line, then you can finish each level on your first shot every time and get a lot of bonus points.
  • The faster you finish a level, the more points you get, so once you know where to put your mouse pointer, shoot quickly. You may also try using different browsers or putting the game on low quality in order to speed it up and help you get a bigger time bonus.
  • Try not to hit the red gnomes, as this will cause your ball to disappear, thus wasting vauable time. Hitting the green gnome will make the ball bounce around.
March 17th 2011
Score 18,000 points on
Dueling Decks


Striped Dueling Shirt

(Click for preview)
Score 1,900 points on
Dueling Decks


Dueling Decks Mat
Score 2,500 points on
Dueling Decks


Bonus Prize:

Magic Deck
Today is a Double Dare!

  • Maximum values for Courage: 16, Charisma: 15, Intelligence: 162
  • Don't forget that you have a wildcard available! Play it only when you really need to and replace it with a card with low values. You can only use your wildcard once.
  • If you win too many in a row, your game will be over too fast. Try extending your game by allowing Zenco to win some rounds.
  • The cards will appear in the same order each time through, try to keep track as you play.
  • Make sure you get the bonus for five cards in a row before you start letting Zenco win.
  • To get maximum points quickly it's easiest to play on the hardest level, and just take turns winning and losing rounds. For example, win perhaps 5 hands in a row (which will give you bonus points), then let the Mynci win a few hands then win again. This way you will build up points. Just remember to take note on which cards have already been played so you have an idea what to expect
  • Cards with the following stat scores are the best to use to have a better chance of winning a round:
    intelligence - over 100
    charisma - over 10
    courage - over 10
  • The highest cards values are 162 (intelligence, Roothless), 16, (courage, Bruno and Judge Hog), and 15 (Charisma, Fyora and Rufus).
  • Your cards and Zenco's will repeat in the same order during the game, so take notes.
  • Restart the game until you get Ylana Skyfire as a card. This is one of the strongest cards in the game and can help you a great deal to win again when you're on a losing steak.
  • If possible, choose the highest value on the card, unless you know the order and values if the upcoming cards, and you compare the values with you own cards and decide what would be best to choose. Since intelligence ranges from 1-162 and courage from 1-16, a courage of 10 is a higher value then a intelligence of 88.
March 16th 2011
Score 600 points on
Chia Bomber 2


Muddy Hat

(Click for preview)
Score 25 points on
Chia Bomber 2


Mud Facepaint Kit
Score 35 points on
Chia Bomber 2


Water Splash

(Click for preview)

Bonus Prize:

Yellow Chia Plushie
March 15th 2011
Score 550 points on
The Usul Suspects


Pile of Baby Bottles

(Click for preview)
Score 45 points on
The Usul Suspects


Broom for Bratty Usuls
Score 65 points on
The Usul Suspects


Series of Tubes Foreground

(Click for preview)

Bonus Prize:

Lime Jelly Usul
  • Use code lumiwatergun to get an extra life.
  • Hold down the space bar to shoot. You don't have to tap repeatedly; just hold it down. Hold it down for the entire game- there's no reason NOT to be shooting at all times.
  • To defeat the usuls, shoot their propeller caps or their guns before they reach the ground. Defeating them before they reach the ground gives you the most points, and also prevents the usuls from climbing up onto the platforms behind you.
  • If you hit the usuls anywhere besides their caps or their guns, they will be temporarily stunned and unable to shoot you. This is one good reason for you to be shooting at all times.
  • To get rid of the usuls on the platforms behind you, use the right arrow key to throw a bottle to them. If you don't do this quickly enough, they'll try to knock you down with a broom, which will cause you to lose a life.
  • If you keep losing lives because you're getting shot by the usuls, then stop trying to aim your own shots so much, and just concentrate on dodging their shots. Since you're shooting at all times, you're bound to hit some usuls and get points. Don't forget to keep throwing bottles to the usuls on the platforms behind you while doing this.
March 14th 2011
Score 700,000 points on
Nova Defender


Nova Gems Garland

(Click for preview)
Score 20,000 points on
Nova Defender


Nova Defender Cereal
Score 25,000 points on
Nova Defender


Dusk to Dawn Background

(Click for preview)

Bonus Prize:

  • Many people have issues playing the game in the small embedded window. In order to get the game in its own window, use this link.
  • Play on hard mode; you'll never get enough points on the easier modes.
  • Double-click the left mouse button to use your shield when your green status bar is full.
  • Use the arrow keys or the WASD keys to shoot. You can just hold them down; you don't have to tap repeatedly. To shoot diagonally, hold down two directions at once.
  • Collecting several gems in quick succession makes a chain, which is worth extra points. If there's too much time between collecting one gem and the next, the chain will be broken.
  • You cannot make chains while using the shield, so avoid using the shield if you can.
  • For your powerups, choose the 3-way shot first, then the 2-way wide shot and then the cannon shot.
  • You have 3 lives. Near the end of level 3, die on purpose, play the level over again, die on purpose near the end again, then play the level a third time and pass it. This will rack up a lot of points. It will also allow you to go into level 4 with the cannon shot, which you really need for that level.
  • Level 5 is actually really easy. If you follow the above advice of playing level 3 multiple times, then passing level 5 should give you enough points to beat AAA.
March 13th 2011
Get to level 5 on


Score 1000 points on
Itchy Invasion


Fancy Petpetpet Tights

(Click for preview)
Get to level 2 on


Score 200 points on
Itchy Invasion


Bumbluz Plushie
Get to level 3 on


Score ? points on
Itchy Invasion


Petpet Goo Blaster

(Click for preview)

Bonus Prize:

Piece of a Scratch Card
This item is currently glitched and in your inventory instead of in Habitarium. Since it's glitched and can be placed at the the trading post, we advice you not to do so it, this might get your account into trouble!


Itchy Scratchy Cream
Tips for Habitarium:
  • Visit our Habitarium guide!
  • If you're already past level 2 or 5, just open habitarium and refresh on the Daily Dare challenge page to get the prize.
  • At the moment, you can't challenge Lulu

Tips for Itchy Invasion:
  • This game is available to some international players. Switching to English will give you the Habitarium challenge in many cases.
  • The game code Pest restores your Pest-B-Gone to full
  • Pay close attention to the red warning that will flash on the screen when your Pest-B-Gone is almost empty- if you run out of Pest-B-Gone, your game is over.
  • Try to shoot all the petpetpets (P3s.) It will give you a bigger bonus when the level is over if you shoot them all. If you don't have time to shoot all the P3s and have to choose, try to shoot the ones with higher point values.
  • The green robotic P3 restores your Pest-B-Gone to full, and the pink robotic P3 destroys all the P3s on the screen. Both of these are very important and you must shoot them any time you see one.
  • You should be able to get AAA's score during the Meowclops level. Try to save your code for the Meowclops level, so that you don't die right before getting the score.
March 12th 2011
Score 225 points on
Hasee Bounce


Doughnutfruit Scarf

(Click for preview)
Score 40 points on
Hasee Bounce


Jimmi and Woogy Egg Dolls
60 points on
Hasee Bounce


Teeter Tottering Hasees

(Click for preview)

Bonus Prize:

Model Hasee Bounce See Saw
Today is a Double Dare!

  • Read our Hasee Bounce guide!
  • The game code doughnutfruit resets your timer, one use per game.
March 11th 2011
Score 25,000 points on
Hannah and the Kreludor Caves


Kreludan Treasure Chest

(Click for preview)
Score 2000 points on
Hannah and the Kreludor Caves


Portable Oxygen Tank
4000 points on
Hannah and the Kreludor Caves

AAA Team Challenge prize:

AAA Host Shirt and Jacket

(Click for preview)
Abigail Team Challenge prize:

How to be a Gaming Champ

Bonus Prize:

Hannah Bobblehead
Today is a Team Challenge!

  • Press both the down and right or left arrow at the same time to make Hannah walk under places where she can't stand up.
  • Keep an eye on your fuel and oxygen. If the oxygen runs out, you lose a life.
  • You'll unlock any level you've played, so you can play it again later on without having to do the previous levels first. However, for most the points, start with the first level.
  • You can also play levels more than once. If you're having trouble beating AAA straight on, replay the unlocked levels you're good at until you get his score.
  • You must gather all keys, or else you'll be unable to finish the level.
  • Hearts give an extra life and 500 points. Collect them everywhere you can. You can only collect them once; if you play a level for the second time after collecting them, the heart will be gone.
  • Practice to learn how far you can jump without fuel. Conserving fuel is good, because the more fuel you have at the end of the level, the more points you'll get.
  • You also get points at the end of the level based on how much oxygen you have left. Oxygen runs out over time, so finishing the level quickly will net you more points.
  • You get points for collecting oxygen and fuel tanks, so make sure to collect them even if you don't need them at the moment.
  • On level 4, do a regular, non-fuel jump off of the starting platform, and then start using your fuel to hover over the spikes below. Once you reach the next platform, use your fuel to get up to a higher platform and collect more fuel tanks. Then go back down to the previous platform, and use your fuel to get across the rest of the spikes.
  • On several levels, there will be items behind a wall that seem unreachable. Use the down arrow to duck and go right through the wall to get these items.
  • If you fall too far, you will lose a life. A yellow exclaimation mark will appear next to Hannah when she's starting to fall too far. Use a small burst of fuel as soon as you see this symbol to prevent yourself from dying.
March 10th 2011
Score 400 points on
Chemistry for Beginners


Scientific Wig

(Click for Preview)
Score 75 points on
Chemistry for Beginners


Chemistry for Beginners Set
90 points on
Chemistry for Beginners


Fancy Lab Coat

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Book of Chemical Reactions
  • Use the option to start to play from level 1. The first 5 levels are easy, and will help you to get the hang of the game and get you a lot of points as well.
  • You can preview what elements you'll be getting in the next turn in the bar below. Make use of this to come up with a strategy which combos you'll be using.
  • Try clearing the board, it'll give you 5 bonus points.
  • Four red elements in a row will make the game explode! If you've got any reds that you can't use, don't place more than two in a row too close to each other.
  • Take a look at your score. The moment you're about to get the required score, make one of the combos that give a small amount of points. For instance, if you've got 38 points and you need 40, make a combo with two green elements, which will give you one point. Then make a combo that's worth a larger amount of points to finish the level. The extra points you get (for example, 43 instead of 40) adds towards your score.
  • Focus on making the combos that give the most points.
March 9th 2011
Score 32,500 points on


Kookith String Lights

(Click for Preview)
Score 20,000 points on


Kookith Cookies
Score 25,000 points on


Starburst Shower

(Click for Preview)
Item not visible in preview

Bonus Prize:

Kookith Vegan Platter
Today is a Double Dare!

  • Play in Hard mode to gain more points.
  • You need to collect three Kookiths to unlock the bonus round. Once you've unlocked it, ignore them unless they're easy to collect.
  • You will earn more points for each Kookith collected if you collect them in "chains". Try to position your mouse in front of a chain to grab them in a row quickly. If you wait a second before collecting the first group of Kookiths, you can string the second group on to the same chain for more points.
  • When the meter fills up, you can press the space bar to slow down the Kookiths. This also works in the bonus rounds.
  • The Kookiths appear in the same order each time for a scene, but the scenes are random.
  • If you play on hard, you only need to play the first two levels to beat AAA
March 8th 2011
Score 1,100 points on
Faerie Cloud Racers

Score 75 points on
Faerie Cloud Racers


Faerie Cloud Meringues
Score 100 points on
Faerie Cloud Racers


Cloud Staff

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Dream Clouds
  • The game code faerie removes all obstacles for one round. Try using the faerie code on level 4- level 4 has the most obstacles of any level (except the last level, and you shouldn't need to get anywhere near the last level in order to beat AAA.)
  • Try to make a small box around your opponent- this will cause them to have little room to move, and they will crash into an object or trail.
  • Once you've made the box around your opponent, head for the most open area of the screen available and just drive around.
  • In level 5, there will be few obstacles, but the game will suddenly get much faster. If you have a problem maneuvering while going so fast, then don't worry about strategy or boxing in your opponent; just drive around randomly, trying to avoid obstacles, until your opponent crashes.
  • You should be able to get AAA's score by beating level 5, so you only have to deal with one fast level.
  • It doesn't matter at all which faerie you choose- they're all the same.
March 7th 2011
Score 800 points on


Linae Shoes

(Click for Preview)
Score 90 points on


Traditional Shenkuu Cushion
Score 150 points on


Glowing Hanging Lanterns

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Kou-Jong Cheesecake
  • If you want to beat AAA, you can play the game on medium or on hard. If you play on medium, you need to be really, really fast!
  • Being fast gives bonus points. You'll even need those when beating AAA on hard to get the required score.
  • If you don't have any more matching tiles, you can click reset without loosing earlier scores
  • When clearing the tiles, try to clear the top tiles and those around the edges first. In this way, more other tiles will become free or available.
  • The game will tell you when click and there are no more possible moves. If you can't find any and the game hasn't stopped yet, you can use the hint option twice to preview a move. Only use this when you really need it!
  • Trying to remember how all the different tiles look will help you spotting the tiles you need more easily.
March 6th 2011
Score 3,800 points on


Snow Block Belt

(Click for Preview)
Score 475 points on


Bloat B Gone
Score 550 points on


Bonus Prize:

Trapped Snow Wurm
Ice Crystal
  • The game code buuuurrrrrrrrp reduces bloat level by 50%. One use per game.
  • Check out our Snowmuncher Guide!
March 5th 2011
Score 70 points on
Ultimate Bullseye II


Meridellian Tower
Score 12 points on
Ultimate Bullseye II


King Skarl Balloon

(Click for Preview)
Score 20 points on
Ultimate Bullseye II


Flag and Arrow Garland

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

I Love Turtums Mug
Today is a Double Dare!

  • The game code catapult gives you a random powerup. One use per game.
  • Check out our Ultimate Bullseye II Guide!
  • If you het the bullseye with your last arrow, you'll get three more shoots. This only happens once, if you hit another bullseye with the last or your three extra shots, you won't get three other extra shoots.
  • Hitting the apple with the Meridell balloon will reward you 50 points.
March 4th 2011
Score 825 points on
Imperial Exam


Imperial Exam Desk
Score 150 points on
Imperial Exam


Imperial Guard Staff
Score 200 points on
Imperial Exam


Ink Moustache

(Click for Preview)
AAA Team Challenge prize:

AAA Host Cane

(Click for Preview)
Abigail Team Challenge prize:

Framed Photograph of AAA

Bonus Prize:

Beginners Spelling Scroll
Today is a Team Challenge!

Note: there's currently a glitch where you can't do the team challenge after you've challenged Lulu. Make sure you've challenged for the team challenge first (you choose this instead of the regular challenge) and completed this, before you go off to beat Lulu.

  • The words asked for in this game are the same over and over again. If you remember how these are spelled you will be fine.
  • Choose the language of your preference, the game is available in multiple languages, make use of this.
  • Playing on the basic mode is good enough, you don't have to tire yourself with long and complicated words.
  • Even though there's a time limit, take the time to look at the word before pressing the arrow key. It's very easy when you're in a row with words spelled right to continue pressing the 'up' arrow key until you make a mistake.
  • In case you really don't know a word, always press the 'down' arrow key for wrong. If you've got it wrong, this will make you loose some time, but not a life. Pressing the 'up' arrow key for a wrong answer will make you loose a life, however.
March 3rd 2011
Score 1,000 points on
Faerie Bubbles


Faerieland Cloud Background

(Click for Preview)
Score 150 points on
Faerie Bubbles


Faerie Bubbles in a Bottle
Score 400 points on
Faerie Bubbles


Faerie Bubble Foreground

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Delicious Faerie Bubbles
Faerie Food
Today is a Double Dare!

Note: Quite a few people seem to have problems with sending scores. Playing games on large screen (can be found under 'Game Options - Select Game Size') has been reported to help with this problem. Another reported solution seems to disabling social network features. You can do this by going to preferences and choose the option 'Remove Social Networking Buttons'.

  • The game code stardust gives you a nova bubble.
  • The game code bubbles turns every bubble on the screen into the same type.
  • The game code faerieland gives you a rainbow bubble.
  • The game code slumberberry causes the ceiling to go all the way back to the top.
  • Check out our Faerie Bubbles Guide!
  • To beat AAAs score, you can use the code bubbles on level 8. If you use the faerieland code to get a matching bubble right after, it will give you 250 bonus points at once (if you get Fire, Water, Light or Air bubbles) and clear a difficult level for you. This works especially if you've got a bad combo of bubbles here (many Air, Green or Dark)
March 2nd 2011
Score 3,500 points on
Crisis Courier


Altador Pillars Foreground

(Click for Preview)
Score 325 points on
Crisis Courier


Altador Fruit on a Plate
Score 400 points on
Crisis Courier


Altadorian Doll House

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

The Yooyu
  • The game code kingaltador gives you one extra life. One use per game. Type the code at the very start of the game, before any enemies come up.
  • Remember to click on your left mouse button to switch between the fire and snow Yooyu. The fire Yooyu kills the red enemies and is able to collect the red money bags, and the snow Yooyu kills the blue enemies and is able to collect the blue money bags.
  • The key to this game is memorizing the levels. Play several times until you remember what's coming up, so you'll be prepared to switch to the correct color or to collect the money bags.
  • The winged fruit will turn you into a faerie Yooyu, which causes each money bag you collect to be worth more points, and also allows you to collect both red and blue money bags. However, you can't kill any enemies while in faerie form. If you've got a lot of enemies but few to no money bags coming up, collecting the winged fruit would be a bad idea (this is one instance where memorizing the levels comes in, so that you know when to collect it and when not to.)
  • The red fig will turn you into a mutant Yooyu, allowing you to kill enemies of either color. You can collect the regular yellow money bags while in mutant form, but the red and blue money bags will kill you.
  • Most of the times when a fruit appears, it appears a a strategic point where you can use them, like a line of red and blue enemies going with the fig and a collection of money bags going with the winged fruit. However, avoid collecting the winged fruit almost at the end of the second level, almost before you bump into into the first winged enemies. This time, collecting the fruit will probably make you lose a life instead of helping you.
  • Be careful- practically everything in this game kills you. Touching any walls or structures kills you (except the big post at the end of each level, which you can pass through.) Touching the enemies kills you if you're not in the proper form. Touching red or blue money bags kills you if you're not in the proper form. Touching any enemies kills you if you're in faerie form.
  • Don't take any risks and do not to try collect everything. Don't go for the money bags or enemies when they are placed between two walls, and don't go for a row of red and blue enemies unless you're in the mutant Yooyu form. The few points you'll gain from this are not worth losing a life over.
  • If your computer is lagging a lot, try playing on a smaller size and lower quality. Also, this game is a pain for touch-pad users; if you happen to have a normal mouse lying around somewhere, make use of it.
  • If you're trying to beat AAA and you already lost a life on the first level, restart the game. You'll be needing your lives later on.
March 1st 2011
Score 1,000 points on
Top Chop

Score 325 points on
Top Chop


Best Woods for Chopping
Score 400 points on
Top Chop


Top Chop Coin Shower

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Pile of Wooden Planks
  • Hit the space bar in order to make the moving black line stop in the green area, preferably directly in the middle over the white line. If you stop it directly over the white line, you'll get bonus points. If you stop it directly over the white line a few times in a row, you'll get a power up.
  • In the first three levels, the black line will move progressively faster with each level. If you seem to be too slow for the faster levels, hit the space bar a little before you think you have to.
  • In the next four levels, the black line will move erratically, speeding up and then slowing down, and sometimes stopping completely. Try to wait until the line is moving slower before you try to hit it. Just be careful not to wait too long- there is a time limit.
  • During the rest of the levels, the green area and the black line both move; however, you should be able to get AAA's score without beating any of these levels. If you want to try to beat the levels, it's best to try to stop the line when both it and the green area are near the top or the bottom of the meter.
  • Sometimes a Moffit will jump across your board. You can't hit your board during this time. However, you won't be penalized in any way if you attempt to hit the board while the Moffit is jumping across it, so you really don't have to bother worrying about this.
  • If you're lucky enough to get a power up, save it for the tougher levels; you can choose when to use it by clicking on it.

Retro Tuesday Challenges:
New for 2011, there is an additional weekly NC Challenge, in which a NC Challenge prize for 2010 is available.

Retro Tuesday Challenges
March 29 2011
Score 15000 points on


Glowing Book of Spells

(Click for Preview)
  • When you see any golden tiles, try to incorporate them into long chains. The longer the chain, the better your score. The gold tiles act as a bonus. Also try to include slime tiles in the chains, otherwise they will slowly work their way to the bottom.
  • Don't allow the slime tiles to reach the bottom. If that happens the game is over.
  • If there are too many slime tiles in later rounds, there is a vial next to the wizard. It will fill up with gold. Click this vial - only when it is full- and all the slime tiles will be removed from the screen. The vial refills itself everytime gold tiles are used up in chains. If the vial is full from one round, it will carry over into the next round, so there's no need to worry about it having to refill again.
  • At level 1, make a chain of 2700 points at first. This this is the highest score you can get without finishing the level. When the tiles refill with a gold tile, try to make a chain as long as possible with it. If there's no gold tile, restart and try again. In this way, you'll be able to get a lot of points during the first level. If there's more then one gold tile, try to connect those for even more points.
  • At the start of each level press shuffle a few times until one or more gold tiles appear. Don't worry about the slimey times and try to include them and the gold tiles in your chain.
March 22 2011
Score 200 points on
Chariot Chase


Chariot Chase Chariot

(Click for Preview)
  • You get points for each lap you finish, and you get more points per lap if you finish the lap quickly. If you have a hard time finishing the laps quickly without dying, then just take it slow and concentrate on finishing as many laps as possible.
  • Hitting the other racers will make you lose a life, but hitting the walls won't hurt you- it will just stop you until you move away from the wall. You may want to run into the wall on purpose in order to avoid running into another racer. For instance, if another racer is directly ahead of you, and you know you'll run into it if you keep going, just run into the wall to stop yourself. When the other racer is far enough away, move away from the wall and keep going. Letting go of the up arrow key isn't a very effective way of stopping because it doesn't stop you quickly enough.
  • If you're going for slow and steady, then choose the Fire Alabriss- you will then start at the very left of the group. This will allow you to steer towards the left wall and wait there for the other Alabriss to pass you. Once they're in front of you, you can start chasing them. If you're trying for extra points through speed, hold down the up arrow key during the countdown. You'll shoot out ahead of the other racers, and since you'll be ahead of them for a little while you won't have to worry about running into them during that time.
  • Wait at the intersections; just hit yourself against a wall to stop and wait for all the other players to have passed you. Once the intersection is clear you can pass it and continue with the track.
  • The Altadorian Sun will make you invincible, and the cloud will speed you up as well as making you invincible at the same time. These are both very useful items to pick up- you can move around the track faster without having to worry about losing lives by running into the other racers.
  • The clock slows down the other racers. It actually isn't very useful; it makes it harder to avoid running into the other racers.
  • Running into the dung will make you spin out and lose control over your chariot, so avoid it.
  • Try holding down the up arrow key the entire time with one hand, and using the other hand to steer your chariot with the right and left arrow keys.
  • Just play on normal mode; hard mode doesn't give many extra points.
March 15 2011
Score 200 points on
Snow Roller

  • The white slushie will give you the "black hole" power up, which draws all items to you, allowing you to collect them automatically without having to aim for them. While you have this power up, you can jump continuously to avoid obstacles, and all items will be sucked into your snowball. This is a great power up, so always try to collect it.
  • When you have a choice of paths, try choosing the longer ones, so that you have a longer time to collect items for more points.
  • Collcting items makes your snowball bigger, and hitting obstacles will make your snowball smaller. If your snowball gets too small, your game is over. At the end of each level section, you get a bonus based on how large your snowball is. So try to avoid hitting obstacles in order to keep your snowball as large as possible. It's easiest to avoid obstacles by using the space bar to jump over them, but you can also steer your snowball back and forth with the arrow keys.
  • Pay close attention; some of the obstacles are white and can blend into the background.
March 8 2011
Score 150 points on


Tyrannian Bonfire

(Click for Preview)
  • There are many power ups in the game. Try your best to collect 4 orange fireball powerups in a row. This is the most powerful fireball as it covers the most ground knocking out more enemies with little effort.
  • Always avoid the blue power ups - they always remain as a single ray, thus making it the least effective powerup.
  • The purple fireball powerup is also effective but not as much as the orange fireball powerup. After collecting 4 in a row they turn into giant boomerangs that can knock out lots of enemies but it can still let some enemies through. This is the second best powerup.
  • If you're going to collect the green fireball powerups, only collect 3 of them. When you collect the 4th green powerup, it turns into a single ray blast much like the blue powerup.
  • Instead of tapping the spacebar everytime you fire, hold the spacebar down.
  • Try to stay in the centre of the screen. Sticking to the sides can be a problem, especially if the red grarrl comes up beside you and blocks you, and you're not able to shoot down the enemies ahead.
  • Shooting the red grarrl is only worth 10 points so there's no need to go out of your way, and potentially lose a life just to shoot him.
March 1 2011
Score 140 points on
Meerca Chase II


Sparkling Negg Wig

(Click for Preview)
  • The game code superextrahypergravitymode when typed on the main screen unlocks Gravity Mode.
  • The game code ferociousneggsareontheloose when typed on the main screen unlocks Ferocious Negg Mode.
  • Check out our Meerca Chase 2 Guide.

Staff Tournament
In 2011 another Staff Tournament was announced. Each friday two teams will face eachother.

Staff Tournament Prizes
Round 1

We dont need stinkin apostrophes!
(Inept Megalomania)

Well Done Card
Round 2
(Polarchuck Opposites)

Darigan Poogle Plushie
(Super Stoppable Mega Farce)

Stone Paddleball Game
Round 3
(Star & Order)

Randomly Firing Freeze Ray
(The Team Your Team Could Smell Like)

Club And Rock Game
Round 4

Pile of Slightly-chewed Socks
(The Sarcasticons)

Bobbleheads and Neopian Cultures

At the end of the Daily Dare trophies were given out along with Blumaroll Dice 1-Pack(s) and last year's Daily Dare site theme.


2x Blumaroll Dice 1-Pack
Site Theme

Blumaroll Dice 1-Pack
Site Theme

Blumaroll Dice 1-Pack
Site Theme
Participation Medal

Blumaroll Dice 1-Pack

Lulu Challenge bonus prizes
Everyone who participated for all 31 challenges in the NC Challenge could claim special bonus prizes. Those who did not beat all 31 challenges, but only a few could not claim any of these prizes at all.

Neocash bonus prizes

Lulus Y13 Dress

(Click to Preview)

Lulus Y13 Shoes

(Click to Preview)

On March 26, 2007 around 1:40 pm NST TNT activated the avatar you can see below for participants in the March 2007 Daily Dare. The avatar was not reactivated after that.

Released in 2007 for beating AAA or Abigail in 15+ Daily Dare challenges.

The avatar was awarded again during the 2018 Daily Dare for beating AAA's score for 15 or more times.
(TNT announced that they plan to keep releasing it for future Daily Dares as well!)

Tip: Check SunnyNeo's Daily Dare page for more information about Daily Dare.

Games Master
A R I S T O T L E A. A V I N R O O

Inviting a friend
Newly released is the option to send a friend a NeoGreeting about Daily Dare. You can see the card by clicking here.

For more information about AAA and Abigail you can check out either of their articles in the Neopedia.

Neopedia: Daily Dare
Neopedia : Aristotle A. Avinroo
Neopedia : Abigail

https://images.neopets.com/games/aaa/littlesister_siteimage.gif https://images.neopets.com/games/aaa/aaa_siteimage.gif

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