Skirmish Battles

What Are Skirmish Battles?
After the War of the Obelisk Plot had ended, Skirmishes started appearing at the abandoned Battlegrounds.

How Does It Work?
On the Battlegrounds page, a truce timer will appear. The truce lasts 7 days. After one week, you can pick one of three teams to join. It will be one of the following teams: Thieves Guild, The Sway, Order of the Red Erisim, Brute Squad, Seekers or The Awakened. After the truce ends, the Oracle will select three teams to compete in the next skirmish, excluding the winner of the previous skirmish. The stage where you get to pick a team lasts 3 days. After 3 days, the Skirmish Battle starts again. You (and the rest of your team) can battle the opponents from the other teams competing. After 4 days of battling, the battle ends and the winner is announced. The winner gets to claim the Oracle's blessing.

Members on the winning team are also allowed to pick one regular boon for achieving victory. Only five boons will be available to each winner of a skirmish; all possible boons are listed below. Boons last a week, until the end of the Skirmish Battle truce.

*Note: The boons for the Awakened are random each time they win!

Normal Boons

Bank Bribery
You feel uplifted and your presence puts the bank manager in a delightfully good mood.

What it does: This boon will increase your daily bank interest by another 3% from what the daily % you get is. Depending on how many nps you have hoarded away in your bank, this could be a very nice difference over the course of a week, and is a pretty good boon to pick.

Available For: The Sway, The Seekers, (Awakened*)

Black Market Goods
Shopkeepers don't offer their finest goods to just anyone, but there's something about you...

What it does: This boon will highlight certain items when they restock with a yellow flamey border. The exact qualifications for what items are highlighted and what ones are not is unknown.

Available For: The Sway, (Awakened*)

Book Smarts
You feel as though every word you read somehow means more than it usually does. Is your mind expanding?

What it does: This increases how many Intelligence points your pet receives when it reads a book. Useful if you need to get your Intelligence up to be able to weild some Battledome weapon.

Available For: The Seekers, (Awakened*)

The faeries may have powerfull spells of misdirection, but they fall like cobwebs before you in the caves.

What it does: This boon will automatically direct you to the treasure in the Faerie Caverns. To find the treasure follow the the voice in your pet's head as indicated in the hits on the pages.

Available For: Order of the Red Erisim, (Awakened*)

Cheaper By the Dozen
By some force that defies explanation, the rules of the Stock Market bend to your will.

What it does: This boon will allow you to buy stocks priced as low as 10nps each stock, instead of the usual minimum of 15nps in the stock market. If you buy stocks daily, and have a set price you hold them until, this would save you 5k a day, and isn't a bad option if none of the other boons appeal to you.

Available For: The Sway, Thieves Guild, (Awakened*)

Doctor who?
Sometimes, everyone gets to be healthy.

What it does: This boon will cure your Neopet at the Healing Springs if it is sick. On sick pets it will also restore your pet's hitpoints. You still have to wait 30 minutes to use the Healing Springs though. If your Neopet is healthy, the Healing Springs will act like normal for you.
Tip: to make most of this boon, you would need to make your pet ill. Look at the Diseases and Cures guide to see what would make your pet catch a disease.

Available For: Order of the Red Erisim, The Seekers, (Awakened*)

Used up? Not today. Today, the laws of physics take a little nap in the Battledome, just for you.

What it does: This boon will allow you to use one-use battledome items (snowballs, muffins, potions) more than once in battle before they disappear. Some one-use items will still disappear after one use, but often, you'll find that you get to re-use them. This does not apply to once per battle items.

Available For: Thieves Guild, Order of the Red Erisim, Brute Squad, (Awakened*)

Double Bubble
There seems to be a little essence of Everlasting Apple in some of your potins. Tasty.

What it does: (UNCONFIRMED) When using Essence of Everlasting Apple on a pet it will refill so you can use it a second time.

Available For: Order of the Red Erisim, (Awakened*)

Why choose when you can carry even more implements of chaos? It's like you have another hand.

What it does: Allows you to have 9 equipped Battledome weapons instead of 8.

Available For: Brute Squad, (Awakened*)

Five-Finger Discount
The shopkeepers just like you better than everyone else. It must be your sparkling wit.

What it does: This boon will provide a 10% discount when haggling at Neopian shops. The discount only applies during haggling, so any shops that do not require haggling (like the Hidden Tower) will not be discounted.

Available For: Thieves Guild, (Awakened*)

You're feeling a bit stronger lately. Now might be a good time to stomp around at the Battledome.

What it does: (UNCONFIRMED) This boon will provide a 10% damage increase in the battledome. It may bump your pets attack up to the next training bracket. Your pet might get 17 multiplier if their stats are maxed.

Available For: Brute Squad, (Awakened*)

You suddenly feel the need to admire others' avatars... closely. Is that glitter?

What it does: This boon allows you to "steal" someone else's avatar for the duration of the boon. Instead of appearing as a normal avatar, however, it will show that you have "pilfered" the avatar from someone else. If you get bored of your new pilfered avatar, you can just steal someone else's avatar to switch. These stolen avatars do not count toward your secret avatar count.

Available For: Thieves Guild, (Awakened*)

Refreshed Quest Request
The faeries sense something within you and offer a second chance.

What it does: This boon allows refresh at the faerie quest page for a different faerie quest when you have an active faerie quest. You can only refresh each faerie quest you get one time for a new one, but if you get multiple faerie quests, you can refresh each one of them one time each for a better quest. This works with faerie fortune cookies that give you 1 guaranteed faerie quest per day. If you are trying for a fountain faerie quest and have a lot of time to spend running around the site in hopes of getting random faerie quests (or can get a faerie quest fortune cookie in the NC Mall) then this is a pretty decent boon to pick.
Tip: To avoid a Crafting Faerie Quest, change your language to Chinese before you refresh.

Available For: The Sway, Order of the Red Erisim, (Awakened*)

Right Round Round Round
You feel strangely drawn to large wheels. Perhaps your luck is turning around.

What it does: Allows you to spin each neopian wheel two times (Excitement, Extravagance, Knowledge, Mediocrity, Misfortune and Monotony) before having to wait the usual time to spin again. Useful if you're trying for wheel avatars!

Available For: Brute Squad, The Seekers, (Awakened*)

Scratch Master
You feel like hanging around scratchcard kiosks. Who knows? Maybe it's your lucky day.

What it does: This boon will allow you to purchase two scratchcards at any of the scratchcard kiosks instead of just one. Normally, you are required to wait 2 hours before purchasing another.

Available For: Thieves Guild, Brute Squad

Strength of Mind
Let others grunt and shove each other about. You feel smart enough to find another path to victory

What it does: (UNCONFIRMED) This boon will allow your pet to switch it's intelligence and strength around.

Available For:The Seekers, (Awakened*)

That Millionaire Feeling
And what a feeling it is. You are mysteriously compelled to use this gift at the Trading Post.

What it does: It appears from the boards that this boon allows you to offer up to 1mil nps on a trade instead of the 800k max there usually is. We have not seen screenshot confirmation. This is a pretty pointless boon since it does not actually save you any nps or give you any advantage since you can just use auctions to bid 1 million nps.

Available For: The Sway, (Awakened*)

If you are a Premium member, next to your regular boon, you have the added bonus of being able to choose a premium boon as well.

Premium Boons

Full Pockets
The scratchcard hums in your hands and you feel luckier. This is not the Space Faerie's doing....

What it does: This boon will increase the amount of NP awarded from your Space Faerie Scratchcards. If you win an item from your scratchcard instead, you will also be awarded an additional prize of 1,000 NP. If you have more than one unscratched card, it will apply to all of them.

Available For: Every Faction

Premium Dreamium
You feel drawn to the Games Room, determined to leave richer than you arrived.

What it does: With this boon you will be able to send one extra game score in the Premium Featured Game. So instead of being able to send 3 scores you will be able to send 4. During Games Galore, you will also get one extra score (for a total of 6 scores).

Available For: Every Faction

The battledome opponents are the same as the ones you could battle during the War of the Obelisk, with the exception of the warbosses. This time, the opponents will not come in waves, you will be able to battle all five opponents from two two factions you are up against right away. This means if the batteling factions are the Thieves Guild, the Order of the Red Erisim and the Seekers and you have joined the Seekers, you will be able to battle all opponents from the Order of the Red Erisim and the Thieves Guild.


Thieves Guild

The Sway

Order of the Red Erisim

Brute Squad



Brute Squad

Brute Squad have been in 136 skirmish battles. They have won 32 times. Their last battle was the week of February 3rd, 2025.

Brute Squad Opponents
Released: February, 28th 2013
Difficulty: Average - 8, Strong - 10, Mighty - 12
Allegiance: Brute Squad
- Bronze Scorchstone
- Cobrall Dagger
- Manacle Mace
- Qasalan Throwing Axe
- Stone Club
- Trilo Shield
- Hydro Hammer
- Stone Helmet

- Bandage
- Halitosis
Back Alley Bruiser
Released: March, 3rd 2013
Difficulty: Average - 35, Strong - 42, Mighty - 53
Allegiance: Brute Squad
- Altadorian Throwing Axe
- Fire Hammer
- Guantlets of the Sun
- Knoty Wooden Blade
- Negg Helmet
- Rustic Wooden Shield
- Simple Wooden Fighting Staff

- An Icicle
- Bandage
- Cranky
- Halitosis
Brutal Mercenary
Released: March, 6th 2013
Difficulty: Average - 80, Strong - 120, Mighty - 160
Allegiance: Brute Squad
- Bracers of Fury
- Elegant Desert Sword
- Fire Ball Staff
- Golden Qasalan Chestpiece
- Pheppabomb
- Pyramid Mace
- Tooled Leather Boots

- Bandage
- Halitosis
- Sear
- Throw Pillows
Unyielding Sentinel
Released: March, 9th 2013
Difficulty: Average - 175, Strong - 263, Mighty - 350
Allegiance: Brute Squad
- Altadorian Body Armour
- Brute Strenght Potion
- Fire Faerie Sword
- Maractite Gauntlets
- Nightsteed Mace
- Rainbow Scorchstone
- Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer
- Uncomfortably Large Rock of Pain

- Bandage
- Burrow
- Cranky
- Halitosis
- Lens Flare
- Sear
Commander Flint
Released: March, 12th 2013
Difficulty: Average - 225, Strong - 338, Mighty - 450
Allegiance: Brute Squad
- Clawed Shield
- Instant Invisible Armour Potion
- Brute Strenght Potion
- Howling Axe
- Skarls Hasty Mace
- Jade Scorchstone
- Uncomfortably Large Rock of Pain
- Oversized Maractite Rune Sword

- Snowagers Breath
- Burrow
- Bandage
- Positive Thinking
- Throw Pillows
- Icicle
- Halitosis

Prizes For Losing Teams
No matter how many battles you've fought, if you are on the loosing team, you will be rewarded one of the prizes listed below. If you have won a prize not listed, please neomail us. You can check the Battlegrounds to see which prize you won.

Biscuit Table Lamp

Blackberry Rug

Bobbing Lenny

Bony Bracers

Bottled Volcano Steam

Broken Desert Pottery

Checked Kitchen Chair

Cheese and Pickle Packed Lunch

Chesterdrawers Antique Almanac Vol. IV

Christmas Zafara Picture Frame

Cream Cheese Pretzel Bites

Cucumber Salad

Dipping Apples

Encyclopedia Neopia

Egg Salad Packed Lunch

Engraved Short Sword

Fiery Carved Torch

Fire Chomby Plushie

Fizzy Apple Juice

Flame Tipped Spear

Flaming Shield of Fire

Framed Toast

Freeze Dried Bacon

Garlicy Mushrooms

Gooseberry Jam Packed Lunch

Granola Parfait

Green Ruki Plushie

Green Wocky Figurine

Ham and Mustard Packed Lunch

Hot Fudge Sundae

Maractite Throwing Net

Meepit Painted Rock

Kacheek Flower Vase

Laced Wooden Staff

Muffin Baking Book

Neopian Jambalaya

Oatmeal Raisins

Orange Wocky Puzzle

Pile of Logs Foreground

Professional Sock Collections

Protective Lime Helmet

Purple Hissi Plushie

River Rocks Foreground

Ruki Ornament

Salisbury Steak

Sentimental Sediments

Set of Spoons

Singularity Play Set

Sketch Sofa

Spotted Kiko Plushie

Sturdy Blue Sword

Sunglasses Book

The Biographies of Mostly Important Neopians

The Month of Eating

Tomato Bomb

Toy Pirate Cannon

Tyrannia Travel Brochure

Volcano Diagrams

Von Roo Dice

Wooden Vampire Stake

Other Prizes For Winning Team
The winning team is awarded with the Oracle's Blessing in the form of Boons which are explained above. Prizes are available to members on the team who have participated enough. The current level of required participation appears to be winning a minumum of 10 battles. If you did not meet the minimum of 10 battles, you will win nothing, even if you did choose the winning team.

The prizes include a faction themed avatar. You need to be on the corresponding faction to receive the avatar as a prize.

Battleground: Awakened

Awarded to members of the winning team: The Awakened, when visiting the Battleground after the Skirmish Battles. Members had to win at least 10 battles to receive this avatar.



We heard there is cake inside the obelisk.

Battleground: Brute Squad

Awarded to members of the winning team: Brute Squad, when visiting the Battleground after the Skirmish Battles. Members had to win at least 10 battles to receive this avatar.


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B R E A K I T !

Battleground: Seekers

Awarded to members of the winning team: The Seekers, when visiting the Battleground after the Skirmish Battles. Members had to win at least 10 battles to receive this avatar.


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   is a weapon 
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Battleground: The Order

Awarded to members of the winning team: The Order of the Red Erisim, when visiting the Battleground after the Skirmish Battles. Members had to win at least 10 battles to receive this avatar.


m a g i c i s p o w e r

Battleground: The Sway

Awarded to members of the winning team: The Sway, when visiting the Battleground after the Skirmish Battles. Members had to win at least 10 battles to receive this avatar.


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Battleground: Thieves Guild

Awarded to members of the winning team: The Thieves Guild, when visiting the Battleground after the Skirmish Battles. Members had to win at least 10 battles to receive this avatar.



Site Theme
In addition to the faction-specific avatar, there is also a site theme available for the members of the winning faction, representing, of course, that faction. The site themes can be viewed on our Site Themes Page. For Example:

Something has happened!
0 You are now eligible to use the 'Battleground: Thieves Guild' theme when browsing the website! Check out your User Preferences to change your theme. Or, click here to apply it automatically.

Below you can see the results from each skirmish battle a year back. The winners of the match are in yellow.

Start DateTeam 1Team 2Team 3
February 3rd, 2025Brute SquadThe OrderThe Sway
January 20th, 2025AwakenedSeekersThe Order
January 6th, 2025Thieves GuildBrute SquadThe Sway
December 23rd, 2024The OrderSeekersBrute Squad
December 9th, 2024Thieves GuildBrute SquadAwakened
November 25th, 2024SeekersBrute SquadAwakened
November 11th, 2024Thieves GuildThe OrderAwakened
October 28th, 2024The SwayThieves GuildBrute Squad
October 14th, 2024AwakenedBrute SquadThieves Guild
September 16th, 2024AwakenedThe OrderSeekers
September 2nd, 2024Brute SquadSeekersAwakened
August 19th, 2024SeekersBrute SquadThe Sway
July 22nd, 2024AwakenedBrute SquadThieves Guild
July 8th, 2024The OrderThe SwayThieves Guild
June 24th, 2024AwakenedSeekersThe Sway
June 10th, 2024The OrderThieves GuildBrute Squad
May 27th, 2024SeekersThe SwayAwakened
May 13th, 2024AwakenedSeekersThe Order
April 29th, 2024SeekersThieves GuildBrute Squad
April 15th, 2024SeekersThe OrderBrute Squad
April 1st, 2024The SwayAwakenedBrute Squad
March 18th, 2024AwakenedSeekersThe Order
March 4th, 2024Thieves GuildThe SwayBrute Squad
February 19th, 2024SeekersThe OrderAwakened
February 5th, 2024Thieves GuildThe SwayBrute Squad
January 22nd, 2024Thieves GuildThe SwayAwakened