Edna Project

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Want to have a Zafara look just like Edna? Well, here are a few items we recommend.

Neopoint Items
She is a green zafara, but glowing matches well also.

Edna Costume Hat
This fun hat looks like like Ednas, and it even comes with ears!

Ednas Shadow Background
Is that Edna? Watch out!

Green Paint Brush
Take this brush to the rainbow pool and you can turn your pet green.

Glowing Paint Brush
Take this strange paint brush to the Rainbow Pool and you can make your Neopet glow in the dark.
Neocash Items
There are two sounds. Edna cackling, or her pot bubbling.

Hubrid Nox Collectors Cape
With this cape almost any Neopet could look evil. This is the 3rd NC Collectible item from the Heroes and Villains Collection - Y10.

Coffin Of Spooks
We are pretty sure there is nothing creepy inside it. It is just a coffin, after all.

Cackling Edna Head
This head just cant stop cackling.

Bubbling Caultdron
Its probably not safe to eat... at least not until the Pickled Eyeballs are added.

And that should give your new Edna Pet!

To complete the Edna look, we suggest adding a Furwitch petpet.

Black Furwitch Blue Furwitch Furwitch Red Furwitch Purple Furwitch Yellow Furwitch

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