Tale of Woe plot


Update: Solution to Psionic Singularity and Platinum Mist has been found!

You can use sets of Crushed Jurpleberries and Babaa Wool to make your compositions! (Glitch?)

For Stage 3 and 4 -
Use 4 sets of identical Crushed Jurpleberries, 3g each, to form your composition. This time, you have to do two actions for your desired result. For example, if you have 100 Power and 80 Divination, then desiccate each set of berries for 200 seconds (to reach 100 power), and soak each set for 120 seconds (to reach 80 divination). Combine them and you should have your desired composition.

Here's a chart for Crushed Jurpleberries only.

Value Gain per Second

Weight Actions
Burn Crush Soak Desiccate
1g 6 3 2 1.5
2g 3 1.5 1 0.75
3g 2 1 0.67 0.5
4g 1.5 0.75 0.5 0.375
5g 1.2 0.6 0.4 0.3
6g 1 0.5 0.33 0.25
7g 0.86 0.43 0.29 0.21
8g 0.75 0.375 0.25 0.1875
9g 0.67 0.33 0.22 0.167
10g 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.15
Time Required per Value

Weight Actions
Burn Crush Soak Desiccate
1g 0.17 0.33 0.5 0.67
2g 0.33 0.67 1 1.33
3g 0.5 1 1.5 2
4g 0.67 1.33 2 2.67
5g 0.83 1.67 2.5 3.33
6g 1 2 3 4
7g 1.167 2.33 3.5 4.67
8g 1.33 2.67 4 5.33
9g 1.5 3 4.5 6
10g 1.67 3.33 5 6.67

Example: Required Divination: 100. Weight: 3g.
Look up this chart and you will see Divination is obtained by Soak. At 3g, time required per power is 1.5 seconds. So for 100 power, you need 100 x 1.5 = 150 seconds.

For Stage 5 -
Use 5 sets of identical Babaa Wool, 1g each, to form your composition. (Note: You can only work on 4 sets at the same time. So start 4 sets, combine them, then work on the 5th one.) This time, you have to do two properties at 300 each. For example, if you have 300 Enchantment and 300 Divination, then look up this chart and find a process that increases both Enchantment and Divination to 300. (In this case, it can be either Burn or Desiccate.) You will have to maximize the process. Combine them and you should have your desired composition.

Continue to the newest steps..
Step 1 - Stage 1 of Composite Making

Sophie is working on a mysterious potion, and she needs your help. Start by heading to Sophie's Lab.
NOTE: the link only works once you've caught up with all the comics. If you've read all the comics and still can't get the lab to open, try clicking on 'Continue...' in Sophie's Shack and try the Lab again. You will see the following:

Sophie's Lab

- Basic Ingredients Cabinet - (Close)


Leafy Slorgblossom

Bagguss Pulp

Quantity to take: (1-10 grams)

- Workbench -

None at the moment

- Composites -

None at the moment

- Recipe -


I'll just write down the ingredients I think I need...

Composite #1:

Quantity: 5 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +65 +/- 5

Note your actual quantity of ingredient and Target Value will be different.

Step 2

Click on "Open basic ingredient cabinet". Pick any ingredient by clicking on it. You will see a small red arrow at the bottom. Then enter the quantity desired. In my case, it would be 5 grams.

Now close the cabinet. You will now see the working bench, such as the following:

Sophie's Lab

- Basic Ingredients Cabinet - (Close)


Leafy Slorgblossom

Bagguss Pulp

Quantity to take: (1-10 grams)

- Workbench -

Leafy Slorgblossom

- Characteristics -

Quantity: 5 grams
Conjuring:  0
Divination:  0
Enchantment:  0
Power:  0

- Actions -

- Burn
- Crush
- Soak
- Desiccate

Split: grams


Create new composite

In this case, you are trying to increase the Divination of your ingredient. You have 4 choices to do so:





For any action, the value increases as time goes by. There's a limit to how much time you can spend doing each action, as the following:

  • Burn: 30 seconds / gram
  • Crush: 60 seconds / gram
  • Soak: 90 seconds / gram
  • Desiccate: 120 seconds / gram

Beyond this much time, you will see a message that "This ingredient is bone-dry.", etc. The value not will increase after that no matter now much more time you put into it.

To start the timer, click on an action. Click on "Wait" to check how much time has passed. You should see something like this:

Sophie's Lab

- Basic Ingredients Cabinet - (Close)


Leafy Slorgblossom

Bagguss Pulp

Quantity to take: (1-10 grams)

- Workbench -

Leafy Slorgblossom

- Characteristics -

Quantity: 5 grams
Divination: 0

- Actions -

Soaking: 12 seconds


To see the result of this action over this amount of time, click on stop. You should see something like this:

Sophie's Lab

- Basic Ingredients Cabinet - (Close)


Leafy Slorgblossom

Bagguss Pulp


Quantity to take: (1-10 grams)

- Workbench -

Leafy Slorgblossom

- Characteristics -

Quantity: 5 grams
Divination:  +69

- Actions -

You drain the water from this ingredient.
Duration: 411 seconds.

- Burn
- Crush
- Soak
- Desiccate

Split: grams


Create new composite

Notice that my Divination went up by 69 after 411 seconds of crushing.

Now time your action properly so that your final power lands between the given value. In my case, my target value is 65+/-5, which means the range is 60-70. If you messed up, just discard the ingredient and start over.

If you are having problems getting the number you need high enough, please consult the maximum times chart we have listed in Stage 2

Step 3 - Finishing Stage 1

Once you have your ingredient at the desired value, click on "Create new composite". You will receive your composite with its properties:

- Composites -

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 5 grams
Divination:  +67


- Recipe -


I'll just write down the ingredients I think I need...

Composite #1:

Quantity: 5 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +65 +/- 5

Make sure you only have ONE composite. Click on "Throw all in the cauldron and see what happens!" to continue.

Sophie's Lab


That seems to have worked out. I'll have to try it on something... and Bruno's not around.




Note to self: The smell of burning Meowclops hair is to be avoided at all costs.


Step 4 - Stage 2 of Composite Making

Second stage of experimenting! You should now be asked to make TWO composites. You are also given a new ingredient Sharpgrass.

- Recipe -


Okay, this time I'll try something a little more complex.

Composite #1:

Quantity: 18 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +40 +/- 5

Composite #2:

Quantity: 25 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +87 +/- 5

Composite 2 cannot contain more than 10 grams of any one basic ingredient.

You now have 4 differet properties to work with: Conjure, Divination, Enchantment and Power. Things start to get complicated. Here's a chart of all the maximum values of each property for each ingredient. (Some of these ingredients will be released in a later step)

Ingredient Action Conjure Divination Enchantment Power
Bumroot Burn 30 15 15 8
Crush 36 18 18 9
Soak 42 21 21 11
Desiccate 48 24 24 12
Leafy Slorgblossom Burn 8 30 15 15
Crush 9 36 18 18
Soak 11 42 21 21
Desiccate 12 48 24 24
Bagguss Pulp Burn 15 8 36 30
Crush 18 9 43 36
Soak 21 11 51 42
Desiccate 24 12 58 48
Sharpgrass Burn 60 -6 -3 60
Crush -6 60 60 -12
Soak 90 90 -18 -9
Desiccate -24 -12 90 90
Bloodfern Loam Burn 60 -30 -30 -30
Crush 390 120 -90 180
Soak -90 -90 90 270
Desiccate -30 330 360 -90
Crushed Jurpleberries Burn 180
Crush 180
Soak 180
Desiccate 180
Babaa Wool Burn 300 300 300 -1200
Crush 300 300 -1200 300
Soak 300 -1200 300 300
Desiccate -1200 300 300 300
Bronze Sansam Burn 120 150 90 180
Crush 180 240 180 240
Soak 180 270 180 90
Desiccate 120 240 60 12
Madvine Root Burn 120 300 240 660
Crush 360 -120 240 -480
Soak -270 300 540 480
Desiccate 180 -240 -120 60
Nova Essence Burn -540 420 -360 240
Crush 600 420 180 -540
Soak 540 -360 -240 660
Desiccate 360 -120 480 60

In this example, you need 40+/-5 of Divination for composite 1. Looking at the chart, you can maximize SOAKING of Leafy Slorgblossom for a value if 42. Since you are allowed to work on 4 separate ingredients at the same time, to speed things up, divide the 18 grams into 4, 4, 5, 5, so you can work on them together.

Once you have the property at the desired value, you need to combine your ingredients for the final composite. You can do so by:

  1. Create a new composite using one of the ingredients
  2. Once created, click on the composite, then click on combine under the second ingredient.

  3. Continue until you combined all the necessary ingredints.

You should end up with a composite that matches your recipe, such as this:

- Composites -

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 18 grams
Divination:  +42
Enchantment:  +4

You successfully added an ingredient to this composite.


If your recipe requires a value greater than ONE maximum number shown above, such as 87 +/- 5, you can max out different actions, such as Burn and Soak for Bagguss Pulp.

Now notice that "Composite 2 cannot contain more than 10 grams of any one basic ingredient." Clearly, you will need 3 different ingredients for it. When you combine them, the value of the property is a weighted mean of the 3 components. For example, if I have 10 grams of value 80, 10 grams of value 86, and 5 grams of value 95, the final value of the composite is:

Use the chart above to work out your required ingredients.

If you made a mistake, simply discard the composite and start over.

- Composites -

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 18 grams
Divination:  +42
Enchantment:  +4

Are you SURE you want to discard this composite? This will be PERMANENT!



Step 5 - Finishing Stage 2

Once you have both of your composites (and only 2 composites) for the second stage, throw them into the cauldron.

Sophie's Lab


I think the ingredients are correct. Now let's make sure it works.


I'm glad you're back to normal. Time for dinner!


That's definitely not right. Although if everyone in Neovia had an extra Bearog head... nah.


Stop fighting, you two, or I'll turn this shack right around!

Step 6 - Stage 3 of Composite Making

Even more complication! 2 new ingredients and a Special composite. Sophie's Lab

- Basic Ingredients Cabinet - (Close)


Leafy Slorgblossom

Bagguss Pulp


Bloodfern Loam

Crushed Jurpleberries

Quantity to take: (1-10 grams)

- Workbench -

None at the moment

- Composites -

None at the moment.

- Recipe -


Hmm... I think this one's gonna end up being a lot more complicated. Let's just see if I can remember how to make that one composite... I think it had Bloodfern Loam and Leafy Slorgblossom, but I can't remember which property it needed...

Composite #1:

Special: Spectral Essence
Quantity: 25 grams

Composite #2:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +81 +/- 3
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +82 +/- 3

Composite 2 cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient.

Composite #1:
  • Spectral Essence
    • 10 grams of Bloodfern Loam: crush and soak to max
    • 10 grams of Bloodfern Loam: crush and soak to max
    • 5 grams of Leafy Slorgblossom: NOTHING (But nothing would happen if you did something)

Composite #2:
This composite is different for everyone, but follow this techinique: (works for now, but may be a glitch?)
  • Use 4 sets of identical Crushed Jurpleberries, 3g each, to form your composition. This time, you have to do two actions for your desired result. For example, if you have 100 Power and 80 Divination, then desiccate each set of berries for 200 seconds (to reach 100 power), and soak each set for 120 seconds (to reach 80 divination). Combine them and you should have your desired composition.

    Here's a chart for Crushed Jurpleberries only.

    Value Gain per Second

    Weight Actions
    Burn Crush Soak Desiccate
    1g 6 3 2 1.5
    2g 3 1.5 1 0.75
    3g 2 1 0.67 0.5
    4g 1.5 0.75 0.5 0.375
    5g 1.2 0.6 0.4 0.3
    6g 1 0.5 0.33 0.25
    7g 0.86 0.43 0.29 0.21
    8g 0.75 0.375 0.25 0.1875
    9g 0.67 0.33 0.22 0.167
    10g 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.15
    Time Required per Value

    Weight Actions
    Burn Crush Soak Desiccate
    1g 0.17 0.33 0.5 0.67
    2g 0.33 0.67 1 1.33
    3g 0.5 1 1.5 2
    4g 0.67 1.33 2 2.67
    5g 0.83 1.67 2.5 3.33
    6g 1 2 3 4
    7g 1.167 2.33 3.5 4.67
    8g 1.33 2.67 4 5.33
    9g 1.5 3 4.5 6
    10g 1.67 3.33 5 6.67

    Example: Required Divination: 100. Weight: 3g.
    Look up this chart and you will see Divination is obtained by Soak. At 3g, time required per power is 1.5 seconds. So for 100 power, you need 100 x 1.5 = 150 seconds.

Step 7 - Finishing stage 3

Once you have the correct composites, add them to the cauldron: Sophie's Lab

- Basic Ingredients Cabinet - (Close)


Leafy Slorgblossom

Bagguss Pulp


Bloodfern Loam

Crushed Jurpleberries

Quantity to take: (1-10 grams)

- Workbench -

None at the moment

- Composites -

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 12 grams
Conjuring:  +60
Divination:  +82
Enchantment:  +88
Power:  +80


Spectral Essence

Quantity: 25 grams
Conjuring:  +246
Divination:  +49
Enchantment:  +13
Power:  +373

You successfully added an ingredient to this composite.


- Recipe -


Hmm... I think this one's gonna end up being a lot more complicated. Let's just see if I can remember how to make that one composite... I think it had Bloodfern Loam and Leafy Slorgblossom, but I can't remember which property it needed...

Composite #1:

Special: Spectral Essence
Quantity: 25 grams

Composite #2:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +81 +/- 3
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +82 +/- 3

Composite 2 cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient.

Sophie's Lab


Okay, third try. This one will work, I'm sure of it. Now, to test...


Ah, you again. Here, clopsey...


Dr. Meowsloth

You fool! You'll pay for this treachery! I, Dr. Sloth, will bring your ruin down upon you!

I really hope this wears off soon.

Step 8 - Stage 4 of Composite Making

3 composites now.

- Recipe -


Making potions this complicated from scratch is getting to be a nightmare!

Composite #1:

Special: Anti-Gravitic Goo
Quantity: 10 grams

Composite #2:

Special: Spectral Essence
Quantity: 23 grams
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +275 +/- 1

Composite #3:

Quantity: 12 grams
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +67 +/- 2
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +102 +/- 2

Composite 3 cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient.

Composite #1:
  • Anti-Gravitic Goo
    • 4 grams of Babaa Wool: burn and crush to max
    • 3 grams of Bagguss Pulp: burn and crush to max
    • 3 grams of Crushed Jurpleberries: burn and crush to max

Composite #2:
  • Spectral Essence
    • 9 grams Bloodfern Loam: burn, crush, and soak to max
    • 10 grams Bloodfern Loam: crush and soak to max
    • 4 grams Leafy Slorgblossom: crush and soak to max

Composite #3:
  • For your reference, here are the solutions to the example above:
    • 3 grams Bagguss Pulp: burn, crush, soak, and desiccate to max
    • 3 grams Leafy Slorgblossom: burn, crush, soak, and desiccate to max
    • 3 grams Sharpgrass: burn, soak to max
    • 3 grams Crushed Jurpleberries: burn 82 seconds for +164 Enchantment.

This composite is different for everyone, but follow this techinique: (works for now, but may be a glitch?)
  • Use 4 sets of identical Crushed Jurpleberries, 3g each, to form your composition. This time, you have to do two actions for your desired result. For example, if you have 100 Power and 80 Divination, then desiccate each set of berries for 200 seconds (to reach 100 power), and soak each set for 120 seconds (to reach 80 divination). Combine them and you should have your desired composition.

    Here's a chart for Crushed Jurpleberries only.

    Value Gain per Second

    Weight Actions
    Burn Crush Soak Desiccate
    1g 6 3 2 1.5
    2g 3 1.5 1 0.75
    3g 2 1 0.67 0.5
    4g 1.5 0.75 0.5 0.375
    5g 1.2 0.6 0.4 0.3
    6g 1 0.5 0.33 0.25
    7g 0.86 0.43 0.29 0.21
    8g 0.75 0.375 0.25 0.1875
    9g 0.67 0.33 0.22 0.167
    10g 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.15
    Time Required per Value

    Weight Actions
    Burn Crush Soak Desiccate
    1g 0.17 0.33 0.5 0.67
    2g 0.33 0.67 1 1.33
    3g 0.5 1 1.5 2
    4g 0.67 1.33 2 2.67
    5g 0.83 1.67 2.5 3.33
    6g 1 2 3 4
    7g 1.167 2.33 3.5 4.67
    8g 1.33 2.67 4 5.33
    9g 1.5 3 4.5 6
    10g 1.67 3.33 5 6.67

    Example: Required Divination: 100. Weight: 3g.
    Look up this chart and you will see Divination is obtained by Soak. At 3g, time required per power is 1.5 seconds. So for 100 power, you need 100 x 1.5 = 150 seconds.

Step 9 - Finishing Stage 4

Once you have the correct composites, as follows:

- Composites -

Spectral Essence

Quantity: 23 grams
Conjuring:  +275
Divination:  +27
Enchantment:  -5
Power:  +367


Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 12 grams
Conjuring:  +67
Divination:  +70
Enchantment:  +102
Power:  +71


Anti-Gravitic Goo

Quantity: 10 grams
Conjuring:  +304
Divination:  +245
Enchantment:  -282
Power:  -340


Throw them into the cauldron.

Sophie's Lab


Please, please, let this one work properly.


You're just a glutton for punishment, aren't you?


Okay, now that just doesn't even make sense.


Step 10 - Stage 5 of composite making

TNT is tricky!! Now we have three different type of special potions to make!

Sophie's Lab

- Basic Ingredients Cabinet - (Close)


Leafy Slorgblossom

Bagguss Pulp


Bloodfern Loam

Crushed Jurpleberries

Babaa Wool

Bronze Sansam

Madvine Root

Nova Essence
Quantity to take: (1-10 grams)

- Workbench -

None at the moment

- Composites -

None at the moment

- Recipe -


If my estimation is correct, then the following ingredient list should be correct...

Composite #1:

Special: Ice Plasma
Quantity: 10 grams

Composite #2:

Special: Anti-Gravitic Goo
Quantity: 10 grams
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: -406 +/- 1
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +151 +/- 1

Composite #3:

Quantity: 5 grams
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +300 +/- 1
Relevant property: Conjuring
Target value: +300 +/- 1

Composite 3 cannot contain more than 1 grams of any one basic ingredient.

TNT gave out a clue to fellow stumbled players on the special potions ;o.


No, wait... it was Bumroot, Sharpgrass, and... one other ingredient. Was that it? Hrm... maybe it was just Madvine Root and Nova Essence...

Composite #1
Depending on each person, your special potion can be one of the 3:
  • Ice Plasma
    • 1 gram Bumroot, max burn and crush
    • 1 gram Sharpgrass, max burn and crush
    • 1 gram Nova Essence, max burn and crush
    • 7 grams Sharpgrass, do NOTHING.
  • Platinum Mist
    • 8 grams Bronze Sansam, max all
      • Tip: split it into 4g and 4g to speed things up, or even 3g, 3g, 2g. But don't split into 4 sets of 2g, as the final composite won't allow you to add more than 5 ingredients.
    • 1 gram Sharpgrass, do NOTHING.
    • 1 gram Madvine Root, do NOTHING.
  • Psionic Singularity
    • 8 grams Nova Essence, do NOTHING.
    • 2 grams Madvine Root, desiccate for 2 seconds.
      • Tip: if your internet is slow, you might miss 2 seconds. You can get 10g Madvine Root, desicate for 10 seconds, then split 2 grams out and add to your Nova Essence.
Composite #2:
  • Anti-Gravitic Goo:
    • 4 grams babaa wool: crush to max
    • 2 grams crushed jurpleberries: crush and soak to max
    • 2 grams crushed jurpleberries: burn, crush, and soak to max
    • 2 grams bagguss pulp: burn, crush, soak, and dessicate to max

Composite #3:
Different for everyone, but follow this techinique: (works for now, but may be a glitch?)
  • Use 5 sets of identical Babaa Wool, 1g each, to form your composition. (Note: You can only work on 4 sets at the same time. So start 4 sets, combine them, then work on the 5th one.) This time, you have to do two properties at 300 each. For example, if you have 300 Enchantment and 300 Divination, then look up this chart and find a process that increases both Enchantment and Divination to 300. (In this case, it can be either Burn or Desiccate.) You will have to maximize the process. Combine them and you should have your desired composition.

Step 10 - Finishing Stage 5

- Composites -

Anti-Gravitic Goo

Quantity: 10 grams
Conjuring:  +208
Divination:  +200
Enchantment:  -406
Power:  +151


Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 5 grams
Conjuring:  +301
Divination:  +66
Enchantment:  +126
Power:  +300


Ice Plasma

Quantity: 10 grams
Conjuring:  +18
Divination:  +93
Enchantment:  -9
Power:  -24


- Composites -

Anti-Gravitic Goo

Quantity: 10 grams
Conjuring:  +208
Divination:  +200
Enchantment:  -406
Power:  +151


Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 5 grams
Conjuring:  +301
Divination:  +66
Enchantment:  +126
Power:  +300


Platinum Mist

Quantity: 10 grams
Conjuring:  +480
Divination:  +720
Enchantment:  +408
Power:  +418


- Composites -

Anti-Gravitic Goo

Quantity: 10 grams
Conjuring:  +208
Divination:  +200
Enchantment:  -406
Power:  +151


Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 5 grams
Conjuring:  +301
Divination:  +66
Enchantment:  +126
Power:  +300


Psionic Singularity

Quantity: 10 grams
Conjuring:  0
Divination:  0
Enchantment:  0
Power:  0


Once you have all your ingredients, toss them into the cauldron one last time (yay!).

Sophie's Lab


If this one's not safe, then I don't know what I'll do...


Thanks for all your support, little guy. Down the hatch...

THAT'S IT :) Pat yourself on the back, that was some hard work in this step.

Continue to Chapter 13 >>

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