Deserted Fairground Scratchcards
What is the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards?
The Deserted Fairground Scratchcards, located in The Deserted Fairground, is one of three Scratchcard Kiosks where you can use Scratchcards! This Kiosk is run by a Blue Nimmo named Sidney.
How to play
To start using a Scratchcard you'll need to have a Deserted Fairground Scratchcard in your inventory. For convenience, you're allowed to purchase a Deserted Fairground Scratchcard from him every two hours for 1,200 Neopoints. He'll randomly give you one of six Deserted Fairground Scratchcards.
Since this is a site feature that gives out neopoint rewards and prizes, you may not visit the Deserted Fairgrounds Scratchcards Kiosk on your side accounts. For more information look at our side accounts guide.
Deserted Fairground Scratchcards IMPORTANT: Please do not create multiple accounts to visit the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards as it unbalances the game. You are limited to one account per person to visit here. Using multiple accounts simply to gain Neopoints is not allowed and will result in freezing. Welcome to the Desserted Fairground Sscratchcard Kiosk... you may purchase one of my cardss for 1,200 Neopointss, but you aren't guaranteed to win, not by any meansss... Crosss my palm with Neopointss... If you aren't interesssted, then leave now so Sssidney can get ssome peace and quiet. If you are, then presss the button below. |
If you forgot when the last time you purchased your last Scratchcard, or are just trying to purchase another Scratchcard from him before two hours since your last purchase, you'll be reminded that you can't.
Hey, give everybody else a chance to buy a scratchcard!! You can buy one every 2 hours! |
Once you purchase a Scratchcard, you'll be able to view your new ticket and see what it's called.
Deserted Fairground Scratchcards IMPORTANT: Please do not create multiple accounts to visit the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards as it unbalances the game. You are limited to one account per person to visit here. Using multiple accounts simply to gain Neopoints is not allowed and will result in freezing. You now have a Crypt of Chance Scratchcard - Good Luck! Welcome to the Desserted Fairground Sscratchcard Kiosk... you may purchase one of my cardss for 1,200 Neopointss, but you aren't guaranteed to win, not by any meansss... How can Ssssidney be of sservice?? |
Here is a list of all six of the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards that you can receive from Sidney:
Crypt of chance Scratchcard | Undead Jackpot of Doom | Festering Fortune | Mutating Millions |
Pustravaganza | Rotting Riches |
How do you use a Scratchcard?
Once you have a Deserted Fairground Scratchcard in your inventory you'll be able to see a drop-down menu with all of the Scratchcards that you currently have.
Deserted Fairground Scratchcards IMPORTANT: Please do not create multiple accounts to visit the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards as it unbalances the game. You are limited to one account per person to visit here. Using multiple accounts simply to gain Neopoints is not allowed and will result in freezing. Welcome to the Desserted Fairground Sscratchcard Kiosk... you may purchase one of my cardss for 1,200 Neopointss, but you aren't guaranteed to win, not by any meansss... Ssscratch off three of the sssame type and win! If you aren't interesssted, then leave now so Sssidney can get ssome peace and quiet. If you are, then presss the button below. Ssscratching off your Ssscratchcard To ssscratch your card, choose the card from the drop-down menu below, and click the 'Sscratch' button.. |
If you don't have a Scratchcard, you won't be able to see any drop-down menu or "Sscratch!" button.
Deserted Fairground Scratchcards IMPORTANT: Please do not create multiple accounts to visit the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards as it unbalances the game. You are limited to one account per person to visit here. Using multiple accounts simply to gain Neopoints is not allowed and will result in freezing. Welcome to the Desserted Fairground Sscratchcard Kiosk... you may purchase one of my cardss for 1,200 Neopointss, but you aren't guaranteed to win, not by any meansss... You may get lucky... If you aren't interesssted, then leave now so Sssidney can get ssome peace and quiet. If you are, then presss the button below. Ssscratching off your Ssscratchcard To ssscratch your card, choose the card from the drop-down menu below, and click the 'Sscratch' button.. Oops! - You do not have any cards to scratch currently. You can buy one by clicking the button above. |
Next you'll be taken to a new page with the Scratchcard that you selected. Remember, you can always close the window with your Scratchcard open and come back to it whenever you want to finish scratching it.
Sscratching the Sscratchcard! You have a Crypt of Chance Scratchcard. Click on the squares you want to scratch off, you have to scratch six out of the nine squares off. You win if you get three of a kind! In the event of two three-of-a-kinds, the highest one will be the prize you get. Only squares with prizes count, three blanks won't get you any prize at all :( Remember, you can stop scratching at any time and return to this page later.
Sscratchcard Jackpot : 1,005,000 NP!!! |
Here you'll be able to click on one of nine squares on your Scratchcard. Once you click on one, you'll "scratch" it, revealing what's underneath. Also note that the Scratchcard's Jackpot can always change while you're scratching it. Another thing to remember is that you're only allowed to scratch off six out of the nine squares on each Scratchcard.
Sscratching the Sscratchcard! You have a Crypt of Chance Scratchcard. Click on the squares you want to scratch off, you have to scratch six out of the nine squares off. You win if you get three of a kind! In the event of two three-of-a-kinds, the highest one will be the prize you get. Only squares with prizes count, three blanks won't get you any prize at all :( Remember, you can stop scratching at any time and return to this page later.
Sscratchcard Jackpot : 1,007,375 NP!!! |
Although you're allowed to scratch six out of the nine squares, you'll always be able to choose whichever square you want to scratch off.
Sscratching the Sscratchcard! You have a Crypt of Chance Scratchcard. Click on the squares you want to scratch off, you have to scratch six out of the nine squares off. You win if you get three of a kind! In the event of two three-of-a-kinds, the highest one will be the prize you get. Only squares with prizes count, three blanks won't get you any prize at all :( Remember, you can stop scratching at any time and return to this page later.
Sscratchcard Jackpot : 1,008,350 NP!!! |
Winning or throwing your Scratchcard away
Once you've either scratched off six squares, or scratched off three matching symbols, you'll be asked to return to the Fairground...
Sscratching the Sscratchcard! You have a Crypt of Chance Scratchcard. Click on the squares you want to scratch off, you have to scratch six out of the nine squares off. You win if you get three of a kind! In the event of two three-of-a-kinds, the highest one will be the prize you get. Only squares with prizes count, three blanks won't get you any prize at all :( Remember, you can stop scratching at any time and return to this page later.
Sscratchcard Jackpot : 1,008,825 NP!!! Sidney says 'How sssad :(' |
...Or you'll be able to claim your prize!
Sscratching the Sscratchcard! You have a Crypt of Chance Scratchcard. Click on the squares you want to scratch off, you have to scratch six out of the nine squares off. You win if you get three of a kind! In the event of two three-of-a-kinds, the highest one will be the prize you get. Only squares with prizes count, three blanks won't get you any prize at all :( Remember, you can stop scratching at any time and return to this page later.
Sscratchcard Jackpot : 1,019,875 NP!!! Sidney says 'CONGRATULATIONSSS!' YOU WON THE LEVEL 3 PRIZE : 5,000 Neopoints!!! |
Here's a list of all the prizes you can receive from all six Deserted Fairground Scratchcards:
Crypt of Chance Scratchcard | 3,000 NP Level 1 | 3 random Spooky Foods Level 2 | 5,000 NP Level 3 | A random Evil Snowball Level 4 | Nothing |
Undead Jackpot of Doom | 3 random Spooky Foods Level 1 | 5,000 NP Level 2 | A random Evil Snowball Level 3 | 10,000 NP Level 4 | Nothing |
Festering Fortune | 5,000 NP Level 1 | A random Evil Snowball Level 2 | 10,000 NP Level 3 | Random pet gains a level Level 4 | Nothing |
Mutating Millions | A random Evil Snowball Level 1 | 10,000 NP Level 2 | Random pet gains a level Level 3 | A random Mutant Plushie Level 4 | Nothing |
Pustravaganza | 10,000 NP Level 1 | Random pet gains a level Level 2 | A random Mutant Plushie Level 3 | A random Spooky item Level 4 | Nothing |
Rotting Riches | Random pet gains a level Level 1 | A random Mutant Plushie Level 2 | A random Spooky item Level 3 | The Jackpot Level 4 | Nothing |
Since you're only allowed to use five Scratchcards a day, once you try to use more, you'll be stopped.
Sscratching the Sscratchcard! Oopses! - Only five sscratchcardss can be sscratched a day!!! |
Fake Deserted Fairground Scratchcards
Not only are there normal Deserted Fairground Scratchcards, there are also Fake Deserted Fairground Scratchcards! Before the Deserted Fairground Kiosk was actually opened, some people were able to obtain the scratchcards. These then became known as "Fake Scratchcards". Since they are fake, they cannot be used at the Kiosk. That makes these items only very rare collectables. There was also a question asked about these Fake Scratchcrads in the Neopian Times Editorial, Issue 85.
Here is a list of all the Fake Deserted Fairground Scratchcards that were given out:
Fake Crypt of chance Scratchcard | Fake Undead Jackpot of Doom | Fake Festering Fortune | Fake Mutating Millions |
Fake Pustravaganza | Fake Rotting Riches |
Sidney as a Battledome Challenger
Although Sidney is known for running the Deserted Fairground Scratchcard Kiosk, you can also find him as a Battledome Challenger! To obtain Sidney as a Battledome Challenger, you must win a Level 3+ prize from a Deserted Fairground Scratchcard.
NEW BATTLEDOME CHALLENGER!!! Sidney will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!! Sidney spies victim! |
Sidney's Random Event
While exploring Neopia, you may come across a Random Event with Sidney! Instead of giving you a scratchcard, he'll just ask if you've been to the Deserted Fairground recently.
Something has happened! | |
Sssidney whispersss 'Sssoo... have you been to the Deserted Fairground lately???' |
Sssidneys Sssayings
Here are all of Sidney's quotes at the Deserted Fairground Scratchcard Kiosk:
To receive the Secret Avatar from the Deserted Fairground Scratchcard Kiosk, you have to win a prize on one of the six Deserted Fairground Scratchcards.
Win on a Deserted Fairground Scratchcard.
Tip: Read SunnyNeo's Deserted Fairground Scratchcard guide for more info!