Offensive Strike
Highly trained elites have enterd the War of the Obelisk. The Offensive Strike has now begun.
All challengers from the previous waves are still available as well.
You can fight any challenger by clicking on the button on the right side of the challengers list. This will take you to the Battledome.

Doing Your Part
The battle cap for the new challengers seems to be the following:
- Average (green) - 65
- Strong (orange) -
- Mighty (red) - 45
NOTE: You will now need to achieve more wins to fill up the 'Doing your Part' bar since there is a new wave out
This does not mean that you need to battle each opponent that many times each. Those are the totals per difficultly needed to fill up your doing your part bar. That means it will only take 50 total battles to fill up your bar if you battle all your opponents on mighty. You can do a combination of all difficulties to fill your bar up.
New Challengers
There are six different challengers, but you will only be able to battle five of them. You cannot battle the challenger that is in league with your faction.
The new batch of challengers at the plot seem to be using the faerie abilities Throw Pillows and Lens Flare. Both these abilities cause you to not be able to use any weapons. While normally this ability can only be use during a battle or day once, the plot challengers can use it round after round. This causes you to not be able to do anything and therefore most likely lose the battle.
Tip: Two challengers Cunning Mastermind from The Sway and Master Wizard from The Order do not have these abilities. Battle against them for an easier match.
Shady Prowler |
Released: March, 9th 2013
Difficulty: Average - 175, Strong - 263, Mighty - 350
Allegiance: Thieves Guild
- Altador Cup Throwing Star
- Blue Draping Cloak
- Ethereal Sword
- Garlic Powder
- Rainbow Scorchstone
- Thief Dagger
- Virtuglove 4000
- Yellow Sticky Hand
- Positive Thinking
- Shade
- Shroud
- Static Cling
- Throw Pillows
Cunning Mastermind |
Released: March, 9th 2013
Difficulty: Average - 175, Strong - 263, Mighty - 350
Allegiance: The Sway
- Flaming Dagger Of Fire
- Laced Wooden Staff
- Rainbow Scorchstone
- Scarab Ring
- Scroll of Knowledge
- Seti Hilt Sword
- Shadowy Cloak of Darkness
- Speed Beads
- An Icicle
- Positive Thinking
- Shade
- Shhhhhhhhh...
- Shroud
- Static Cling
Master Wizard |
Released: March, 9th 2013
Difficulty: Average - 175, Strong - 263, Mighty - 350
Allegiance: Order of the Red Erisim
- Voidberry Potion
- Shadow Wand
- Qasalan Double Bladed Staff
- Crystal Wand
- Freezing Potion
- Dusty Magic Broom
- Red Suede Hat
- Regal Black Robe
- Meditates
- Shhhhhhhhh...
- Static Cling
- Meh
- Float
- Sear
Unyielding Sentinel |
Released: March, 9th 2013
Difficulty: Average - 175, Strong - 263, Mighty - 350
Allegiance: Brute Squad
- Altadorian Body Armour
- Brute Strenght Potion
- Fire Faerie Sword
- Maractite Gauntlets
- Nightsteed Mace
- Rainbow Scorchstone
- Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer
- Uncomfortably Large Rock of Pain
- Bandage
- Burrow
- Cranky
- Halitosis
- Lens Flare
- Sear
Genius Inventor |
Released: March, 9th 2013
Difficulty: Average - 175, Strong - 263, Mighty - 350
Allegiance: Seekers
- Auto Targeting Telescope
- Elegant Ray Gun
- Gilded War Hammer
- H4000 Helmet
- Neutralising Ray
- Personal Force Field Shield
- Sonic Melter
- Virtuglove 4000
- An Icicle
- Float
- Halitosis
- Lens Flare
- Meditates
- Meh
Unchained Monster |
Released: March, 9th 2013
Difficulty: Average - 175, Strong - 263, Mighty - 350
Allegiance: Awakened
- Axe
- Helm of Dispair
- Flaming Log Launcher
- Jagged Stone Spear
- Molten Branch Sword
- Rainbow Scorchstone
- Stone Helmet
- Uncomfortably Large Rock of Pain
- Wooden Shield
- Bandage
- Burrow
- Cranky
- Halitosis
- Sear
- Throw Pillows
Since the battle takes place in the Ugga Dome, the prizes you will get from battling are the regular Ugga Dome prizes, as well as the general battledome prizes, like codestones.
Apart from this, and on top of the other prizes, you will get three Orange Luminous Casks. These are a non-trade item which can be opened with the Silver Cask Keys from the NC Mall (125 NC). The Casks will not count towards you BD item limit, so you will still be able to get fifteen prizes from the battles, as well as the Orange Luminous Casks.
For more info on them, you can have a look at our Luminous Casks guide. The Luminous Casks are an optional NC feature, and you do not need to do it in order to complete this battle step.
On the Obelisk page, underneath the challenger table, available achievements for this wave are listed. For completing the achievements you will receive extra prizes.
Fight ALL The Challengers! ...Fight ALL the challengers? *sigh*
How to Get: Fight against every challenger at least once. |
 Lesser Healing Scroll |
Positively, Naturally, And Really All Around Inconceivable I built up a resistance to being defeated.
How to Get: Win 10 battles in row against this wave's opponents. |
 Grey Shield |
Faction Challenges
The Faction Challenges and prizes seem to be the same as during the First Charge,
for more information please take a look at our First Charge Coverage.