November 2007 News Archive

This is an archive of all of our older news that we have removed from the front page of the site.

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anuarisaPosted by anuarisa on 30th of November at 12:12 pm NST
Advent Calendar + Lunar Temple Guide
Tomorrow the month December starts, this means you will be able to collect goodies from the Advent Calendar.

As you may know, you are also able to unlock the Winter Site Theme on the last day of December (31st) from the Advent Calendar. Research has not yet proven any theory on how to obtain this site theme as correct. Last year a lot of people who visited the calendar every day got the site theme, but there was also a group who visited the calendar every day who did not get the site theme. So we cannot be sure what exactly the criteria are. I would advise you to visit the calendar every day just in case, it won't hurt to try.

Dont forget on December 1st you can get the Plastic Fir avatar! Also, Monthly Freebies.

More news, the Lunar Temple Guide has been updated with a spiffy feature that will calculate your moon for you :* yay for laziness!

anuarisaPosted by anuarisa on 28th of November at 1:53 pm NST
Bank Interest Calculator
If you are trying to earn many neopoints you will love our newest feature. You will be able to use it for two things: to calculate how much interest you will receive if you have a certain amount of money in your bank account; and how much money you would need to get a certain amount of interest daily. You've guessed it, a Bank Interest Calculator!

You need 2,919,997,081 NP to receive a million neopoints interest daily!

This feature is brought to you by yet another new staff member, welcome to the staff Jeroen!

repulsivesPosted by repulsives on 20th of November at 10:25 pm NST
Game Master Challenge 2007
Need help with the newest Game Master Challenge? We cooked up a new guide for you. More will be updated as they are revealed.

Update: the guide has now been expanded with some game tips to help you get the necessary scores.

jebbicaPosted by jebbica on 18th of November at 8:00 pm NST
New Graphics
We've just added a new Pet Lookup (Tyrannian) and 3 new User Lookups (Nightfall, MSPP, and Grey Chomby)!

anuarisaPosted by anuarisa on 18th of November at 5:30 am NST
Signature Generator
Font makers are the latest craze on SunnyNeo, after the release of our Rainbow Font Maker was such a huge success we decided to make yet another font maker. The new font maker will allow you to create your own block or text signatures. Its very simple to make your own customised signature using your own colours, and your own word; your name for example. If you feel like trying it: SunnyNeo's Signature Generator!


The Signature Generator was created by our newest staff member, Rob, or Socks, as he prefers to be called. Welcome to the team!

anuarisaPosted by anuarisa on 15th of November at 12:00 pm NST
Neopets Birthday
Today is Neopets' 8th birthday, this comes with a lot of goodies, let me list them for you:

Happy Birthday Neopets!

faerieskaterPosted by faerieskater2 on 12th of November at 9:00 pm NST
Winter Font Fair
It's been awhile but we figured for the upcoming winter season a nice showcase of fonts would help spruce up the season. Joining up with Avlog again (which really means lu is nice and does all the work and lets us join up with her D:), we now have the Winter Font Fair 2007 up and ready for you to submit yourfonts for 20 wintery avatars. Winners will have their fonts showcased and available for people to use. Please be sure to read the rules and follow them before submitting any fonts. You have until Midnite December 1st NST to submityour fonts, and then judging will hopefully by done by December 10th or so, so that everyone has a few weeks that they can use the fonts if they want to. Good luck on making some pretty fonts :D!!!
Winter Font Fair 2007
Hehe, kendall likes the rainbow font thing XD I don't get to use it much since I don't go on the boards much ;-; You can click the image to go to the Winter Font Fair Page

anuarisaPosted by anuarisa on 9th of November at 2:10 pm NST
Rainbow Font Maker
This is the moment you have all been waiting for. Yes. The release of our Rainbow Font Maker! It's taken us a long time to make, but creating a font maker with this many functions isn't something you can do overnight. Please be sure to read all the instructions carefully so you understand how it works. Enjoy!

Missed the link in all that colour? here it is :P

anuarisaPosted by anuarisa on 8th of November at 7:47 am NST
Deckswabber avatar
TNT has decided to finally re-activate the Deckswabber avatar (Let's hope they will do the same soon for Korbats Lab). You can get the Deckswabber avatar by scoring 1,200+ points at the game Stowaway Sting.

Good Luck Playing!

anuarisaPosted by anuarisa on 4th of November at 11:18 am NST
New Signatures and Font Borders!
We have added quite a few news Signatures and Font Borders to the site. The signatures include both normal signatures and block signatures. All the new font borders and signatures are Firefox Proof. Enjoy!




faerieskaterPosted by faerieskater2 on 2nd of November at 2:00 pm NST
New month freebies; CSS codes added
It is a new month now, so don't forget to go get your Monthly Freebies.

We also added a new shop code to the CSS Codes page. It removes the yellow places banner from your shop. Maybe I'll try to get a few more codes added to the page before the day is over as well.

Update by Marleen
Im very pleased to say that we have finally found a Plushie Peophin for the Converted Pets page. Thank you so much 60iluvkikosanddraiks for helping me find one!

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