January 2007 News Archive

This is an archive of all of our older news that we have removed from the front page of the site.

[March '08] [February '08] [January '08] [December '07] [November '07] [October '07] [September '07] [August '07] [July '07] [June '07] [May '07] [April '07] [March '07] [February '07] [January '07] [December '06] [November '06] [October '06] [September '06] [August '06]

faerieskaterPosted by faerieskater2 on 17th of January at 12:30 pm NST
Darigan Pteri Avatar
Today, January 17th, until Jan 18th approx 12pm nst; maniactor the Darigan Pteri is 644 days old, this means another chance at getting the avatar if you missed it before.

Thank you uber_xoo for this information!

faerieskaterPosted by faerieskater2 on 15th of January at 8:02 am NST
Darigan Pteri Avatar
Today, January 15th, until Jan 16th approx 8am nst; JenniPteri135 the Darigan Pteri is 644 days old, this means another chance at getting the avatar if you missed it before.

Thank you totalmusique for this information!

faerieskaterPosted by faerieskater2 on 14th of January at 4:39 pm NST
To clear things up
For some odd reason someone has been going around slandering us and saying we have cookie grabbers on our site. This IS NOT true. There is a reason I put up and pay for the site without having any sort of advertisements or anything on here, and why we dont have any affliates since we can not vouch for other sites, it is because we DO NOT want there to even be a possibility of cookie grabbers or adware or anything being put on your computer or happening. I do not have a clue where this person got their info from, anyone can view the sources of our pages and see exactly how they are layed out and what content is on the pages, none of us even have the skills to be able to do something like a cookie grabber on here XD *all of us are quite computer script illerate ;-;*

Hope this clears up some issues.

Also, please neomail Rain if there's anything wrong/new with the New Accounts page.

repulsivesPosted by repulsives on 13th of January at 12:41 pm NST
Collective Updates
2 new page has been added! We now have a page to help all newbie accounts understand what they can and cannot do according to their account age. Click here to visit the New Accounts page.

Also, we have re-programmed the Special Characters page so it's easier for you to find them. The instructions are on the page.

With a new launch of Dubloon Disaster, the avatar score has been changed to 2500 points.

TNT has now also updated the link for Coco Roller codes.

Tomorrow is Sloth Appreciation Day! Make sure you visit the Mind Control Lab and claim your I *heart* sloth avatars! The quiz answers are C, D, B, C, A.

Lastly, don't forget your Monthly Freebies!

faerieskaterPosted by faerieskater2 on 11th of January at 2:51 pm NST
Darigan Pteri Avatar
Today, January 11th, starting at 2pm NST; VictusCreatura the Darigan Pteri is 644 days old, this means another chance at getting the avatar if you missed it before.

Thank you acceptional for this information!

faerieskaterPosted by faerieskater2 on 3rd of January at 3:01 pm NST
Graphics Maker Position
We now have an apply to be staff page. If there are any positions we are looking for they will be listed on the Apply page, and then you can access the application for that position.

We currently have a position open for a graphics maker :). Check out the Apply page and click on the application and then read the requirements and the things we are looking for and then fill out the application if you think you meet the expectations.

[March '08] [February '08] [January '08] [December '07] [November '07] [October '07] [September '07] [August '07] [July '07] [June '07] [May '07] [April '07] [March '07] [February '07] [January '07] [December '06] [November '06] [October '06] [September '06] [August '06]