Freaky Factory

General Info
Krelufun Industries, a corporation owned by Dr. Sloth himself, has hired you, a factory worker, to produce plushies and sell them efficiently by the end of the quarter. In the game, Freaky Factory, you are productively creating miniatures and selling them, ensuring a profit for your employer-- who, by the way, bought more than they needed but is putting that burden onto you! As you go through the game, be careful! There's a clever Grundo Thief that likes to steal from your production line.

Since this is a site feature that gives out neopoint rewards and prizes, you may not play Freaky Factory on your side accounts. For more information look at our side accounts guide.

How To Play
Across the top of the screen there are flying red, yellow, and blue blobs liquid Kreludite. The objective is to click on a blob using your mouse so it will fall into the appropriately colored vat below in order to make plushies. It is random what plushies you have to make and it is random if it asks you to make 1, 2, or 3 of them at once. The Grundo Thief will pop up from blow and try to yoink your plushies making you have to make more. There are some helpful powerups that come from the sides, as well as some not-so-helpful ones.

Above is what the screen looks like when you begin the game.

1. Kreludite blobs that have various sizes to make plushies. As you can see, the Kreludite starts flying immediately when the game starts, so you need to get prepared to be on the lookout. Click the blob as it hovers over the vat.

2. The amount of time you have per game.

3. Displays the current score.

4. A meter that determines how many blobs have spilled or missed by never making it into the vat.

5. The next plushie you need to make.

6. Vats of red, yellow, or blue appear in the middle of the screen for the Kreludite blobs to fall into.

7. Displays the bonus points earned.

8. How many toys to make for each level.

9. The area is where the plushies pop out.

Note: anywhere between 8 and 9 is where the Grundo Thief can pop up; they only come upwards from the bottom, not sideways or down from the top.

Kreludite Blob Sizes
There are a few different sizes of blobs, each giving a specific amount of liqud in the vat. It is possible to overflow the vat and if you spill too much it is game over!
Kreludite Sizes Amount of Plushies Created

Two half blobs will make one plushie.
It is not worth having half a blob stored.

One blob makes one plushie.

This makes one plushie and one half of a plushie.

This makes two plushies and one half of a plushie.

Special Kreludites
While there are some Kreludites to be falling into the vat, there are also special blobs that can be used to help expidite or be useful in earning points within the factory.
Special Kreludites  Descriptions

Angel Blob
The angel blob will completely fill a vat up, make your spillage meter go way up, or give a secret bonus.

Glowing Blob
The glowing blob will up your plushies colour. Primary turns to secondary, secondary to rainbow. Rainbow doesn't turn into anything though. 

Freeze Blob
The freeze blob will slow the conveyor belt down.

Speed Blob
The speed blob will speed the conveyor belt up.

Soap Blob
The soap blob will reduce the amount of spillage in your spillage meter.

Clock Blob
The clock blob gives you more time.

Atomic Blob
 The atomic blob will fill all three vats to their max.

Evil Blob
The evil blobs will make your spillage meter go up.

XL Drooling Blob
The extra large drooling Kreludite blobs will fill your vats but also cause your spillage meter to go up.

Certain blobs that are collected and accurately fall into the vats help create plushies. When using these charts, small-sized blobs take on two squares. Remember, you have to make enough for all required plushies for the machine to produce them. Here are three examples of how many blobs and their sizes are needed for specific plushies to be made:

In order to make only one (1) Rainbow Kau, you need one small smize blob of each color given (red, blue and yellow). This can then give you 12 points to your score. 

In order to make two (2) Green Poogles, you need two small-sized yellow blobs and two small-sized blue blobs. This can then give you 4 points to your score.

In order to make only three (3) Yellow Kaus, you need at least three small-sized yellow blobs. This can then give you 4 points to your score.

Spillage Meter
If you start to overflow or miss, your spillage meter will go up by the same amount of plushies. If you drop a blob in to the wrong color vat your spillage meter will go up by that size. If you manage to drop it on a plushie on the conveyor belt instead it will turn the plushie that color so be mindful of that too. Ending the game by overflowing occurs at the equivalent of ten plushies.

Now that all blobs have been introduced, it can be easier to determine the scoring per plushie. There are a total of 5 species and 7 colors possible. What you create has an affect on the score. Provided below is an easily accessible in-game scoring chart:

Bonus Scoring
There are a few different bonuses you can get throughout each level as you proceed through the game.

Time Remaining Bonus: points are given for finishing your amount of plushies before the clock runs out.

Toys On Conveyor Bonus: points are given for having done more than the required number of plushies to pass the level. To count, the plushies are on the conveyor belt at the end of the level.

Toys In Queue Bonus: points are given for having done more than the required number of plushies to pass the level. To count, these plushies have not yet made it onto the conveyor belt by the end of the level.

Consecutive Bonus: points are given out with each plushie you get in a row (within a certain time). The more plushies you get in a row-- within a certain time frame-- the more bonus points you can get. Even just one in a row can get you a bonus point, but the more, the better! This goes on during the entirety of a level until it is completed.

Meet the Grundo Thief. Their purpose is to try and steal the plushies on the conveyor belt. They come at random. Click the Grundo (or if you are skilled, you can drop a blob on them) and they will disappear and not steal plushies. If they grab a plushie, they can mess up your consecutive bonus, and potentially, your color bonus. If you're unlucky, this Grundo can even cost you the game.

There are a few known strategies when playing Freaky Factory to take into consideration.

Location, Location, Location
Throughout the game, red blobs always come from the right, blue blobs always come from the left, and yellow blobs come from both sides. This can help when determining which blobs should take precident in creating specific plushies. 

Physics Is A Must
Blobs have a few different speeds. It is worth it to spend some rounds just messing with the timing to get that hand-eye-coordination going. As you are first starting out, try to only go for the slower moving blobs. Some move really fast. As you get better, you will be able to time them better.

Timing Combinations
If you happen to have excellent timing, landing an Angel Blob (special Kreludite) on one of the plushies will give it a x4 extra point bonus of whatever the primarily color score it is for that specific. Meaning, if a Yellow Kau (4 points) hit by an Angel Blob, would be 4 times the amount, making it 16 points total.

Keep Vats Completely Full
Always try to keep the vats completely full, especially during later levels. Look further than to just what plushies you have to make. Bonuses tend to add up quickly, helping you score faster.

Catch The Grundo Thief When Needed
Only click the thief when there are plushies on the conveyor belt. If you have a high bonus going do not sacrifice any plushies to the thief no matter what. 

Stay Focused
Your first goal should always be to fill all the vats as quickly as possible and them your primary goal is to maintain them throughout the level. Sometimes you get unlucky and don't get what you need to make a plushie for awhile but as long as you keep up with getting what you can full it often balances itself out in the end.

Staff Members And Kads, Oh My!
Sometimes a staff member or kad will pop out of a vat. They don't give you points, cause you harm, or help you. It's just for fun but don't let them distract you.


Freaky Factory - Yoinked

Score 1,250 or more points at Freaky Factory.


Freaky Factory tracks High Scores and rewards gold, silver and bronze place trophies.

Gold Trophy
Silver Trophy
Bronze Trophy