Drackonack - Hungry View all Avatars

You're viewing information about the avatar 'Drackonack - Hungry' clicking on the allows you to preview this font on the Neoboards. If you have a MySunnyNeo account, you'll be able to edit this font.

Keep refreshing your inventory, while you have a Drackonack (any color) and one or more items with the word 'Cheese' in their name in your inventory. Do this until the Drackonack has eaten the cheese item. Getting this avatar is random.

It is said you can get the avatar faster by having just the Drackonack and a few cheese items in your inventory, nothing else. These cheese items should be in front and behind the Drackonack. 'Cheese' and 'Vegan Cheese' seem to work best.


▬ i am hungry ! ▬
. . . give me cheese