Find the Ring Pop Bling Rings

What is 'Find the Ring Pop Bling Rings'?
Neopets has a new sponsor offer open by Ring Pops. In this offer you need to find the ring pops in different neopian worlds. After you've found all three ring pops you will be awarded with three items.

Note: If you are using an Adblock program you need to temporarily disable it, or you will not be able to see the sponsored top ad banners you need to click on. If you are using Firefox you can do this by going to tools > adblock > preferances then uncheck enable adblock.
If you are using Adblock Plus click on the adblock icon at the top right of the window and uncheck enable adblock plus.

Note 2: If you have premium you can't get the ring pops... sorry!


Location 1: Red Ring Pop in Brightvale

The first ring pop is in Brightvale. You should go there, and refresh there until the following top banner appears:

If you click on the banner on the page, you will be taken to the ring pops main page:

Location 2: Pink Ring Pop in Faerie Land

Go to Faerie Land to pick up the next ring pop, click on the ad that looks like the one below when you see it:

This will take you back to the main page again:

Location 3: Blue Ring Pop in The Space Station

Go to the Space Station and click on the ad that looks like the one below to pick up the blue ring pop.

Clicking this banner will take you back to the main ring pops page.

Click on the Go! button.

And collect your swag bag.

After you have collected your swag bag you will find the following items in your inventory:

Starry Box Kite
Starry Box Kite
Glittering Faerie Dusting Powder
Glittering Faerie Dusting Powder
Moon and Star Stickies
Moon and Star Stickies