Pointz for Petz Community Challenge

What is the Pointz for Petz Community Challenge?
Neopets has a new sponsor trivia activity sponsored by the Nintendo DS game Ubisoft Petz Nursery. The challenge begins at the Petz Main Page.

About the Challenge:
Ready to join? First, make sure you�ve signed up so that you can participate. (You do not need to join a team for this challenge, but you must be logged in to your Neopets account.) The challenge begins November 13 and ends December 11, 2009.

Pointz for Petz
That Growth Meter won�t fill itself. We need you to work together with the team to earn Pointz and fill it up. For every level that your team reaches on the Growth Meter, big rewards await, especially if you reach the One Million Pointz mark on the meter, so let�s get going!

Here�s how you can earn Pointz:
  • Play the Petz Naptime Nursery mini-game! Every time you submit your score for the game (up to 3 times daily), you will receive 2 Pointz for every 500 points earned within the game.
  • Answer the daily trivia question about animals for Neopoints and also Petz Pointz! You�ll earn 25 Pointz for a correct answer.
  • You can find out all about the new Petz Nursery Nintendo DS Video Game and earn 10 Pointz each time you watch the video up to 3 times a day. (Choose Menu, then "Check out Petz Nursery Video Game".)
Don�t be a scaredy-cat! Come join the fun!

What is the reward for participating?
On December 10, 2009, participants received the following neomail:
We've collected ONE MILLION POINTZ for the Growth Meter!
Congratulations!! Neopia has now hit 1 MILLION Pointz on the Growth Meter! Give yourself a pat on the back. We couldn't have done it without you. And while you're at it, check out your inventory to see what your prize is!

Known prize items received:

Autumn Sunset Daisy

Pandaphant Puppet

Trivia Questions

Date Question Answer
December 13 What can you give your cat to keep its claws in good shape? Scratching post
December 12 What are elephant tusks? Teeth
December 11 What age are polar bear cubs when they leave their mothers? 2-3 years
December 10 What are the pointy parts on a giraffe's head? Horns
December 9 How many stripes does a tiger have? 100-150
December 8 How do cats clean themselves? Licking
December 7 What bird in America has a wingspan of 9 feet? California Condor
December 6 Where do yaks live? Tibet
December 5 How soon after a zebra is born can it run? 1 hour
December 4 What does avian mean? Bird
December 3 Where do aardvarks live? Africa
December 2 How long have dragonflies been around? 200 million years
December 1 Where does an orangutan sleep? In the trees
November 30 Why do rattlesnakes rattle? As a warning
November 29 What should you study to be a zookeeper? Biology
November 28 What do garter snakes eat? Insects
This is incorrect; garter snakes are carnivores that will eat any mammal that can fit in their mouths
November 27 What does a veterinarian do? All of these
November 26 How can you tell if your dog may need to shed a few pounds? You can't feel his ribs
November 25 What are good toys for pet rats? All of these
November 24 What is the number one rule of bird handling? Be gentle
November 23 What should you feed your dog? Dog food
November 22 Why do sharks attack people? All of these
November 21 Why do dogs have black lips? To protect against sunburns
November 20 Why do horses stamp their hind feet? To get rid of flies
November 19 How far can a hamster run on his wheel in one night? 6 miles
November 18 What color are a kitten's eyes? Blue
November 17 Where do Guinea Pigs come from? South America
November 16 What Animal has the biggest ears? African Elephant