Robot Pets

What's on this page?
Robot pets are very interesting pets to look at, they are wearing casings, but what is underneath those casings? On this page the mystery is revealed to you. This page shows you in the first image the robot pet in full robot clothing, and the second image shows you the robot pet without any clothing on. If you have a robot pet, you can choose to make your pet look like either of these versions.

Note: This page is no longer being updated. You can see all the robot pets available at our rainbowpool (as well as what they look like without their casings, if you click on the species you want to see): Robot Pets - SN Rainbowpool.

Robot Acara

Robot Acara without casing

Robot Aisha

Robot Aisha without casing

Robot Blumaroo

Robot Blumaroo without casing

Robot Bori

Robot Bori without casing

Robot Buzz

Robot Buzz without casing

Robot Chia

Robot Chia without casing

Robot Chomby

Robot Chomby without casing

Robot Cybunny

Robot Cybunny without casing

Robot Draik

Robot Draik without casing

Robot Elephante

Robot Elephante without casing

Robot Eyrie

Robot Eyrie without casing

Robot Flotsam

Robot Flotsam without casing

Robot Gelert

Robot Gelert without casing

Robot Gnorbu

Robot Gnorbu without casing

Robot Grarrl

Robot Grarrl without casing

Robot Grundo

Robot Grundo without casing

Robot Hissi

Robot Hissi without casing

Robot Ixi

Robot Ixi without casing

Robot Jetsam

Robot Jetsam without casing

Robot JubJub

Robot JubJub without casing

Robot Kacheek

Robot Kacheek without casing

Robot Kau

Robot Kau without casing

Robot Kiko

Robot Kiko without casing

Robot Koi

Robot Koi without casing

Robot Korbat

Robot Korbat without casing

Robot Kougra

Robot Kougra without casing

Robot Krawk

Robot Krawk without casing

Robot Kyrii

Robot Kyrii without casing

Robot Lenny

Robot Lenny without casing

Robot Lupe

Robot Lupe without casing

Robot Meerca

Robot Meerca without casing

Robot Moehog

Robot Moehog without casing

Robot Mynci

Robot Mynci without casing

Robot Nimmo

Robot Nimmo without casing

Robot Peophin

Robot Peophin without casing

Robot Poogle

Robot Poogle without casing

Robot Pteri

Robot Pteri without casing

Robot Quiggle

Robot Quiggle without casing

Robot Ruki

Robot Ruki without casing

Robot Shoyru

Robot Shoyru without casing

Robot Skeith

Robot Skeith without casing

Robot Techo

Robot Techo without casing

Robot Tonu

Robot Tonu without casing

Robot Tuskaninny

Robot Tuskaninny without casing

Robot Uni

Robot Uni without casing

Robot Usul

Robot Usul without casing

Robot Wocky

Robot Wocky without casing

Robot Xweetok

Robot Xweetok without casing

Robot Yurble

Robot Yurble without casing

Robot Zafara

Robot Zafara without casing