SunnyNeo Wants A Paint Brush!

Sunny Paint Brush
SunnyNeo wants to convince Neopets to create a Sunny Paint Brush. We'd love to see Neopets colored and dressed up showing their support for SunnyNeo. We've created a Paint Brush and painted a pet. However we need your help! Please help us create a look for all the species of pets so that it will be easy for Neopets to implement the brush.

  • We need at least one entry per species, so please branch out
  • Make the entry contain 1-2 wearables such as a necklace, or a bruce bow
  • One entry per person per species. So you can submit one for each pet, but not 10 for Aisha
  • Image size must match 300x300 and be standard converted pets (so they can be dressed)
  • Put your entries on a petpage and Neomail them to Jujipup

Sunny Paint Brush

Sunny Poogle with Cloud Rope Necklace

Name of section


Thanks, Danilee3240


With Motion Lines and Sun Tattoo
Thanks, Gillogical


With Bee Tattoo
Thanks, Gillogical


Thanks, Danilee3240


Thanks, Danilee3240


With Bee Tattoo and Sun and Cloud Barrette
Thanks, Pyrosandstorm