Wishing Well

Visiting the Wishing Well
The Wishing Well is located in the Neopian Plaza, as shown on the map below.

Neopian Plaza

When you visit the Wishing Well, you will be allowed to make a wish for a specific item in return for a Neopoint donation. The amount of Neopoints you donate does not have an effect on whether or not your wish comes true, provided that you donate at least 21 NP (below that, your wish will not be taken into consideration).

Below, we have provided a preview for you of what the page looks like. To make a wish, simply type in the exact name of your desired item and the quantity of Neopoints you are donating and click "Make a Wish."
The Wishing Well!

Here, you are able to make a small donation to the well and make a wish for an item that you would like to possess.

Note: Be sure to type in the object name such as "paint brush" or "Negg" or "bike." The magic well isn't very clever and will sometimes get confused as to what you want! Also, don't expect a fast response...the well sleeps for 18 hours a day.

UPDATE - Now the well will give out prizes four times daily instead of two!

Amount of Donation
What item do you wish for?


After you make your wish, the page will reload and the message shown below will appear above the donation box. You can make 7 wishes per 12 hour period; after that, they stop being taken into consideration.
Thanks for your donation of 22 NP!!!

If the well grants your wish it will be in touch via Neomail!

The Wishing Well gives out prizes twice a day, to a total of twenty people. (On the page it says four times a day, but that is because it awards prizes in groups of five people. It does two groups, twice a day.) It is unclear when exactly the prizes are awarded.

The Wishing Well will only award items that are R89 and under. If you take a look at previous winners, you will see they were all awarded the same sorts of items: e.g., Neopets 15th Birthday Goodie Bag, Bag of Peanuts, etc... items which are under R89 but are very expensive!! So those are the sorts of items you want to wish for.

There is a Wishing Well avatar! To get it, you must donate 48,673 NP. The item you wish for does not matter. You are allowed to collect the avatar on side accounts (see NT editorial below for reference).

It was unknown how to get the avatar for the longest time. Here at SN we had a Wishing Well Project going with help from the neopets community to try to figure it out.

Make a wish at the Wishing Well with 48673 nps. It doesn't matter what item you wish for.

Make sure its one of your first 7 wishes since the well last granted wishes. We assume this is every 12 hours. But we are testing to find out.

w i s h i n ❜
for my dream to come true¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

NT Editorials
The wishing well has been featured in the Neopian Times Editorial quite frequently. Here are a few of the more important questions.

Just a quick one, TNT. Hopefully you can clear this up: are people allowed to get the Wishing Well avatar on their sides, or is it to be classed as "multi-accounting," as technically you could win the item you wish for on multiple accounts, giving you an unfair advantage? If you could clear this up so people don't get iced, I'm sure they'd love you forever. ~bazzingah

We've considered it and decided that getting the Wishing Well avatar on multiple accounts is fine.

Question #7,705, archived from Editorial Issue 524 · Published 2011-12-09


542 days. It took 542 days to figure out the Wishing Well avatar. That's 1 year, 5 months, and 42 days. Are you glad you don't have to read thousands of questions sent here on how to get it? Though, I suppose you're now probably getting asked why [you chose that number]... ~perduco

Indeed, we've gotten several questions regarding the significance of the Wishing Well NP amount. We asked Dragona what her inspiration was, and this was her response:

"Well, I came up with the idea for the avatar after thinking of various different ways to remove excess Neopoints from the economy. I figured players would either start at 1 or 99,999 and work their way up or down, therefore I decided to go for a middle range number. So, I carefully typed in the first digit... then repeatedly smashed my face against my numpad until I had four more. No, I'm not kidding."

Question #7,713, archived from Editorial Issue 524 · Published 2011-12-09


I had my wish come true. Yeah, it's not a good thing! I wished for a Meepit! I know the well gets confused, but it could have given me something rare! I got a Meepit... STENCIL!!! Is this a cruel sense of humor? ~annabelch12_19

We always do feel a tinge of guilt when we see players wishing for a Baby Paint Brush and being given a Baby Brush Plushie. :X Please remember that it's just a wishing well. It's not very bright, and it doesn't have the ability to grant such lofty wishes as paint brushes.

Question #8,981, archived from Editorial Issue 618 · Published 2013-10-25


Is it possible to win a birthday Petpet from the Wishing Well? I want to make sure I'm not wishing in vain. :) (My gallery needs those delicio--err, cute Petpets!) ~antzie

No. The Wishing Well isn't capable of awarding such rare Petpets. You can get them either from the Petpet Lab Ray or the Neopets 14th Birthday Goodie Bag that restocks in the toy store. It will restock there for at least a year, so don't panic. We still haven't decided if we will retire it or not, as they became far more popular than we ever could have guessed!

P.S.: The Neopets 14th Birthday Goodie Bag that can possibly contain the birthday Petpets is something the Wishing Well can grant, though! ;) In fact, it seems it's currently the #1 wish!

Question #9,021, archived from Editorial Issue 622 · Published 2013-11-22


Hi, TNT. I was just wondering: is it possible to wish for and possibly be granted NC Mall items at the Wishing Well? *bows down and places cookie at feet* Also, I just wished for a Super Attack Pea. What are my chances? ~oceanseajub

Sorry, the Wishing Well can't grant Neocash items, and we're afraid that your chances of getting a Super Attack Pea at the Wishing Well are zero. It's a wishing well; it just doesn't have access to such rare things.

Question #7,642, archived from Editorial Issue 518 · Published 2011-10-28