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SunnyNeo's Haunted Candy Quest

At the end of October in 2016, SunnyNeo came out with its very own event: Haunted Candy Quest! You had to find candies, haunting beings, and answer riddles. Did you remember it all?

What We Need

All we need is your username, what flavor candies you found, what species of Neopets you found, where you found them, and the answers to the riddles.

Simple Rules

Below are just a few simple rules to enter.

  • Please only participate on one of your accounts (note, this account will appear on a SunnyNeo page for the event).

  • Try not to share answers (not that we can control that, but the more people with all the answers correct, will diminish trophies of those who really put in the effort and correctly answered all on their own).

  • This was meant to be fun, so please do so!

  • There will be trophy graphics as prizes based on points earned. First Place, Second Place, Third Place, Participated.


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On the application it will again mention that your age must be 13+ and still does not apply.

Tick this box to confirm that you are over the age of 13