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Setting Up This pageThis page was set up with two sections with the left being wider, and the right being narrower. If you want a page to look like this, then use:Just by putting the page number in where you want it to show, then it'll work for you. Just be sure you remove the page in the code as it is now first (see page one for those instructions). Hope that wasn't too confusing. |
IdeasPerhaps put a story for your pet in the larger section, and in this section put their wearables, petpet, artwork, etc in here.Oh look! A slightly smaller divider to fit the smaller sections. Hurray! |
More IdeasWhat could you put with this page set up? Perhaps you could put your goals in the larger section with some details like when you'd like to accomplish them, how its coming, and why you are going for it. In this smaller section you could put completed goals and what date you completed them. |
Making This PageThis page was set up with two sections with the left being wider, and the right being narrower. If you want a page to look like this, then use:Just by putting the page number in where you want it to show, then it'll work for you. Just be sure you remove the page in the code as it is now first (see page one for those instructions). Hope that wasn't too confusing. |
Fancy StuffThis page gets a little more fancy. This has one larger section with two smaller sections stacked atop each other at the larger ones right side. If you want a page to look like this, then use:Just by putting the page number in where you want it to show, then it'll work for you. Just be sure you remove the page in the code as it is now first (see page one for those instructions). Hope that wasn't too confusing. |
Thoughts?Oh the possibilities you could use this page for...What about if you wanted to keep track of your stamp collecting? You could put a snapshot or table of your stamp album as they are, and in the two mini sections put stamps you need and about what their price is. Perhaps the top section are a certain price range or stamps you want to get first. The second section could be more expensive stamps or stamps you're waiting on. |
MoreAnother idea. You could put a snapshot of your neohome in the larger section, and then put items you want to add in the mini sections. Maybe group them by pet, theme, indoor/outdoor, price, whatever you'd like. |
Art?Perhaps you want to use this as your art page? You can group each section for art theme like pets or style of art (anthro/quad/pixel/drawing/etc). One of these mini's would be great for pixel art! |
The CodeThis page gets a little more fancy. This has one larger section with two smaller sections stacked atop each other at the larger ones left side. If you want a page to look like this, then use:Just by putting the page number in where you want it to show, then it'll work for you. Just be sure you remove the page in the code as it is now first (see page one for those instructions). Hope that wasn't too confusing. |
Anything Else?Or perhaps you could have the larger section full of finished art by you, one of the mini's art you received from others, and the other mini for sketches or ideas for your next drawing. |
CodeThis page has the most sections. This page has four square sections, two by two. If you want a page to look like this, then use:Just by putting the page number in where you want it to show, then it'll work for you. Just be sure you remove the page in the code as it is now first (see page one for those instructions). Hope that wasn't too confusing. |
Idea 1Perhaps you can use this style to keep track of your 4 (side) accounts. You can list all pets on each account, your gallery themes on each, etc. |
Idea 2Or perhaps you want to use each section for one pet. Items you want to get them, things you want to accomplish like their lookup, gourmet food, books, battledome equipment, whatever. |
Idea 3The possibilities are endless. Get creative! Use the versatility of this layout to your benefit. |
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