

All HTML and Stylesheets must be recognized as safe by our filter and all code must be properly formatted. This will protect you and your Neopets from deranged code Mynci. You will receive an error notice if the Filter finds a problem, otherwise it simply accepts it. Learn more about the hows and the whys here.


All HTML and Stylesheets must be recognized as safe by our filter and all code must be properly formatted. This will protect you and your Neopets from deranged code Mynci. You will receive an error notice if the Filter finds a problem, otherwise it simply accepts it. Learn more about the hows and the whys here.


This is bold, underlined, italic and a link.

All HTML and Stylesheets must be recognized as safe by our filter and all code must be properly formatted. This will protect you and your Neopets from deranged code Mynci. You will receive an error notice if the Filter finds a problem, otherwise it simply accepts it. Learn more about the hows and the whys here.

welcome to my petpage

All HTML and Stylesheets must be recognized as safe by our filter and all code must be properly formatted. This will protect you and your Neopets from deranged code Mynci. You will receive an error notice if the Filter finds a problem, otherwise it simply accepts it. Learn more about the hows and the whys here. All HTML and Stylesheets must be recognized as safe by our filter and all code must be properly formatted. This will protect you and your Neopets from deranged code Mynci. You will receive an error notice if the Filter finds a problem, otherwise it simply accepts it. Learn more about the hows and the whys here.

welcome to my petpage

All HTML and Stylesheets must be recognized as safe by our filter and all code must be properly formatted. This will protect you and your Neopets from deranged code Mynci. You will receive an error notice if the Filter finds a problem, otherwise it simply accepts it. Learn more about the hows and the whys here. All HTML and Stylesheets must be recognized as safe by our filter and all code must be properly formatted. This will protect you and your Neopets from deranged code Mynci. You will receive an error notice if the Filter finds a problem, otherwise it simply accepts it. Learn more about the hows and the whys here.

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