kaikochi the Maraquan Acara


kaikochi has a Petpet!

inochi the Maraquan Swabby
(1985 days and 11 hours old)
Owner: kendall (faerieskater2)

kaikochi likes gathering food.
When meeting others, kaikochi would act very friendly.

- Attributes -

Age: 1,985 days old (47,663 hours)
Level: High
Gender: Female
Height: 39 cms.
Weight: 75 lbs.

Fishing Skill: 0

Jobs Completed: 0
Jobs Failed: 0
Job Rank: Intern

- Battledome Stats -

Hit Points: 16 / 132
Strength: LEGENDARY (132)
Defence: LEGENDARY (132)
Movement: AMAZING (98)
Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (232)

Played: 11
Won: 4
Lost: 7
Drawn: 0
Score: 309

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