Heads Up! You're about to leave Neopia!

You've clicked on a link that will take you outside of
Neopets.com. We do not control your destination's website,
so its rules, regulations, and Meepit defense systems will be
different! Are you sure you'd like to continue?

It is a journey
I must face...alone.
*dramatic music*
I want to stay on Neopets,
where the dangers of
Meepit invasion
are taken seriously.
Heads Up! You're about to leave Neopia!

You've clicked on a link that will take you outside of
Neopets.com. We do not control your destination's website,
so its rules, regulations, and Meepit defense systems will be
different! Are you sure you'd like to continue?

It is a journey
I must face...alone.
*dramatic music*
I want to stay on Neopets,
where the dangers of
Meepit invasion
are taken seriously.
Heads Up! You're about to leave Neopia!

You've clicked on a link that will take you outside of
Neopets.com. We do not control your destination's website,
so its rules, regulations, and Meepit defense systems will be
different! Are you sure you'd like to continue?

It is a journey
I must face...alone.
*dramatic music*
I want to stay on Neopets,
where the dangers of
Meepit invasion
are taken seriously.
User Lookup: SunnyNeo


Write a short about me hereWrite a short about me hereWrite a short about me hereWrite a short about me hereWrite a short about me hereWrite a short about me hereWrite a short about me hereWrite a short about me hereWrite a short about me hereWrite a short about me hereWrite a short about me here

User Info
Name: kendall
Gender: Female
Country: United States

Status: Offline - Doing Stuff
Last Spotted: Under one day ago
Started Playing: April 20, 2004

Hobbies: Computer Programming, Books and Literature, Eating Socks

Guild: Lazy Bum in SunnyNeo



Send a Message
Make NeoFriend

Secret Avatars:


Site Themes:

Key Quest Tokens:

36 (30 unique)

My First NeoDeck
18 cards (16 unique)
+ Premium Cards

One Player BD Wins:
3353 out of 3443
Shop & Gallery

Shop: expired gnome villa
Size: 50

Gallery: gnome villa
Size: 61

  • Nyuszia
    Female Aisha
    Age: 3,537 days
    Level: 13

  • Edaveer
    Female Aisha
    Age: 1,913 days
    Level: 27

  • KatieCutie11
    Female Poogle
    Age: 6,122 days
    Level: 349

  • alan_rogers
    Female Blumaroo
    Age: 3,934 days
    Level: 1

  • piik
    Female Hissi
    Age: 2,422 days
    Level: 5

  • railari
    Female Chomby
    Age: 2,563 days
    Level: 25
Games and Trophies
Games Played: 377

- Site Event Trophies -

(501 points)

(10 points)
(Rank 2)

Dune Explorer
(23,800 points)

Royal Astronomer

Altador Cup
2nd Place (Supporter)

Lucky Guesser

Honorary Mayor of Neovia
(42,300 points)

Isle Seeker

Altador Cup II
3rd Place (Starting Player)

Level 8
Games Master

Defender of the Cosmos
(62,240 points)

Daily Dare 2008

Altador Cup III

Atlas of the Ancients

Level 7
Games Master

Daily Dare 2010

Altador Cup V

Level 8
Games Master

Saviour of the Faeries
(146,050 points)

Daily Dare 2011

Altador Cup VI
Rank Level 1

Level 5
Games Master

Level 2
Games Master

Battledome Veteran

Obelisk War

Altador Cup VIII
Rank Level 1

Daily Dare 2013
Participation Trophy

Level 4
Games Master

Charity Corner 2015

Winter Charity Corner

Daily Dare 2017
Silver Trophy

- Site Feature Trophies -

(1324 fed)

Defender of Neopia
(Mission 17)

Defender of Neopia Series 2
(Mission 5)

Lucky Space Faerie Charm

Lutari Talisman

NC Mall Album

- Game Trophies -

Third place at Pyramid Bonus!!
Third place at
Pyramid Bonus!!
Second place at Sakhmet Solitaire Bonus!!
Second place at
Sakhmet Solitaire Bonus!!
Mystery Pic 2xCHAMPION!!!
Mystery Pic 2xCHAMPION!!!
Lenny Conundrum 9xCHAMPION!!!
Lenny Conundrum 9xCHAMPION!!!
Neopian Times 2xCHAMPION!!!
Neopian Times 2xCHAMPION!!!
Third place at Cheat!!!
Third place at
Third place at Better Than You!!
Third place at
Better Than You!!
Beating Punchbag Bob CHAMPION!!!
Beating Punchbag Bob CHAMPION!!!
Second place at Illusens Glade!!
Second place at
Illusens Glade!!
Third place at Plushie Tycoon!!
Third place at
Plushie Tycoon!!
Runner-up medal at Invasion of Meridell!!
Runner-up medal at
Invasion of Meridell!!
Third place at Cellblock!!
Third place at
Third place at Random Contest!!
Third place at
Random Contest!!
Second place at Ice Cream Machine!!
Second place at
Ice Cream Machine!!
Third place at Feed Florg!!
Third place at
Feed Florg!!
Third place at Eye of the Storm!!
Third place at
Eye of the Storm!!
Second place at MAGAX: Destroyer II!!
Second place at
MAGAX: Destroyer II!!
Third place at Techo Says!!
Third place at
Techo Says!!


NC Mall Album

NC Collectible
Collector's Album

NC Wish List