Faerie Fragments received an update which includes two new rewards. If you have already passed these levels they are immediately available to claim.
One is a stamp which goes in Faerieland II for beating level 650:
And the other is an avatar for beating level 700. It does +1 to your count.

Faerie Fragments - Professional Matchmaker – Finish the story (level 700) in the mobile game Faerie Fragments.
As promised this week on February 13th, Premium users will be given a random NC Fortune Cookie. Fortune Cookies have officially been given out today, February 15th, to all Premium users, and will continue to become a monthly giveaway.
February's Premium Collectible is starting to be sent out. This month's festive collectible is: Premium Collectible: Heart Sugar Cookies Foreground.

Not a Premium member, but want all the perks? Check out Neopets' Premium Portal for more information.
Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate the holiday! Uni and Hissi can now be painted Valentine. Our Rainbow Pool has been updated!
Additionally, the NC Mall has a FREE goodie bag to claim and will be available to grab until February 28th.

An item will appear when you choose to open the goodie bag:

Happy Lenny Day! Lenny can now be painted Strawberry! The Shadow Shard Lenny outfit and beak wearables can all be found in Cog's Togs. Our Rainbow Pool database has been updated!
As of Monday, February 10th, all Neopians who are have a Premium subscription are able to submit 4 scores per game. This is 1 extra submission than users who do not have premium. This is also in addition to other premium subscription perks that you can receive such as having access fo the Super Shop Wizard (SSW), more pet slots, free species change, and more! Head on over to membership to become a premium member!
Happy Zafara Day! Zafara can now be painted Oil Paint! The Vintage Boxer Zafara outfit can be found in Uni's Clothing Shop, and the Fluffy Zafara Markings can be found in Cog's Togs. Our Rainbow Pool database has been updated!