PPL List

On Neopets there is an organisation called the Petpet Protection League. This group of Neopians rewards people who have owned a petpet for a long time with a shiny trophy and 10 neopoints for each day of ownership. Over time many different petpets have won the competition, some have even won twice. On neopets there is no easy way to see which petpets have won and which ones have not, which is why we have created this easy list. You can browse by colour, species or week number. Say you want to see if any Noils have won the PPL, simply type in Noil, and put the dropdown menu to petpet. Similarly if you want to see which faerie petpets have won, type faerie into the search box and put the dropdown to colour.

Week Number Colour Petpet Image
306 Unpainted Manjeer
305 Unpainted Wuzzer
304 Unpainted Robocrush
303 Unpainted Blugar
302 Unpainted Batterfly
301 Red Slugawoo
300 Green Ultra Pinceron
299 Unpainted Hornsby
298 Blue Tigermouse
297 Unpainted Pickulsaur
296 Unpainted Fleurbik
295 Glowing Wuzzle
294 Unpainted Babith
293 Unpainted Noak
292 Green Quadrone
291 Unpainted Hooklen
290 Unpainted Gobbler
289 Unpainted Snotbunny
288 Unpainted Blurtle
287 Unpainted Kateil
286 Unpainted Uggazew
285 Unpainted Devilpuss
284 Unpainted Alabriss
283 Unpainted Nupie
282 Unpainted Kepru
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