This is filler space. Hide stuff here?
This is a block of text used to portray actual writing! I can not wait to see what people actually write in these! This is a block of text used to portray actual writing! I can not wait to see what people actually write in these! This is a block of text used to portray actual writing! I can not wait to see what people actually write in these! This is a block of text used to portray actual writing! I can not wait to see what people actually write in these! This is a block of text used to portray actual writing! I can not wait to see what people actually write in these!This is a block of text used to portray actual writing! I can not wait to see what people actually write in these!

Welcome to my petpage! The following should help you out while customizing the lookup to your own needs!


You can style Neopets Item images to look like the above using the .restock css code! Just add class="restock" into your image HTML!
You can also make your images rounded with the border by adding style="border-radius:85px;" to each img code! (does not work in css)


Total taxes based on restock value: 1,436,960!
Yikes! Better visit the bank before he gets angry!!

(You can edit this to fit your needs, or remove it.)

This Table cell automatically adjusts to 75% of your pages width! Change as needed!

Heading #1

Heading #2

Heading #3

Due to the limitations set by neopets we can not set up the headers to look how we REALLY wanted them to.
The best example is the WELCOME TO MY PETPAGE at the top and Latest Restock Images.
If you have a graphics program the Font used in the images are IMPACT, with the color #fdce00, and a bold black stroke!

We hope that they will work for your needs!

^You can use the above image to set a divider or by using a HR html code!
There are no limits to what you may add to the page (that We set anyway)

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