The Wraith Resurgence

Table Of Contents Neopets Pages

Taelia's Brewing Centre
At Taelia's Brewing Centre, you are suppose to try and get Taelia to brew you some of her potions.

Click on the scroll in the bottom left corner to view her notes.

For the first potion, Taelia is looking for 3x Wraith Ectoplasm, those can be one by winning against the Snapjaw Wraith in the Battledome.

Wraith Ectoplasm

After you received the needed Wraith Ectoplasm, return to Taelia and turn the ingedients in by clicking their name on the scroll.

Be sure to brew two potions. Once you have brewed them, go to the Giant Omelette and the Giant Jelly. There, use the potions to clear up the purple haze.

Potion Brewing
Below is a table of the potions you can brew, what you need and where to get them.

Source Ingredients Created Potion Clear Locations

Snapjaw Wraith

Wraith Ectoplasm
Qty: 3

Taelias Concoction I
Giant Omelette

Giant Jelly

Deathball Wraith

Wraith Fur
Qty: 2

Taelias Concoction II
Soup Kitchen

Kitchen Quests

Snapjaw Wraith

Deathball Wraith

Wraith Ectoplasm
Qty: 2

Wraith Claw
Qty: 1

Taelias Concoction III
Apple Bobbing

Pick Your Own

Deathball Wraith

Wraith Claw
Qty: 1

Wraith Fur
Qty: 1

Taelias Concoction IV
Money Tree

Rubbish Dump

Deathball Wraith

Wind Rider Wraith

Wraith Fur
Qty: 1

Wraith Fang
Qty: 1

Taelias Concoction V
Underwater Fishing

Healing Springs

Deathball Wraith

Wind Rider Wraith

Wraith Claw
Qty: 1

Wraith Fang
Qty: 2

Taelias Concoction VI
Island Mystic

Training School

Hulking Wraith

Deathball Wraith

Wraith Blood
Qty: 1

Wraith Fur
Qty: 1

Wraith Claw
Qty: 1

Taelias Concoction VII
Discarded Grundo Plushie

Hulking Wraith

Wind Rider Wraith

Wraith Blood
Qty: 2

Wraith Fang
Qty: 1

Taelias Concoction VIII
Coltzans Shrine

Wind Rider Wraith

Hulking Wraith

Deathball Wraith

Wraith Fang
Qty: 1

Wraith Blood
Qty: 2

Wraith Claw
Qty: 1

Taelias Concoction IX

Snapjaw Wraith

Deathball Wraith

Wind Rider Wraith

Hulking Wraith

Wraith Ectoplasm
Qty: 1

Wraith Fur
Qty: 1

Wraith Claw
Qty: 1

Wraith Fang
Qty: 1

Wraith Blood
Qty: 1

Taelias Concoction X
Fruit Machine