Daily Puzzle

What is Daily Puzzle?
Daily puzzle is a small trivia question at Community Central. This puzzle was started on April 26th, 2007. This is the day that Neopets got a drastic layout change. If you give the correct answer to the trivia question, you will receive neopoints and/or items. Below you can see the previous questions, answers and rewards. The daily puzzle was removed from Neopets on March 18th, but since May 1st it's back! Since July 2nd 2012, the puzzle is hosted on the new Community Hub page.

The answer that is written in bold & highlighted is the correct answer to the question.

November 2019
Date Question Reward
30th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
29th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
28th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
27th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
26th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
25th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
24th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
23rd November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
22nd November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
21st November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
20th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
19th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
18th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
17th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
16th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
15th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
14th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
13th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
12th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
11th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
10th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
9th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
8th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
7th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
6th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
5th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
4th November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
3rd November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
2nd November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.
1st November

Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible?

Strong Forever Glue
Starry Uni Glue
Automatic Glue Stick
Meerca Brothers Glue
You have been awarded 299 NP.